The Future of Mobile Gaming: Moving Beyond Angry Birds and Endless Runners

Mobile gaming and traditional gaming platforms frequently attract different customers.

Mobile gaming and traditional gaming platforms frequently attract different customers. PC and console fans typically spend their money on games that feel worth the $60 purchase, which usually means a much larger time investment. Graphics are also typically more important in traditional gaming, and many players like in-depth stories rather than quick timesinks.

On the other hand, mobile gaming tends to be all about the quick distraction. The most popular games— Angry Birds , Candy Crush , andfor instance—can all be played in bite-sized chunks while waiting at the doctor’s office or on your lunch break. Games that take a little longer or require a little more investment—such as Device 6 —may not be as successful because, despite their quality, they don’t attract as large of an audience.

But what mobile gaming does have is potential. Games have largely been a static activity—something you do at rest—but taking our games with us could redefine how we play. With innovations like the Apple Watch and improved smartphone capability in the market, mobile gaming might have a lot more up its sleeve than flinging birds at flimsy structures.

Pokewalker Photo Pokewalker PhotoNintendo’s PokéWalker is just the tip of the iceberg for inventive mobile gaming technology. Image Source: Rafael Castillo via Flickr.

Mobile Gaming Could Make Exercise a Game

Pedometers aren’t exactly new technology, but as our mobile technology gets better, we have even more opportunities to turn everyday activities into games. Pokémon used this technology back with the release of their PokéWalker, technology integrated with HeartGold and SoulSilver that let players gain experience for their Pokémon by walking, along with some other features.

It isn’t much, but with improved technology, this kind of thing could be great. Imagine a traditional Pokémon game developed for mobile gaming, where playing in different places rewards you with different types of Pokémon, or being able to battle people you meet through a program like StreetPass. Even if Nintendo isn’t interested in pursuing these avenues, that doesn’t mean they’re off the market. With mobile gaming being a growing industry, other developers could easily snap up mechanics like these to develop their own games.

I Love Bees Screenshot I Love Bees ScreenshotImagine if Halo 2 ‘s I Love Bees alternate reality game had been developed with mobile gaming in mind. Image Source: Halo Wiki.

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