Signups For Overwatch Beta Now Open

Blizzard’s newest franchise in 17 years (not counting spinoffs) Overwatch just got it’s beta launch date of October 27, as announced today .

Signups For Overwatch Beta Now Open

. Signups are now openfor those wishing to participate.

The developer lays out two important purposes for the beta. First being getting feedback on the gameplay to help fine-tune the shooter to the highest standards. Second involving stress tests to their server infrastructure to ensure no technical problems may occur. Beta testers will be split up into two groups to further help accomplish these goals.

A small group of testers will be placed in the Closed Beta group. These individuals will have regular access to the public beta test and sole purpose is to provide gameplay feedback through the beta forums. Leaving feedback on different heroes, maps, and abilities is highly encouraged.

Though the amount of players admitted into the Closed Beta group will be limited, though more spots may open in the future.