Learn fast-growth mobile data strategies from Docusign, HotelTonight & more (event)

The event is driven by our independent research — based on thousands of surveys and other data — that suggests that the best strategy is one where a company’s marketers collaborate closely with engineers.

data funnel

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Above: Robin Joy, VP Web & Mobile Business, DocuSign

On Thursday, VentureBeat will host an event on Mobile Data Strategyin San Francisco about how best to put together a fast-growth mobile strategy using data.

It all goes down at The Village, 5-8 p.m., and we’re inviting leading engineers and growth marketers to explore how best to work together to build such a strategy. We’ll also have two panels featuring marketers and engineers from companies like Docusign, HotelTonight, Bleacher Report, and Touch of Modern.


Above: Matt Gehring, VP Marketing, Touch of Modern

They’ll talk about how they’re cooperating across their organization to harness the data they’re getting about their customers, and driving decisions from that. We’ll finish things up with a cocktail networking session for people to mingle.

We’re calling the event a roadshow, because we’re taking our research on the road across the country, and potentially other international markets. This one just happens to be in San Francisco.

Who should attend?

Mobile marketers, developers, and anyone focused on big data and analytics will benefit. Come hear real-world examples of how bringing a cohesive mobile data strategy into marketing and engineering strategies helps companies succeed.

Who is speaking?

Robin Joy, VP Web & Mobile Business, DocuSign Matt Gehring, VP Marketing, Touch of Modern Graciela Kincaid, Product Manager, HotelTonight Talia Retelny, Product Manager, Bleacher Report Jon Cifuentes, Mobile Analyst, VentureBeat Insight

Panel topics:

Talia Retelny

Above: Talia Retelny, Product Manager, Bleacher Report

Data-driven marketing in a mobile-first world — lessons from mcommerce practitioners on the frontier — Everything we’ve learned about analytics, CRM, and user experience design from the Web over the past 20 years is relevant to mobile marketing, only more so. The reverse, however, is not necessarily true — in many ways, mobile presents an entirely new set of challenges and opportunities, particularly when it comes to data. Much in the same way that ecommerce marketers were at the forefront of adopting digital marketing strategies and tools on the web, mcommerce marketers today are pioneering the new techniques that will become the standards of tomorrow. Hear from them what it takes to excel at data-driven marketing in a mobile first world.

graciela kincaid

Above: Graciela Kincaid, Product Manager, HotelTonight

Managing the tech side of martech — how to avoid that next growth “hack” becoming a four-letter word — Today’s marketing landscape is no longer static — it’s rapidly changing due to fluctuating market conditions and consumer behaviors. Marketers can no longer afford to gamble on the success of a few techniques. As a result they rely increasingly on their counterparts in engineering to deploy new tools and pull data to analyze campaign performance in rapid succession. But sometimes that “five minute change” requested by non-technical marketers can consume critical development cycles and cost an organization millions. Hear from real engineers who explain why things take longer than you might expect and how to improve communication to mitigate risk and get the best results.

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