Dying Light’ Special Edition Costs $386,000

‘Dying Light’ Special Edition Costs $386,000
As a collector at heart it’s hard not to feel compelled to pick up every Special Edition that’s unveiled.

As a collector at heart it’s hard not to feel compelled to pick up every Special Edition that’s unveiled. From the Mortal Kombat X Limited Edition by Coarseto the massive Evolve Goliath statue, there’s plenty of opportunities for fans to show their dedication to an upcoming franchise by spending a little extra money and earning some unique trinkets in the process.

However, every now and again a Special Edition comes around that doesn’t just make a small dent in gamers’ wallets, but instead requires a substantial sum. Case in point: the one-of-a-kind Dying Light Special Edition (only one in existence) that is available at UK retailer GAME for $386,000.

Of course, that sounds like a lot, but developer Techlandhas made sure that whatever lucky player forks over the cash gets their money’s worth. Included with the “My Apocalypse” Edition is Custom built Dying Light Zombie Home by Tiger Log Cabins Zombie avoidance parkour lessons with Ampisound, the team behind the internet smash Dying Light Parkour POV video Be The Zombie match with devs where you win so you can brag to your friends how “leet” you are Trip to Techland in Wroclaw, Poland, to meet the dev team and party with Steve the Zombie Consultant Your face skinned onto your Night Hunter character model Dying Light branded night vision goggles + adult diapers for the night portions of the game x4 signed Steelbox editions of Dying Light x2 Top of the line Razer Tiamat headphones Human sized Volatile figurine to use as a deterrent on human raiders

While this is easily one of the crazier special editions to pop up in recent years, it’s certainly not the craziest. Some will remember that Saints Row 4 featured a “Super Dangerous Wad Wad Edition” that retailed for $1 Million and came with a flight to space, plastic surgery, and a Lamborghini. It was the perfect fit for a franchise known for excess, but we don’t think anyone actually took Volition’s bait.

Dying Light Expensive Special Edition

Dying Light Expensive Special Edition

This Dying Light Special Edition, on the other hand, doesn’t necessarily fit with the game’s M.O., although it does feature plenty of post-apocalyptic themed items. We can’t imagine a gamer spending close to $400,000 on a few interesting items for a game that’s relatively new. Now, if this was for The Walking Dead that might be another story.

Some might also be wondering why the “My Apocalypse” Edition is being announced now when the game has been out for over a month. Well, it may be out in the states, but Dying Light was actually delayed elsewhere around the globe after a r etail production shortage. So, UK gamers are only just now gearing up for a release this week.

It will be interesting to see how enthusiasm for Dying Light has grown after its US release, and whether or not anyone picks up the “My Apocalypse” Edition. If someone does, we’ll be sure to let you know.

What do you think of this Dying Light Special Edition? If you had the money would you consider picking up something like this?

Dying Light is out now in the US, but hits some international territories this week.

Source: Gamespot

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