Nintendo is Not Apologizing for E3 2015 Presentation

The E3 press conferences are some of the most important moments for video game companies, and gamers hold studios and developers to a high standard during those presentations.

The E3 press conferences are some of the most important moments for video game companies, and gamers hold studios and developers to a high standard during those presentations. If gamers see or hear something they don’t like, they will loudly – and sometimes aggressively – share their disapproval online.

Such was the case after Nintendo wrapped up their E3 press conference. Many gamers were disappointed by Nintendo’s lackluster presentation, and voiced their displeasure online. In response to this negative feedback, Nintendo CEO Saturo Iwata tweeted an apology of sorts, which one person translated to say “We take opinions of this year’s Digital Event seriously and will work to better meet your expectations.”

However, it seems that wasn’t an apology at all, at least according to Nintendo‘s American president, Reggie Fils-Aime. Fils-Aime claims Iwata’s statement was taken out of context, and that his response was meant to be more like this:

Mr. Iwata is in Japan and what he’s trying to do is help explain to consumers in Japan what’s going on at E3. The correct translation of his message was: ‘Thank you for your feedback. We hear you and we are committed to continuing to meet your expectations,” was essentially his message.

In the end though, what matters is not what was said, but the fact that Iwata tweeted in response to backlash from Nintendo fans. That backlash was so strong that over 12,000 fans have signed a petition on asking Nintendo to cancel development of their newly announced, saying the game is a disgrace to the series.

Metroid Prime: Federation Force

Metroid Prime: Federation Force

That being said, Fils-Aime is still in high spirits about Nintendo’s E3 presentation, reminding folks that historically, gamer skepticism is depleted once they get a chance to try the games on the show floor.

One of the things I find interesting is that if you look at E3 historically for Nintendo, typically what happens is a press briefing happens or our digital event happens. And then over the course of the next couple of days people see the games get to play the games and the appreciation and understanding of what we’re doing increases over those three days and continues to build into the holidays.

Fils-Aime usedas a prime example, reminding players that the game was not readily accepted at last year’s E3, but that players are now loving the game. He also mentioned that it’s Nintendo’s job to not only make great games, but to help gamers see why they’re great.

While that’s a nice sentiment, it seems like a lot of work to convince players to like games they originally find silly or uninteresting. However, if Nintendo thinks they can do it, more power to them. It’ll be interesting to see if Fils-Aime’s vision is fulfilled in the next couple weeks as gamers reflect on Nintendo’s E3 presentation and presence, and if they come around to what Nintendo is doing over the next year.

What do you think about Fils-Aime’s comments? What an apology necessary from Nintendo, or was their E3 presentation enough for gamers? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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