Final Fantasy 9 Stealth Launched on Smartphones

Square Enix launches an enhanced version of the JRPG classic Final Fantasy 9 for both Android and iOS devices without making an official announcement.

Last month, Square Enix confirmed that the classic PlayStation game Final Fantasy 9 would be making its way to smartphones and PC. A specific release date wasn’t given, and while we’re still waiting for news on when to expect it to hit PC, Android and iOS mobile device owners can downloadright now.

With no official announcement, Square Enix has launched the game on both iTunes and the Google Play Store. The PC version is not available yet, but it is still slated for release in early 2016. It’s somewhat strange that the mobile versions are already available and the PC version is not, considering Square Enix only confirmed the PC version of FF9 for localization. In any case, it is currently selling at a discounted price of $17, and will be available for that price until February 21st.

For those confused about why a 16-year-old game is selling for $17, Final Fantasy 9 on mobile devices is actually an enhanced version of the original game. Not unlike similar re-releases of the other PlayStation-era Final Fantasy games, this enhanced version of Final Fantasy 9 boasts a number of graphical improvements and new features.

These features are designed to help players experience the game in the manner that they wish. Those that want to play through Final Fantasy 9 as it was originally meant to be played are free to do so. Alternatively, those that just want to relive the story can take advantage of new features such as the ability to skip all random encountersin the game.

final fantasy 9 coming to PC mobile 2016

final fantasy 9 coming to PC mobile 2016

With Final Fantasy 9 ‘s surprise launch on mobile devices, and the PC version presumably soon to follow, one has to wonder if the game will also be making its way to consoles. Final Fantasy 7 HD eventually released for PlayStation 4after first hitting mobile, so it’s certainly a possibility that Final Fantasy 9 will come to PS4 in a few months.

At any rate, it’s good to see Square Enix release enhanced versions of its classic games, as opposed to merely porting the title to every platform imaginable. While some may be turned off by its price, Final Fantasy 9 is a quality JRPG that still holds up very well to this day, and is certainly worth one’s time. Let’s just hope that Square Enix is quick about getting it available to PC gamers as well.

Do you plan on downloading Final Fantasy 9 for your smartphone or are you waiting for the PC release? If the enhanced version of Final Fantasy 9 made its way to consoles, would you consider buying it then? Sound off in the comments below and leave us your thoughts on Final Fantasy 9 .

Final Fantasy 9 is now available on Android and iOS devices, with a PC release planned for early 2016.

Source: GameSpot

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