How Three-Year Dev Cycle Helped Make ‘Call of Duty: Black Ops 3’ Better

How Three-Year Dev Cycle Helped Make ‘Call of Duty: Black Ops 3’ Better

Over the years, Call of Duty went from the undisputed king of the first person shooters to one of the gaming community’s most divisive titles.

went from the undisputed king of the first person shooters to one of the gaming community’s most divisive titles. On one hand, the game’s still a regular fixture at the top of the sales charts. At the same time, a growing number of players complain that Call of Duty’s gameplay is getting stale, as annual releases and the developers’ slavish dedication to an established formula keep the series from truly moving forward.

Call of Duty’s publisher, Activision, hears these complaints. Recently, the company moved the Call of Duty series from a two year to a three year development cycle(meaning that three studios will work on Call of Duty games in order to meet the franchise’s yearly release dates), in hopes that the extra time will allow its developers to “to envision and innovate for each title.”

The first title to emerge from this arrangement, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare , shook up the Call of Duty formula by introducing movement altering exo-suits. This year’s entry, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 , should be similarly innovative, at least if Treyarch studio head Mark Lamia has his way.

Call of Duty Black Ops Sniper Scope

Call of Duty Black Ops Sniper Scope

In an interview with the Official PlayStation Magazine , Lamia said, “Without a three-year cycle, we wouldn’t have been able to take the kind of risks that we took on this game.” And whileis, as the title indicates, the third entry in Call of Duty’s Black Ops subseries, Lamia argues that the new game won’t just be more of the same. Treyarch completely overhauled enemies’ artificial intelligence to “support the kind of engagements in an open-playspace like we have.” Environments will be significantly larger than they were in past Call of Duty games, and Treyarch’s designers were able to devote over a year and a half to refining the game’s maps.

More time doesn’t just mean newer features – it means deeper ones, too. Lamia says, “We wouldn’t have gone as… deep as we have in every single area of the game” without the extra development time, and the game’s underlying engine can support a greater “volume and density of activity and art,” thanks to technological improvements.

In short, the three year development cycle doesn’t mean that Call of Duty will just look better than ever – it should play differently, too, giving the franchise a much needed shot in the arm. While Call of Duty is still a juggernaut at the marketplace, year-on-year sales are dropping. If Activision has its way, the series will remain on top for at least a few more years; time will tell if the company can pull it off. After all, nothing lasts forever.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 comes out on November 6th for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: Games Radar

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3’ Beta May Launch in August

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3’ Beta May Launch in August

‘Call of Duty: Black Ops 3’ Beta May Launch in August
In more ways than one, the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is a departure from the franchise’s norm.

is a departure from the franchise’s norm. The game is making sweeping changes to the Call of Duty’s core formula, and looks like it’ll innovate more than anytitle since Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare came out nearly a decade ago.

Many of these innovations will come in the form of tweaks to standard features, such as a highly replayable, nonlinear Call of Duty campaign. Big changes are coming to the multiplayer as well, with the addition of Specialist characters. Zombies will return with a fresh coat of paint, too.

In addition, for only the second time in franchise history,developer Treyarch will hold a public beta to test the game’s multiplayer gameplay and servers before launch. The beta will take place across all confirmed Black Ops 3 platforms: PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

To get into the beta, fans simply need to pre-order the game for their platform of choice. Pre-orders for the game’s physical, digital, and the digital deluxe versionsare open now. However, Activision hasn’t said when the beta will begin, beyond that it will take place before the actual game releases on November 6th. Now, there’s evidence that the beta may take place this August.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Beta May Launch in August - Twitter evidence

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Beta May Launch in August - Twitter evidence

After inquiring about how to access the beta, a Twitter user named Satynade claims that he received a message from Norwegian retailer CDON. The message translates directly into, “The code will be sent to your mail in August, when the Beta version releases.”

