PewDiePie Will Appear on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert

Late night talk shows have had an interesting relationship with the gaming industry.

Late night talk shows have had an interesting relationship with the gaming industry. There are late night talk show hosts like Jimmy Fallon, who have the utmost respect for the gaming industry and often highlight video games on their program. And then there are hosts like Jimmy Kimmel, who deride video games and hobbies that have extended from video games, such as Let’s Plays.

With the video gaming industry now the largest entertainment industry in the world, it’s no surprise that we’re seeing video games dominate the discussions more often on the late night circuit, and now late night TV’s newest host will be tackling gaming on his show.

Stephen Colbert, host of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on CBS, will have a couple of video game related guests on his show next week. The first will appear on Thursday, October 1st in the form of PewDiePie, who will be appearing for an interview and a demonstration. What the demonstration is exactly isn’t said, but smart money is that it has something to do with Let’s Plays.

The second guest is Sean Murray of Hello Games, a developer on the upcoming. He will appear on The Late Show the day after PewDiePie, on Friday, October 2nd. Like PewDiePie, Murray will be appearing for an interview as well as to give a demonstration. It’s reasonable to assume that Murray will be there to show off No Man’s Sky , which is exciting as this means the game will be shown to more people than ever before.

PewDiePie BroFist

PewDiePie BroFist

It makes sense for The Late Show to have PewDiePie as a guest, as his star power is undeniable at this point. He has transcended the world of YouTube videos and has become a part of popular culture, thanks to his appearances onand his own PewDiePie video game project. Sean Murray is a bit more surprising, as he is not exactly famous by any means. However, No Man’s Sky is a game that has a lot of “wow” factor that will assuredly dazzle Colbert’s audience, even those that typically stay away from video games.

Colbert’s late night run has already been memorable, and these guests will hopefully bring in a younger audience for The Late Show . It’s especially exciting that Sean Murray of Hello Games will be appearing on the program, presumably to show off No Man’s Sky , as the game is an incredibly impressive title that is sure to wow even non-gamers with its galaxy that takes billions of years to explore. Potentially, this kind of exposure could show some of the older generation that are typically the demographic for these kinds of programs that video games have matured quite a bit and are deserving of the same respect as film or television.

Will you be watching PewDiePie or Sean Murray on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert ? What other gaming figures would you like to see appear on Colbert’s show in the future?

Source: GameSpot