Mortal Kombat X Director Promises ‘Big News’ This Week

Mortal Kombat X has far exceeded the lofty expectations that fighting genre fans had placed on it prior to release.

has far exceeded the lofty expectations that fighting genre fans had placed on it prior to release. The popular brawler is already the best-selling gamein the history of the franchise, and with its constant stream of DLC, NetherRealm’s adrenaline-inducing gameplay remains fresh and interesting. Due to its anything-goes game world, in which a resurrected ninja can go toe-to-toe with the Predator, teasers about Mortal Kombat X and its future are a sure bet to incite wild speculation from fans.

Some announcements, however, are bound to generate a little more hype than others. Although many of‘s strengths lie in its newer gameplay elements, a recent tweet from one of the fathers of the franchise has fans clamoring to learn more about a possible callback to a beloved arena.

A recent Twitter post from Mortal Kombat co-creator Ed Boon suggests that Mortal Kombat X ‘s upcoming balance patch isn’t the only thing fans have to look forward to. Boone cryptically tweeted that there would be “BIG (new) MKX news koming this week…..” while attaching a picture of the a full moon surrounded by stars.

Boon has said nothing since the tweet, obviously preferring to let fans speculate on what the news could be. But Boon’s statement coincides with NeatherRealm community specialist Tyler Lansdown stating earlier today on stream that there was a big Mortal Kombat X announcement in the works for later this week.

BIG (new) MKX news koming this week.....— Ed Boon (@noobde) August 31, 2015

Assuming that Boon and Lansdown aren’t exaggerating the importance of the news, there is one strong explanation for Boon’s mysterious moon that could justify the hype being built around it. Fans of classic Mortal Kombat will remember an arena called “The Pit”, a bridge suspended above a sea of steel spikes that was located on villain Shang Tsung’s island. More importantly, though, The Pit features a gargantuan full moon looming over the bridge, and provides one of the more memorable settings present in the early days of Mortal Kombat. Adding credence to this theory is the fact that Mortal Kombat X already features a series of “klassic” callbacks to past characters and costumesin the series. Has the time come for an arena to get the same treatment?

mortal kombat the pit

mortal kombat the pit

The Pit has long been a favorite of Mortal Kombat players, and has also been the source of some memorable franchise moments, so it makes sense for it to receive the honor of being the first arena “klassic”. Whether it be the silhouette of a witch flying past the moon in Mortal Kombat ‘s version of The Pit or the very first instance of a Stage Fatality, The Pit has been a near constant presence in the evolution of NetherRealm’s legendary fighting game. As it stands now, Boon’s tweet seems to suggest that The Pit will be present in this latest iteration as well.

Do you think the next DLC for Mortal Kombat X will feature “klassic” arenas? Are you still upset Mortal Kombat X isn’t coming to last-gen consoles? Let us know in the comments.

Mortal Kombat X is now available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: Twitter