There’s no proof that these emails are genuine, or that CDON has reliable information. Since Activision has yet to announce anything, take this with a huge grain of salt. That being said, retailer leaks occasionally turn out to be legitimate. In the past, retailers leaked info such as the Gran Turismo 6 release date(which was only off by a couple week) and the existence of games like. While there’s no definitive proof to back up Satynade’s story, there’s certainly precedent for the accuracy of retailer leaks, and August seems like as good a month as any to host the Black Ops 3 beta.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is slated for release on November 6th for PC, PS4, and Xbox One, with the beta taking place some point before that date. Last-gen and Wii U versionsare rumored to be on the way, but that hasn’t been confirmed by Activision.

Source: Imgur

Ubisoft: No More Triple-A Games Coming to PS3 & Xbox 360

Ubisoft: No More Triple-A Games Coming to PS3 & Xbox 360

With the PS4 and Xbox One selling millions of units and constantly adding to their overall sales numbers, one has to wonder how long it’ll be before the last generation of consoles – the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 – are left behind for good.

With the PS4 and Xbox One selling millions of units and constantly adding to their overall sales numbers, one has to wonder how long it’ll be before the last generation of consoles – the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 – are left behind for good. Games are still coming out for the older systems, and many more people are still using them, as they’ve yet to make the jump to the newer hardware. Admittedly, it was quite some time before the original Xbox and PS2 were finally left behind.

The industry and cultural shift to the current consoles is inevitable, but as long as the big, triple-A games launch with versions across both new and old systems, the change is only being delayed. However, some companies are coming around, and have decided to make the move more subtle, in that only some of their games will be left to keep the previous generation going. Take Ubisoft, for example, which has a few of the biggest games out there.

Coming quickly after the official announcement of Assassin’s Creed Syndicate , the publisher/developer revealed the news that it will be releasing all of its major franchises exclusively on the Xbox One and PS4 consoles. That includes the aforementioned Syndicate , Rainbow Six: Siege , The Division ,and any future games released as part of those franchises. Just Dance , however, will still make appearances on the PS3 and Xbox 360.

In an earnings briefing, via GameSpot, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot had the following to say:

“On Just Dance, we will continue to bring old-gen console versions. But on the other products like Assassin’s Creed, Rainbow Six, The Division, and the unannounced franchise, we will not have old-gen versions.”

In a statement from the company’s recently released earnings report, Guillemot added:

“Thanks to these new releases, very solid back-catalogue and digital revenues, and favorable exchange rates, we expect to see a further improvement in profitability.”

The “unannounced franchise” mentioned may be revealed at E3 2015 next month, and is set to release before March 2016. It’s currently unknown how closely this game will release to The Division , which has been pushed to early next year.

As for why Ubisoft decided to minimize support for the last-gen consoles, the success of the new consoles, while not the sole reason, is probably the biggest contributing factor. As seen in the chart above, the PS4 and Xbox One accounted for 52% of the company’s total sales for their fiscal year ending March 31, 2015, as opposed to their previous fiscal year, where the pair only amounted to 15%.

The timing could have certainly been better, but perhaps Ubisoft wanted to get this out there before E3, in order to avoid the “What about last-gen?” questions.

Sources: GameSpot, Ubisoft

Creative Marketing Puts Xbox One in New Zealand Shark Tank

Creative Marketing Puts Xbox One in New Zealand Shark Tank

If the atmosphere is feeling unseasonally warm as winter approaches, it might be because the video game industry is currently at the apex of the latest next-gen console war, with both the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One set for release within the next fortnight.

set for release within the next fortnight. Until gamers can take home their very own next-gen consoles, however, there’s still plenty of entertainment to be gleaned from their respective marketing campaigns.

For example, Microsoft recently constructed a giant Xbox One and installed it in downtown Vancouver, where it opened on October 31st to spill out a wave of hungry zombies. That particular spectacle was designed to promote Microsoft’s new console alongside Dead Rising 3 , and they did it again in Montreal last week where supercars came out of the giant console for Forza 5 . It’s unclear whether the latest piece of clever marketing in New Zealand is tied to any particular game. Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag , perhaps?

