PewDiePie Talks Games With Conan O’Brien

The YouTube phenomenon and popular Let’s Play personality, PewDiePie, discusses video games with Conan O’Brien on the talk show host’s late night program.

Last night, Felix “PewDiePie” Kjellberg appeared on the popular late night television show, Conan , to talk about video games, promote his new YouTube Red show known as Scare PewDiePie , and to say that he reserves judgment for people who post “unboxing” videos on the web due to his position as a person who plays video games for a living. Furthermore, PewDiePie goes on to explain his “very specific audience” to O’Brien, and how they contribute to his billion plus views online.

Also during the couch panel discussion, it was confirmed that PewDiePie would join Conan O’Brien for one of the comedian’s Clueless Gamerepisodes. In the past, Conan has cracked wise while playing games such as Witcher 3 , Fallout 4 , Super Smash Bros. , and the forthcoming DOOM from id Software, but this time around, he and Kjellberg will take on Ubisoft’s soon-to-be-released action-adventure title, Far Cry Primal .

The conversation between Conan and PewDiePie is a pretty mundane affair, since the whole concept of the couch segment itself is so stale. It’s typically just a means for people to promote their projects, which often causes comedy to take the sidecar. Not to mention, while the talk show host and Let’s Play star are both talented and charismatic within their own rights, there’s not much chemistry to be had between the two. Thankfully, Andy Richter saves the bit with a solid joke about a surgeon who just operates on people for the laughs. Explaining the quip in writing does it no justice, so check out the clip below to understand the full context surrounding it.

Kjellberg’s appearance on Conan isn’t the first time that the famous YouTube personality has hit the television airwaves. As it happens, PewDiePie joined Stephen Colbert at The Late Show on CBSa while back to explain Let’s Plays to the host, discuss Internet culture, plug his book, and advertise his mobile video game Legend of the Brofist .

Considering PewDiePie’s appearances on cable and network TV, it’s clear that he’ll continue to show up in the mainstream media in order to expand his ever growing fan base. And with him starting an entertainment network called Revelmodewith the Disney-owned Maker Studios, the company will surely book him for even more talk show spots in the future so as to spread the word about its existence as far as possible.

With PewDiePie’s massive success as a gamer and online personality being featured prominently in what many view as the traditional arena of entertainment — that is, television — it’s obvious gaming has become more widely accepted than ever. Bearing that in mind, we’ll surely see video games, Internet culture, and mainstream TV overlap even more so in the future.

PewDiePie’s new show Scare PewDiePie premieres this week on YouTube Red.

Source: Team Coco(via GameSpot)

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