Rumor Patrol: Call of Duty 2016 Set in the ‘Very Far Future’

NeoGAF user and proven industry insider shinobi602 reveals that Infinity Ward’s upcoming Call of Duty game will be set in the ‘very far future’ and feature space combat.

Since Call of Duty: Ghosts hit the scene in 2013, the Call of Duty franchise seems stuck in futuristic settings. Some fans have expressed disappointment in this, and would rather see thefranchise return to the historical or modern settings that helped it make its name. Unfortunately for those hoping for a new Call of Duty with a historical setting, however, some fresh rumors point to this year’s entry being the most futuristic to date.

This is according to NeoGAF user shinobi602, a proven industry insider that has accurately leaked information on games in the Call of Duty series in the past. For example, it was shinobi602 who prematurely revealed the wall-running mechanics present in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 , and he also spilled the beans on how the development of the Black Ops 3 last-gen versionwas handled.

Speaking of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 , shinobi602 says that this year’s Call of Duty will make Black Ops 3 “feel like the stone age.” He went on to say that this year’s Call of Duty will be “full on sci-fi” and that it will also feature space combat. This contradicts a statement from a dev earlier this year, who claimed that Call of Duty would probably never go to space(outside of the Call of Duty: Ghosts intro, of course).

Shinobi602 also claims that Infinity Ward will not be producing a sequel to Call of Duty: Ghosts , most likely in response to the lukewarm critical reception surrounding Ghosts and its bombastic narrative. This makes it seem more likely that rumors Call of Duty will have the subtitle Bloodlines are true, as opposed to the previously assumed Ghosts 2 , but shinobi602 stopped short of revealing the game’s official name.

Rumor Patrol: Call of Duty 2016 Set in 'Very Far Future' - Call of Duty Ghosts ODIN satellite

Rumor Patrol: Call of Duty 2016 Set in 'Very Far Future' - Call of Duty Ghosts ODIN satellite

Shinobi602’s information is easy to believe considering his track record, and the fact that the Call of Duty franchise keeps edging farther into the future with each new entry in the series. Of course, this info should still be taken with a grain of salt, as there’s no real way to confirm it until Activision itself pulls the curtain back on the game.

Activision won’t have a booth at E3 2016, but that is still when the announcement for this year’s Call of Duty title is scheduled to take place. It will likely happen as a part of either Sony or Microsoft’s presentation, and it will be interesting to see if shinobi602 is correct about the new Call of Duty ‘s “very far future” setting once E3 2016 rolls around this coming June.

This year’s Call of Duty game is expected to release this fall for unspecified platforms.

Source: IGN

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