Knack 2 Possibly In The Works

It looks like the PS4 launch title Knack might be getting a sequel.

Knack 2 Possibly In The Works

might be getting a sequel. This information comes from a poster on NeoGAFwho discovered the LinkedIn profile of Mindy Liang. Liang works for the Taiwanese development company XPEC Entertainment and cited “animated 3D character motions and cutscenes” for Knack 2 on her CV (a resume here in the states).

Since the discovery was made all traces of the sequel have been removed from the document, so take that as a total denial or total confirmation of the game’s existence.

The original Knack was a charming brawler type where players control an animate artifact named Knack who can grow larger the more relics he collected. Being a launch title the game was meant to show off what the new console could do, but Knack ended up being poorly received by critics and gamers alike, citing its lack of originality and repetitive combat as the game’s major flaws. So with negative press and word of mouth it’s curious that Sony would choose (if they did) to green light a sequel. It could be, as mentioned on GameSpot, that Sony is trying to widen its library to appeal to more casual players.

Despite Knack ‘s commercial appeal, I rather enjoyed the game and with some polish Knack 2 could prove to be a real success.

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