Black Ops 3 Map Pays Homage to Marshawn Lynch

Developer Treyarch uses Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 to pay homage to the Seattle Seahawks’ former running back Marshawn Lynch for his recent retirement.

Considering Marshawn Lynch’s turn as a villainin Treyarch’s Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 , the video game developer decided it would pay tribute to the popular Seattle Seahawks’ running back’s retirement in the first-person shooter’s multiplayer map Combine. Interestingly enough, the nod is subtle, as the studio decided to make several changes to some of the lab numbers in the level by altering them to reflect Lynch’s NFL jersey number of 24, and his University of California, Berkeley number of 10.

Treyarch quietly made the changes in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 with no official announcement, but even so, the dedication to Lynch is definitely pretty great. After all, not only did the former National Football League star make a cameo in the game, but he also spent a decent amount of his time promoting it as well, doing numerous ads and press junkets for the release prior to the title’s launch.

Plus, with Lynch having made his retirement announcement on this year’s Super BowlSunday earlier this week, developers certainly did a good job by making the changes so quickly. For those fans interested to check out the newly minted Easter eggs, they can watch YouTuber chaosxsilencer’s video below documenting the alterations.

The decision made by Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 ‘s development team to emblazon Lynch’s jersey number across the Combine map may be a small one, but at the very least, it shows that Treyarch is a company that is projecting itself as being on the pulse of current events. Not to mention, making the changes is a solid show of appreciation on the studio’s part for the work Lynch put into the production process.

It seems as if Marshawn Lynch and video game news are inseparable as of late, for just recently, the five time Pro Bowl player made an appearance during Conan O’Brien’s Clueless Gamer segment for DOOM with Josh Norman and Von Miller that aired prior to the Panthers’ and Broncos’ championship match-up. As it happens, Lynch has been apart of the talk show host’s gaming piece in the past to promote Black Ops 3 , so maybe he’ll become a recurring guest on the late night program with his retirement giving him some free time.

Speaking of which, considering Lynch’s performance in Black Ops 3 was brief, perhaps Beast Mode will take part in future Call of Duty projects and further his career with acting in video games. Who knows? Stranger things have certainly happened.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is out now and is available for PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Source: chaosxsilencer – YouTube(via Game Informer)