Beyond Kim Kardashian: Social media in a Snapchat world (webinar)

How do you break through the noise, gain zealous followers, and satisfy disgruntled users — and translate that into business results?

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Join VB’s director of marketing technology Stewart Rogers for make-or-break social media tactics and tools in this packed hour of social media goodness.

Every business wants to be a social media master, but not everybody can break the Internet like Kim Kardashian can. At the other end of the spectrum, failing to understand the essentials of social media marketing can be a nightmare for today’s companies. Millennials were raised on social media and expect brands to match their expectations online. If your business tweets out a dud, or fails to engage with a user in a timely fashion, don’t expect any likes to come your way — instead, you may get major backlash.

What should business be aware of when engaging in social media? In our VentureBeat Insight report, Social media management: Tools, tactics … and how to win, we went over vital tips and stats regarding the use of social media. We surveyed  1,133 social media managers, analyzed 250,966 tweets, ranked 28 SMM tools and more to provide an in-depth rundown on effective social media use.

Nine of the top 20 Twitter brands proved to also be the most responsive to consumer messages. The same nine brands were also part of the travel industry — American Airlines, Royal Dutch Airlines, United — explaining why answering random inquiries within the hour was an imperative for them. If one of these brands had shrugged off a user, there’s no question the customer would have been searching for an alternative on their next trip.

But tools of the trade are critical — and when it comes to social media management tools, one is simply not enough for brands. We found that using two to five SMM tools is common. Royal Dutch Airlines uses Radian6 to listen to followers and mentions of its brand online, while also using Hootsuite and the Twitter web client to deliver messages. Of course, Royal Dutch Airlines also uses Twitter Ads for promoting additional content.

71 percent of the respondents surveyed expressed satisfaction with the SMM tools they were using, with 63 percent also expressing satisfaction in integrating with other tools.

The complexity of social media messaging, management, listening, and analytics can seem daunting, as is the choice of tools. Tune in for an hour to this packed webinar and you’ll learn essentials about perfecting the art of social media. It just means taking a break from Kim Kardashian and the rest of the Internet for a while.

Don’t miss out!

In this webinar, you’ll learn how to: Differentiate between social media and social messaging Utilize analytics to optimize your results Empower rather than manage your social media by becoming more effective with the tools at your disposal Optimize social media spending to gain the attention of new audiences Engage social influencers by using the right tools and approaches Craft and deliver the right content and promote it — beyond finding and sending

Stewart Rogers , director of marketing technology, VentureBeat

Wendy Schuchart , analyst, VentureBeat

More speakers to be announced!