A video over at Stuff shows an Xbox One being held under guard – and underwater – at Kelly Tarlton’s SEA LIFE Aquarium in Auckland. The console was placed at the bottom of a tank that is also home to 20 sand tiger sharks, who unfortunately don’t have the right kind of appendages to use the console themselves.

Xbox One Details Achievements Party Chat

Xbox One Details Achievements Party Chat

While it’s a creative and fun publicity stunt, the Xbox One’s guards might not be as efficient as they sound on paper. Not only do they not have frickin’ laser beams attached to their heads, sand tiger sharks are generally quite docile creatures and it’s extremely rare for them to show any kind of hostility towards humans – in fact, there are no records of any human fatalities from sand tiger shark attacks. It’s their lack of aggression that actually makes them so suitable for display in aquariums.

With that in mind, we don’t encourage Auckland residents to try their luck at diving for the Xbox One, since it’s no doubt also guarded by a fierce school of security guards. The whole thing could turn into a highly realistic Tomb Raider LARP, but it’s probably not worth getting arrested over considering the Xbox One will be released in another week or so anyway.

The Xbox One launches worldwide on November 22, 2013.

Source: Stuff

Rumor Patrol: Nuketown Map Returning for Black Ops 3

Rumor Patrol: Nuketown Map Returning for Black Ops 3

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 has a lot of fans setting high expectations coming into the game’s open beta tomorrow.

has a lot of fans setting high expectations coming into the game’s open beta tomorrow. The latest in a long line of FPS juggernauts from Activision and Treyarch Studios has already switched things up by partnering with Sony on a DLC Exclusivitydeal, and all eSports action in Black Ops 3 will be done on PS4 consoles only. The biggest changes, however, will inevitably come in how the new map pool alters the way gamers play the Call of Duty franchise.

Black Ops 3 has already been testing the return of Uplink game modes and maps to support that style of gameplay in the beta. Now, a recent PSN slip up has revealed that popular game modes might not be the only fan-favorites making a return in November.

An updated Playstation Network page forsuggests that a successor to Black Ops ‘s Nuketown and Black Ops 2 ‘s Nuketown 2025 multiplayer maps will be present at the game’s release. Treyarch’s latest installment of carefully refined FPS action had made premature updates to its PSN Brazil page, and some particularly quick to act gamers snagged a screenshot of the text before Treyarch took it down. The page says, after translation, that buyers will receive the “bonus NUK3TOWN map”, which has been “completely redesigned to highlight the new chained motion system based on momentum of Treyarch, providing battles full of adrenaline”.

Although the page has been taken down and this information is simply a rumor, it is a believable one. Fans of the Call of Duty series have suspected a revamped model of Nuketown in Black Ops 3 for a while now, largely based on the popularity and success of the first two versions of the map. Nuketown is one of the smallest multiplayer maps in the history of Call of Duty , alongside other popular choices like Shipment, Dome, Rust, and Hijacked. Small maps are well-liked by players who favor frantic, fast-paced gameplay where spawn locations are close and players can expect to run into the opposing side at nearly every turn.

PSN Brazil Nuketown Leak

PSN Brazil Nuketown Leak

These maps are especially suited for LAN parties or large groups of friends looking to play a high volume of games in one night, as the quick turnaround after being killed means players don’t have to spend a lot of time navigating their way back to the action. Gamers who play the bulk of their games online will appreciate the refreshing change of pace that small maps like Nuketown bring to the Call of Duty series as well. After all, with so many major alterationsin Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 , it will be nice to see Treyarch adopt a “something old is new again” approach to some lovable qualities of the first two Black Ops games.

