Game Rant Open Discussion: January 22nd

In this week’s Game Rant Open Discussion, we’re talking about new trailers for Tom Clancy’s The Division and Far Cry Primal, plus much more.

In this week’s Game Rant Open Discussion, we’re talking about new trailers for Tom Clancy’s The Division and Far Cry Primal, plus much more. Come join the conversation!

It’s Friday, which means it’s time for another round of Game Rant Open Discussion. For those new to our site, we do a quick roundup of the week’s hottest stories, and open our comments section for readers to discuss these and other topics of their choosing.

This week, we’re talking about Tom Clancy’s The Division , Destiny , Half-Life 2 , and much more. We encourage our readers to participate in the conversation, and have a wonderful weekend.

Ubisoft Ramps Up The Division Hype Train

With Tom Clancy’s The Division now just a couple months from launch – barring any additional delays of the title – Ubisoft is ramping up its marketing efforts for the game. Along with the upcoming beta, which starts first on Xbox One on January 28 th , then opens to PlayStation 4 and PC on January 29 th , the developer has also released a live-action seriesgiving players a small taste of the game’s devastated New York City.

The above trailer teases the series, which can be found on YouTube. Interested viewers can also find an extended version of the series on Amazon, available to anyone with an Amazon Prime account. The series follows a few members of the secret police force-esque group, The Division , as they’re called on to help protect the city against various threats.

Considering how much time and effort has gone into creating this game, Ubisoft’s current efforts are surely only the beginning of a large, expensive marketing strategy to promote this game.

Tom Clancy’s The Division releases on March 8, 2016 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

New Far Cry Trailer Introduces Characters

Speaking of Ubisoft, the developer is also increasing its promotion for Far Cry Primal , the next installment in the Far Cry series. The developer released a new trailer this week that gives players a little better idea of the game’s storyline and gameplay. Unsurprisingly, players will interact with and battle against some very interesting characters, as well as some intimidating beasts.

Despite the fact that Far Cry Primal won’t have the game’s signature firearms available, there’s little doubt fans of the series will enjoy the newest game in the franchise.

Far Cry Primal launches on February 23, 2016 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, with the PC release coming March 1, 2016.

New Destiny Event Coming in February

Destiny Crimson Days Tower

Destiny Crimson Days Tower

It’s been a very high and low week for Destiny fans, especially those who enjoy the game’s various PvP events. Bungie announced the ever-popular Iron Banner event will be returning later this month, despite The Division beta kicking off at the same time. Additionally, the developer revealed a new event, called Crimson Days, that will debut for all Destiny players early next month.

On the downside, Bungie also admitted they secretly implemented skill-based matchmakinginto the game’s PvP arena, the Crucible. The developer explained the move by stating one of the biggest complaints it receives concerns lopsided matches in the Crucible. However, as often happens when a developer introduces skill-based matchmaking, especially in secret, many players quickly stormed forums and social media to air their displeasure. At the moment, it looks like Bungie isn’t backing down from the move, claiming it wants to put the matchmaking system “through the paces” to see how effective it really is at balancing the game for all players.

It’ll be interesting to see if the new matchmaking system has any effect on players’ experience in Iron Banner and Crimson Days.

Fan-Made Half-Life 2 Sequel Launches on Steam Next Month

Dota 2 File Hides Half-Life 3 Clue? - Gordon Freeman Half-Life

Dota 2 File Hides Half-Life 3 Clue? - Gordon Freeman Half-Life

While it’s fun to speculate on when Valve will finally release Half-Life 3 , many players know it’s unlikely the game will surface any time soon, if ever. In fact, players are still waiting for the final installment in the Half-Life 2 three-part trilogy that ended with only two episodes completed.

With so much uncertainty around future Half-Life games, it seems one fan got tired of waiting and decided to act, creating his own sequel to the beloved sci-fi franchise. The new game, known as Prospekt , will build upon the story of Half-Life: Opposing Force , and launches on Steam February 11, 2016 for PC players. Creator Richard Seabrook claims the new game will come with 13 levels and will be a “substantial, highly polished and totally new addition to the Half-Life 2 universe.”

The game will no-doubt find plenty of support among Half-Life fans, and may even spur other independent game developers to carry on the work started by Seabrook. Maybe, if interest is high enough, Valve will finally move forward with developing Half-Life 3 . Maybe.

Continue the Conversation

The Division Team Formation

The Division Team Formation

We invite our readers to discuss these stories, and any other topics you’d like to introduce. We simply ask that you remain civil with each other and avoid any inappropriate topics. Happy discussing!

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