Sony Playstation VR Demos In GameStop This Year–Out For Purchase October 2016

Virtual reality is an emerging entertainment and educational tool.

Sony Playstation VR Demos In GameStop This Year–Out For Purchase October 2016

Virtual reality is an emerging entertainment and educational tool. It is a facet in almost all innovative ventures. Sony, a long time titan in video game making and platforming industry, is throwing its hat into the VR ring. Announced as Playstation VR, or PSVR, Sony is releasing its own version. However, unlike the pricey HTC and Oculus Rift, the Playstation VR is selling for approximately $500 USD (as opposed the usual $600-$800).

In an attempt to stay ahead of the game, Sony announces an early release of its VR platform–months ahead of other competitive VR platforms.

And thing seem to be coming up Sony, recently, as Occulus Rift and Vive shipment have been announcedas delayed. No stranger to successful and long console campaign launches, Sony is confident that their newest venture into virtual reality will result in success, with President and Global CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc, Andrew Housestating:

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