Halo 5: Guardians Campaign Length Revealed

That’s right the entire length of the Halo Guardians Campaign has been revealed.

Halo 5: Guardians Campaign Length Revealed

That’s right the entire length of the Halo Guardians Campaign has been revealed. Also known as the length of the of story line, for those familiar and into the mythos has been revealed. We’ve been hearing lots of goodies lately and here’s what they revealed about the campaign side of things.

The campaign will be somewhere between 8-12 hours according to Gamespot. Compared to say Halo 4 which people believed the campaign was 6-8 hours their may be some extra content and goodies available. For a game that has taken over 3 years says Gamespotthis is going to be one intense experience.

Even after you complete the 15 missions there’s secret skulls to go back and find as well as eight diverse characters to replay the campaign with.  These eight are split into two teams as well but it is unknown what the difference may be at this time.

Of course for most fans the meat is all in multiplayer which isn’t lacking with 21 playable levels off the bat and 18 on the way. Coming later this year will also be Forge mode with 1600 objects. Which basically means you’ll be building all kinds of crazy maps yourself. Plus we will all want to see the Halo World Championships. Which will have a million dollar prize pool. So Halo fans should get ready for a fun ride that won’t stop and will keep growing every month.

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