No Man’s Sky’ Developers Experimenting with Oculus VR

‘No Man’s Sky’ Developers Experimenting with Oculus VR
With a ludicrously ambitious scope that will allow players to visit any distant star that they can see and explore its procedurally created solar system, Hello Games’ first-person exploration game No Man’s Sky promises to take the covers of 1960s science fiction novels and bring them to life in an enormous, thriving galaxy.

Easily the most exciting game revealfrom last year’s Spike VGX, No Man’s Sky comes from a team of just four developers but feels incredibly big. Combining this world with the latest VR headset technology therefore seems both exciting and a little dangerous; left to our own devices, a lot of us probably wouldn’t mind being hooked up to an IV drip and left to live in this futuristic world on a permanent basis.

Drastic life changes aside, it’s hard to imagine a game more perfectly suited to Oculus Riftand other VR headsets than No Man’s Sky . Hello Gamesseems to agree, and the studio has recently been experimenting with the technology after receiving a set of Oculus Rift headsets. Not content with merely sitting down and trying out the VR demo, the devs put a gaming laptop in a backpack with the headset attached, allowing them to create the illusion of physically walking around in the virtual world. Watch some Vines of this very serious work below.

Hello Games hasn’t had it easy over the past few months. The studio’s offices were hit by a devastating floodas 2013 came to a close with torrential rain in the developers’ home county of Surrey, but development on No Man’s Sky was thankfully not disruptedtoo much by the damage. Even so, the game still appears to be in the early stages and there’s no news yet of a planned release date, or even of which platforms it will eventually be released on.

Of course, VR headsets are also still being perfected and it may well be the case that No Man’s Sky ends up being released just as Oculus Rift becomes commercially available. The technology has some serious financial power behind it since being acquired by Facebook, so if all goes smoothly then No Man’s Sky could eventually be remembered as one of the first games to be widely played using VR.

We’ll keep you updated on No Man’s Sky as development continues.

Source: Hello Games(via DualShockers)

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