Watch Conan O’Brien Play ‘The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’

A trend with recent talk shows has been to feature some of the biggest upcoming titles that gamers the world over have been waiting for.

A trend with recent talk shows has been to feature some of the biggest upcoming titles that gamers the world over have been waiting for. While others occasionally feature a glimpse at anticipated video games, however, one late night comedian has made a reoccurring segment based solely on the interactive medium. That individual is, of course, Conan O’Brien.

In the latest iteration of Conan’s Clueless Gamer the funny man tackles The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt , which has easily been amongst one of the most anticipated games of 2015for many gamers. What ensues is a spectacle that could only come from the now infamous Coco.

As we’ve stated, O’Brien has made quite a reputation in regards to his video game coverage. When the comedian isn’t lampooning Tomb Raider or mocking the premise Super Smash Bros. , he’s often taking comedic shots at games that he’s not even playing.

It’s for all of these reasons that Team Coco has been so heavily endorsed by the gaming community, and his coverage and laugh-out-loud take on the industry likely won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

Conan Plays Witcher 3

Conan Plays Witcher 3

Admittedly, it’s hard to get a good idea of how immense The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is during the brief demo that can be seen, but word is that the game took developers around 25 hours just to speed run it. With that in mind, it sounds like the title is set to be one of the largest on current generation platforms, but it’s obvious that the intention of the segment is to bring about chuckles rather than vast insight.

It’s hard to say which game Conan O’Brien will be tackling next in his ongoing Clueless Gamer series, but it’s sure to be an entertaining watch for viewers. Given the fact that the comedian has already taken on the task of starring as a playable character in LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham , it wouldn’t be outrageous to suggest that he could play through the hotly anticipated Batman Arkham Knight .

What did you think of Conan O’Brien’s take on The Witcher 3 ? What game would you like to see the comedian play next? Get at us in the comments.

Source: Team Coco

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