Call of Duty: Black Ops Multiplayer Teaser Will Have You Salivating

The number one online FPS is back on duty, and it looks better than ever.

The number one online FPS is back on duty, and it looks better than ever. In the newest trailer for Call of Duty: Black Ops , Treyarch assures us not only that they understand the mantra of “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it,” but that they also want to throw in as much new and exciting content as they can, while keeping Call of Duty fun and balanced.

The trailer starts off with a soldier sneaking into a building, watching an enemy that seems to be on camera in the corner of his screen. The soldier walks in, shoots the other player, and walks over to a video camera he has placed inside to give him the advantage. Consider my mind blown.

But the fun has only just begun! We immediately see a level where a rocket is taking off while soldiers fight beneath its flames, and the player on screen takes out crossbow with exploding ammo. A throwing knife, an automated RC car (that blows up), and a player-controlled rocket wrap up the video, and leave our collective heads spinning with all the new ways to kill others at our disposal. Take a look at the Call of Duty: Black Ops multiplayer teaser trailer:


And the “full multiplayer reveal” isn’t until September 1st. I imagine another 20 million map packsare in order.

It’s not over yet! The end of the trailer gives us a sneak peak at the included video editing software, that lets players record the action from different angles and cut clips all willy-nilly, if they so please.

Treyarchundoubtedly understands the burden that has been placed on their shoulders with the creation of the follow up to theseries. From what has been revealed about Call of Duty: Black Ops so far, they are taking this challenge seriously. We’ll find out how well they’ve done when the game launches this fall.

Does this look like the natural evolution of the series to you, Ranters? Do you think Treyarch will finally make a great Call of Duty game?

Call of Duty: Black Ops is scheduled to release November 9, 2010, for the Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, and DS.