Black Ops 2: ‘Revolution’ DLC Coming January 29th?

Black Ops 2 may have gotten off to a suspicious start where sales numbers were concerned , but proved the franchise still has staying power unrivaled in the entertainment industry .

. Of course, Call of Duty has become synonymous with the now-infamous array of downloadable Map Packs. But to this point, what shipped with Black Ops 2 has been all that players had at their disposal.

A few new images leaked online imply that the wait is nearly over, as the Revolution Map Pack DLC will will be bringing new arenas and weaponry come January 29, beginning with the Xbox 360.

Now that the controversy over the Nuketown 2025 maphas been somewhat addressed, Treyarchhas the opportunity to pleasantly surprise their sizable player community. Thanks to a few images of in-store promotional materials that popped up on Reddit , we have an idea of how they’ll be doing it. Specifically, with five new maps and a bonus weapon.

The maps in question are Hydro, apparently taking place along or next to a hydroelectric dam, Grind, set among a graffiti-ed skate park, Downhill, this particular DLC’s arctic locale, and Mirage, a map set in an East-Asian locale. Along with the four multiplayer maps is Die Rise, what seems to be a location for the game’s Zombie mode in a post-apocalyptic urban setting.

Black Ops 2 Revolution DLC Map Pack

Black Ops 2 Revolution DLC Map Pack

With the map pack comes the ‘bonus’ Peacekeeper SMG, although its particular details or game modes it will be available to aren’t clear. Infinity Ward and Treyarch have both cited balancing and technical hurdles as an explanation for a lack of additional weapons once their respective games had shipped. Exactly how this has changed with the Peacekeeper is anyone’s guess, but at this point all we have to go on is the name and appearance (could it only be an addition to Zombie mode?).

The promotional materials claim a release date of January 29, 2013, with exclusivity to Xbox 360 owners at launch. Pricing and specific details are still unannounced, but expect Activisionand Treyarch to release some screenshots or a trailer in the near future.

Which if the new maps looks most promising to your eyes? Does the arctic setting mean a celebration is in order, or has the format become a tired one in this day and age? Most importantly, has Black Ops 2’s League Playshifted your attention from new maps to honing your own skills, or are the existing locations already feeling a bit tired?

Black Ops 2 is out now for the PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U and PC. The Revolution Map Pack is expected January 29, 2013.

Follow Andrew on Twitter @ andrew_dyce.

Source: Reddit(via Joystiq)

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