Destiny’ Beta Arriving on Xbox in Late July

‘Destiny’ Beta Arriving on Xbox in Late July
Despite Bungie’s past history with Microsoft and the Halo franchise, a lot of the marketing for its new and upcoming shooter, Destiny , has been heavily associated it with Sony’s platforms.

, has been heavily associated it with Sony’s platforms. Despite releasing a limited Alpha for the upcoming blockbusterexclusively to a handful of PS4 owners, it has also been announced that gamers picking up their copy to the title can look forward to a few pieces of exclusive content awaiting them on Sony’s platforms.

Despite rumors that the PlayStation-exclusive content could eventually make its way over to the Xbox One version of Destiny in 2015, it’s obvious that Activision and Bungie are really pushing for the game on Sony’s home consoles. As a result of this partnership, the impending Beta for the highly anticipated first-person shooter will be arriving first on PS3 and PS4 (July 17, 2014 to be specific), but Xbox owners have been left wondering when they may have the opportunity to try out Destiny on their console of choice.

As spotted by Video Gamer , a recent trailer for Destiny that’s currently found on the Xbox One’s dashboard features a little advertisement at the end that informs players that they can pre-order their copy of the game to score access to the title’s impending Beta. Looking closer, the trailer clearly states that the “Beta Begins Late July 2014” and the fine print even specifies that this is indeed the date set for Destiny ‘s playable debut on Microsoft’s consoles.

Destiny Beta Release Date Xbox

Destiny Beta Release Date Xbox

It sounds as if PlayStation aficionados could have up to two weeks with the Beta before it’s even available for Xbox users, but a brief period of exclusivity was announced quite some time ago — meaning gamers had some time to brace themselves for the elongated wait. Still, it’s not by any means bad news, especially since Destiny will simultaneously release in all of its full-retail glory across multiple formats later this September.

Will you be participating in the Destiny Beta in July? Did you pre-ordered the game for PlayStation or Xbox? Let us know in the comments below!

Destiny will be landing on the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One on September 9, 2014.

Follow Riley on Twitter @ TheRileyLittle.

Source: Video Gamer(via Eurogamer)

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