Deadmau5 Creates ‘Minecraft’ Music, Builds Monument to Himself

Musician Deadmau5 is no stranger to video games as he most recently appeared in DJ Hero 2 doing what he does best, but the electronic artist also has an obscure passion that not many knew about – mining.

doing what he does best, but the electronic artist also has an obscure passion that not many knew about – mining. Deadmau5 sure does loves himself some Minecraft , but he also happens to love himself very dearly. Luckily, he was able to forge two of his favorite things together with monument to himself which he built in the absurdly addictive PCgame.

The Canadian born DJ  has created a monument dedicated to himself – a gigantic mouse head or Mau5 head if you will. The electronic artist enjoys showing off his new talent as he claims that he created the statue with, “no hax. pure skill.”

Continuing to show love for the game, Deadmau5 also released a snippet of music tailor-made for Minecraft . He’s released a sample of the new track on his soundcloud pagewhich you can check out for yourself – the song is a “simple sunrise/daytime theme” says Deadmau5.

For those not familiar with Minecraft , its a fairly new sandbox gamefor the PC where players break 3D blocks to create structures or works of art like the one pictured above, while defending themselves from monsters. Its available for free in classic mode or at a price in alpha – but really how can you argue with free Minecraft .

Deadmau5’s creation is just testament to the creative possibilities of Minecraft . The game may look simple and primitive, but in reality its extremely complex and addictive. Games like Minecraft orare intimidating in their immense creative possibility.

While I haven’t had a chance to play Minecraft for fear of it consuming all of my time, I do enjoy the new music that Deadmau5 has created. The music has a great ambient and calming tone which is a perfect fit for the game. I definitely look forward to hearing what else he has in store for Minecraft .

What have you created in Minecraft when you’re not trying to fend off pesky skeletons? Share your creations with us in the comments.

Minecraft is available now for the PC.

Source: Destructoid

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