That is, of course, assuming that NUK3TOWN is available for everyone. Since PS4 gamers had a full week of beta testing before Xbox Oneand PC players had their chance, it’s clear that Activision isn’t afraid to show Sony a bit of love. Some fans have even criticized the problems with Xbox One beta codesas stemming from Sony and Activision’s priority on working well together. While that likely isn’t true, it is a fact that a map as influential as Black Ops 3 ‘s version of Nuketown will be in high demand, and it seems unwise to limit it to the PS4 only.

Do you think the NUK3TOWN leak is legit? Are you enjoying the Black Ops 3 beta? Let us know in the comments.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 releases for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC on November 6, 2015.

Source: CharlieIntel

Limited Edition ‘Evolve’ Goliath Statue Only Costs $750

Limited Edition ‘Evolve’ Goliath Statue Only Costs $750

The release of limited edition collectible models alongside new video game releases has become a standard practice in the industry.

The release of limited edition collectible models alongside new video game releases has become a standard practice in the industry. This is often tied to pre-order editions of games, such as the Skyrim Collector’s Edition’s dragon statue. Most recently, details were released about the Collector’s Editions for Batman: Arkham Knight , one featuring a model of the Dark Knight himself, and the other of the Batmobile.

It’s hardly surprising then, that 2K Gameshas revealed that Evolve will be subject to collectible statues. The game’s featured beastie, the Goliath, seems perfect as a fearsome mantelpiece talking point for a gaming den. But the co-operative/competitive shooter from Turtle Rock Studioshas never done anything by halves. Evolve features deadly environments and wildlife, delivers frantic multiplayer gameplaybased around teamwork, and was awarded Best of Show at E3 2014. Even delays for the title have been fairly monstrous– why would a collectible statue be any different?

Over on the Evolve website, 2K Games has now unveiled details about a statue based on Evolve’s Goliath. It is not tied to any pre-order exclusive, however. The statue is a separate purchase to the game itself, and stands at a whopping 29 inches tall – well over 2 foot. It weighs in at an incredible 35 pounds, and comes complete with working LED effects. The Goliath is available in a limited run of 500 models, and has been created by TriForce, the company responsible for the aforementioned Batmobile and Batman statues.

Interested? There’s only one catch: the price. If you want to get your hands on the Goliath statue, it’s going to set you back $750 plus a delivery charge for the oversized item. Check it out over at the TriForce storefor pre-order details and more information on the model. The statues are set to ship in the first quarter of 2015.

However, if you think $750 is a modest price, and that 500 models doesn’t count as a limited run for you, there is something else available that may take your fancy. TriForce is also creating another model of the Goliath, available only to those who are attending NYC Comic Con, which starts next Thursday. These statues will feature a special Savage Goliath skin – the same one which comes as a pre-order bonus for buyers of Evolve itself. There will only be 150 of these statues available, and it will cost $800. If you’re there, you’ll be able to find TriForce at booth #636.

What do you make of the Goliath statue? Is it a fun additional purchase for fans excited about the game, or do you think that the price is a little over the top? Are you going to buy the statue, and if so where are you going to put it on display? Let us know in the comments!

Evolve will be released on February 10, 2015, and will launch on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

Deadmau5 Creates ‘Minecraft’ Music, Builds Monument to Himself

Deadmau5 Creates ‘Minecraft’ Music, Builds Monument to Himself

Musician Deadmau5 is no stranger to video games as he most recently appeared in DJ Hero 2 doing what he does best, but the electronic artist also has an obscure passion that not many knew about – mining.

doing what he does best, but the electronic artist also has an obscure passion that not many knew about – mining. Deadmau5 sure does loves himself some Minecraft , but he also happens to love himself very dearly. Luckily, he was able to forge two of his favorite things together with monument to himself which he built in the absurdly addictive PCgame.

The Canadian born DJ  has created a monument dedicated to himself – a gigantic mouse head or Mau5 head if you will. The electronic artist enjoys showing off his new talent as he claims that he created the statue with, “no hax. pure skill.”

