Call Of Duty: Black Ops’ Rezurrection Map Pack Gets A Live Action Trailer

‘Call Of Duty: Black Ops’ Rezurrection Map Pack Gets A Live Action Trailer
With the current saturation of the first-person shooter market, it’s inevitable that a select few series to emerge on top and stand as a reference point for other games in the genre.

Call Of Duty Black Ops Rezurrection Trailer

Call Of Duty Black Ops Rezurrection Trailer

With the current saturation of the first-person shooter market, it’s inevitable that a select few series to emerge on top and stand as a reference point for other games in the genre. Arguably the series at the forefront of the genre is none other than Call Of Duty . With the next iteration of the series nearing release, it’s easy to forget that the current iteration, Call Of Duty: Black Ops , has continued to receive steady batches of additional content ever since release.

The most recent downloadable content to be released for Black Ops , the Rezurrection map pack, gave players the opportunity to take the eternal struggle against the undead to a completely new battlefield: the moon. This meant players would not only have to contend with a new location, but also deal with brand new mechanicslike the lower gravity.

While there have been trailersreleased for the map pack which show off what gamers can expect in terms of gameplay, the newest trailer to be released for the recent Call Of Duty DLC takes a different approach by pairing gameplay footage with a live action short featuring the restless dead and their zero gravity exploits. Check it out below!


It’s always entertaining to see a company take an alternative approach to marketing a game or piece of downloadable content. Gamers are used to being fed gameplay highlight reels, so when a trailer comes along that incorporates some sort of short film or expansion of the game’s universe, more often than not, it’s welcomed with open arms. This trailer is no exception.

While gamers have come to expect a new zombie mapwith the release of each map pack, being given a glimpse of the game’s world represented in real life allows the player to build a stronger connection with the game world. Even though it may not happen on a conscious level, this connection that gamers are able to draw between the game world and the real world helps to increase the level of immersion that they experience, making the game that much more memorable and enjoyable.

Looking strictly at the trailer though, there’s a lot to love as the series’ zombies are shown off in all their glory, albeit in a more humorous light. It never seems to get old seeing a zombie falling apart in slow motion as it’s spun around in a centrifuge. Once the usual gameplay footage does make its appearance though, it feels all the more entertaining after seeing the zombies in action in the testing labs.

Even with Black Ops continuing to receive support in the form of extra content, it’s impossible to escape the massive amounts of news surrounding the series’ next release, Modern Warfare 3 . From the news that the Call Of Duty Elite beta has begun on the PS3to the excitement coming out of the Call Of Duty XPevent, the Call Of Duty series is planted firmly at the forefront of modern gaming, standing as a nearly universally recognized icon.

Do you enjoy it when publishers employ the use of live action shorts when marketing their products? Is there anything else you’d like to see the Call Of Duty series do with zombies in the future?

Call of Duty: Black Ops ’ Rezurrection Map Pack is out now for the Xbox 360 and will be released on September 22, 2011, for the PS3 and PC.