Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Is Like A Boomerang, Returning Once Again

A new E3 trailer reveals Square Enix is pushing back Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII to February 11, 2014 in North America, and three days later on February 14 in Europe.

to February 11, 2014 in North America, and three days later on February 14 in Europe. Square Enix was planning a fall 2013 arrival for the third entry in the Final Fantasy XIII line. The line has set a Final Fantasy first: having a trilogy, whereas the second to have a sequel, following the success of Final Fantasy X with the more risqué Final Fantasy X-2 .

Perhaps today’s news is paving the way for a next-gen launch. For now, Lightning ‘s return remains confirmed only for Xbox 360 and PS3.

As for the trailer itself, it reveals another return. The character you see besides our protagonist is Snow Villers, who’s sporting a very different look from the previous installments, but very much still looking for Lightning’s sister Serah.