Destiny: Xur is Debuting New Taken King Exotic Items Today [UPDATED]

[UPDATE: Xur has begun to show off the new Taken King exotic items on Destiny’s official Instagram account.

[UPDATE: Xur has begun to show off the new Taken King exotic items on Destiny’s official Instagram account. Follow along below, here, or check back with Game Rant later today for a full look at the new gear.]

In the regular grind of Destiny there are a number of constants. Every few months will see the release of a new expansion, bounties reset daily, Nightfall Strikes and Raid rewardsreset every Tuesday, and Xur shows up on Friday morning. Well, one of those things is about to change this week.

According to an Instagram post on the official Destiny the game account, it sounds as if Xur might be breaking with tradition and making an appearance tomorrow, the 25th. Furthermore, the Instagram post suggests that this unscheduled Xur appearance will give Destiny players a closer look at the new exotic gear the Agent of the Nine will sell in The Taken King.

While the past month has been filled with major reveals and closer looks at new experiences – like the Dreadnaught ship– Bungie hasn’t said too much about new exotics. We know that Destiny: The Taken King will add new exotic blueprintsto the Tower that let players keep a record of their earned exotics without having to carry them around. The feature also lets players upgrade some of their exotics – not all of them, though – to new 2.0 versions, like the black Suros Regime. However, those are simply revamped versions of familiar guns,  not completely new exotics. And in that regard we only know of a few, including the Sleeper Simulantheavy fusion rifle.

A photo posted by DestinyTheGame (@destinythegame) on Aug 24, 2015 at 3:01pm PDT

So, the big question is this: will Xur show up with things to buy or will he simply show off his wares? Right now plenty of players are grinding out their Weekly Heroic Strikes in the hopes that the former is true, but pessimists doubt that Bungie would release new exotics into the game before the launch of The Taken King.

The more likely scenario is that the Destiny Instagram account will offer up closer looks at new exotics in picture form. Perhaps those images will include captions that explain what makes these weapons unique, or perhaps Bungie just wants to let the designs speak for themselves. Remember that before The Dark Below launch, Bungie was out there touting the Dragon’s Breath rocket launcher’s deisgn, but it wasn’t until later that they actually explained what it did. And coincidentally, the Dragon’s Breath was one of the new exotics added to Xur’s loot table with The Dark Below. [Ed. Note: Bungie has since confirmed the reveals will be on Instagram. Below are the known items.]

A photo posted by DestinyTheGame (@destinythegame) on Aug 25, 2015 at 10:01am PDT

A photo posted by DestinyTheGame (@destinythegame) on Aug 25, 2015 at 11:00am PDT

A photo posted by DestinyTheGame (@destinythegame) on Aug 25, 2015 at 12:00pm PDT

A photo posted by DestinyTheGame (@destinythegame) on Aug 25, 2015 at 2:00pm PDT

If nothing else, Bungie has once again got the Destiny fan base talking, and that’s with the Court of Oryx revealalso planned for later this week. Maybe the plan is to show off the new exotics tomorrow and then let players see them in action on Wednesday’s live stream?

What do you think Xur’s appearance tomorrow will be? Will he sell new exotics or will he just give us closer looks at a few of them?

Destiny: The Taken King releases September 15, 2015 for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

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