Continuing to show love for the game, Deadmau5 also released a snippet of music tailor-made for Minecraft . He’s released a sample of the new track on his soundcloud pagewhich you can check out for yourself – the song is a “simple sunrise/daytime theme” says Deadmau5.

For those not familiar with Minecraft , its a fairly new sandbox gamefor the PC where players break 3D blocks to create structures or works of art like the one pictured above, while defending themselves from monsters. Its available for free in classic mode or at a price in alpha – but really how can you argue with free Minecraft .

Deadmau5’s creation is just testament to the creative possibilities of Minecraft . The game may look simple and primitive, but in reality its extremely complex and addictive. Games like Minecraft orare intimidating in their immense creative possibility.

While I haven’t had a chance to play Minecraft for fear of it consuming all of my time, I do enjoy the new music that Deadmau5 has created. The music has a great ambient and calming tone which is a perfect fit for the game. I definitely look forward to hearing what else he has in store for Minecraft .

What have you created in Minecraft when you’re not trying to fend off pesky skeletons? Share your creations with us in the comments.

Minecraft is available now for the PC.

Source: Destructoid

Dying Light’ Special Edition Costs $386,000

Dying Light’ Special Edition Costs $386,000

‘Dying Light’ Special Edition Costs $386,000
As a collector at heart it’s hard not to feel compelled to pick up every Special Edition that’s unveiled.

As a collector at heart it’s hard not to feel compelled to pick up every Special Edition that’s unveiled. From the Mortal Kombat X Limited Edition by Coarseto the massive Evolve Goliath statue, there’s plenty of opportunities for fans to show their dedication to an upcoming franchise by spending a little extra money and earning some unique trinkets in the process.

However, every now and again a Special Edition comes around that doesn’t just make a small dent in gamers’ wallets, but instead requires a substantial sum. Case in point: the one-of-a-kind Dying Light Special Edition (only one in existence) that is available at UK retailer GAME for $386,000.

Of course, that sounds like a lot, but developer Techlandhas made sure that whatever lucky player forks over the cash gets their money’s worth. Included with the “My Apocalypse” Edition is Custom built Dying Light Zombie Home by Tiger Log Cabins Zombie avoidance parkour lessons with Ampisound, the team behind the internet smash Dying Light Parkour POV video Be The Zombie match with devs where you win so you can brag to your friends how “leet” you are Trip to Techland in Wroclaw, Poland, to meet the dev team and party with Steve the Zombie Consultant Your face skinned onto your Night Hunter character model Dying Light branded night vision goggles + adult diapers for the night portions of the game x4 signed Steelbox editions of Dying Light x2 Top of the line Razer Tiamat headphones Human sized Volatile figurine to use as a deterrent on human raiders

While this is easily one of the crazier special editions to pop up in recent years, it’s certainly not the craziest. Some will remember that Saints Row 4 featured a “Super Dangerous Wad Wad Edition” that retailed for $1 Million and came with a flight to space, plastic surgery, and a Lamborghini. It was the perfect fit for a franchise known for excess, but we don’t think anyone actually took Volition’s bait.

Dying Light Expensive Special Edition

Dying Light Expensive Special Edition

This Dying Light Special Edition, on the other hand, doesn’t necessarily fit with the game’s M.O., although it does feature plenty of post-apocalyptic themed items. We can’t imagine a gamer spending close to $400,000 on a few interesting items for a game that’s relatively new. Now, if this was for The Walking Dead that might be another story.

Some might also be wondering why the “My Apocalypse” Edition is being announced now when the game has been out for over a month. Well, it may be out in the states, but Dying Light was actually delayed elsewhere around the globe after a r etail production shortage. So, UK gamers are only just now gearing up for a release this week.

It will be interesting to see how enthusiasm for Dying Light has grown after its US release, and whether or not anyone picks up the “My Apocalypse” Edition. If someone does, we’ll be sure to let you know.

What do you think of this Dying Light Special Edition? If you had the money would you consider picking up something like this?

Dying Light is out now in the US, but hits some international territories this week.

Source: Gamespot

Ermac Revealed For ‘Mortal Kombat X’; Conan Plays With Super Bowl Stars

Ermac Revealed For ‘Mortal Kombat X’; Conan Plays With Super Bowl Stars

As promised by NetherRealm and series co-creator Ed Boon earlier this week, more roster confirmations continue to hit the web as we come closer to the April release date of Mortal Kombat X .

. After teasing new intel on Twitter, the team confirmed Reptileand his acid attacks would be back for the next installment in the iconic hardcore fighting franchise and just a few days later, another fan favorite veteran fighter is brawling his way through an announcement video…

Although MKX will feature quite a few fresh faces, the last few confirmationshave all revealed old school fighters. Today, the urban legend turned Scorpion palette swap, turned actual character joins the list of current-gen fighters. Ermac started out as a rumored character during the franchise’s early days, but eventually was introduced to the lore and the fighting roster as a gift to the fans who had been obsessing over the rumored ninja.

As you can see in the gameplay demo above, Ermac is definitely the real deal this time around. Ermac’s pyschokinetic abilities are back for MKX and although we don’t get to see a Fatality in the preview video, we do see him do some serious damage to Sub-Zero by pulling him into the air and crushing him with telekinetic energy. The NetherRealm camp also confirmed that Mortal Kombat X will feature a new kind of finisher; distinct from the Fatalities, Babalities, or any of the other existing cinematic match-enders.

The Mortal Kombat hype train pulled into the late night station this week, when the game was featured on Conan’s always ridiculous Clueless Gamer feature. This time around, in celebration of Superbowl Sunday, Conan brought in two special guests to preview the game with him. The late night host sat down in a hotel conference room with the Patriot’s Rob Gronkowski and the Seahawks’ Marshawn Lynch to get a special early access hands-on preview of Mortal Kombat X .

Gronkowski and Lynch take Conan to the school of button mashers before all three of them are terrified by a gruesome finisher. In addition to some very colorful commentary on matchups between many of the fighters that have already been confirmed, the trio also have a pretty hilarious conversations about Mario Kart that is worth watching even if you aren’t a Mortal Kombat fan.

Are you excited to see so many classic fighters confirmed for Mortal Kombat X or would you rather be learning about new characters? Let us know in the comments.

Mortal Kombat X releases April 14, 2015 on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PC.

Black Ops 2: ‘Revolution’ DLC Coming January 29th?

Black Ops 2: ‘Revolution’ DLC Coming January 29th?

Black Ops 2 may have gotten off to a suspicious start where sales numbers were concerned , but proved the franchise still has staying power unrivaled in the entertainment industry .

. Of course, Call of Duty has become synonymous with the now-infamous array of downloadable Map Packs. But to this point, what shipped with Black Ops 2 has been all that players had at their disposal.

A few new images leaked online imply that the wait is nearly over, as the Revolution Map Pack DLC will will be bringing new arenas and weaponry come January 29, beginning with the Xbox 360.

Now that the controversy over the Nuketown 2025 maphas been somewhat addressed, Treyarchhas the opportunity to pleasantly surprise their sizable player community. Thanks to a few images of in-store promotional materials that popped up on Reddit , we have an idea of how they’ll be doing it. Specifically, with five new maps and a bonus weapon.

The maps in question are Hydro, apparently taking place along or next to a hydroelectric dam, Grind, set among a graffiti-ed skate park, Downhill, this particular DLC’s arctic locale, and Mirage, a map set in an East-Asian locale. Along with the four multiplayer maps is Die Rise, what seems to be a location for the game’s Zombie mode in a post-apocalyptic urban setting.

Black Ops 2 Revolution DLC Map Pack

Black Ops 2 Revolution DLC Map Pack

With the map pack comes the ‘bonus’ Peacekeeper SMG, although its particular details or game modes it will be available to aren’t clear. Infinity Ward and Treyarch have both cited balancing and technical hurdles as an explanation for a lack of additional weapons once their respective games had shipped. Exactly how this has changed with the Peacekeeper is anyone’s guess, but at this point all we have to go on is the name and appearance (could it only be an addition to Zombie mode?).

The promotional materials claim a release date of January 29, 2013, with exclusivity to Xbox 360 owners at launch. Pricing and specific details are still unannounced, but expect Activisionand Treyarch to release some screenshots or a trailer in the near future.

Which if the new maps looks most promising to your eyes? Does the arctic setting mean a celebration is in order, or has the format become a tired one in this day and age? Most importantly, has Black Ops 2’s League Playshifted your attention from new maps to honing your own skills, or are the existing locations already feeling a bit tired?

Black Ops 2 is out now for the PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U and PC. The Revolution Map Pack is expected January 29, 2013.

Follow Andrew on Twitter @ andrew_dyce.

Source: Reddit(via Joystiq)

Ed Harris and Gary Oldman Lend Voices to Call of Duty: Black Ops

Ed Harris and Gary Oldman Lend Voices to Call of Duty: Black Ops

With the release of Call of Duty: Black Ops only two months away, new information about the game seems to be coming out rather rapidly.

only two months away, new information about the game seems to be coming out rather rapidly. In the past few weeks we have seen the limited editionsof the game, a multiplayer teaser trailer, and just last week the wager system and new game modeswere revealed. Now, the latest information to come out of Activisionand Treyarchis concerning some big name Hollywood talent that will be lending their services to the game.

Earlier today Treyarch announced that Ed Harris () and Gary Oldman () will be lending their voice talents to the game. Harris will voice one of the game’s main characters, CIA operative Jason Hudson, while Oldman will reprise his role of Viktor Reznov from. In addition to those two talented actors, Davis S. Goyer is providing script consultation and story development support to Treyarch. Goyer is probably best known for his work on The Dark Knight and Batman Begins .

While the last fewgames were not primarily known for their single-player campaigns, it is nice to see some serious focus on something that is not on the multiplayer side of the game. Mark Lamia, Studio Head of Treyarch, is excited for what these three individuals are bringing to the campaign portion of the game:

“Oldman, Harris and Goyer are considered some of Hollywood’s finest talents and they perfectly complement Call of Duty: Black Ops’ ambitious and immersive single player experience. Their contributions have helped us to push the boundaries of our story telling and character development far beyond anything we have ever attempted before in the franchise.”

As a big fan of the work that Harris and Oldman have done, I am very excited to hear this. It doesn’t matter what film these guys are in, they always seem to bring something extra to their roles. I hope they are able to do the same with just their voices. But, it probably doesn’t matter what I think as I would be happy if they just took Ed Harris’ dialog from The Rock and pasted it into this game.

So Ranters, is anyone else’s excitement raised with this announcement?

You can pick up Call of Duty: Black Ops when it is released on November 9th for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.

Black Ops 2’ Revolution DLC Finally Confirmed; Walkthrough Trailer Released

Black Ops 2’ Revolution DLC Finally Confirmed; Walkthrough Trailer Released

‘Black Ops 2’ Revolution DLC Finally Confirmed; Walkthrough Trailer Released
As we all expected them to, Treyarch has finally confirmed the existence of the first DLC pack for Black Ops 2 , Revolution , and announced it will release on January 29th.

, and announced it will release on January 29th. Featuring four new multiplayer maps, a new Zombies map and mode, and a new weapon, Revolution could prove to be the most substantial DLC package the Call of Duty franchise has seen yet.

Alongside the announcement Treyarch also released a 5-minute video (featured above) that walks players through all the Black Ops 2 maps and the new mode, explaining what new elements they bring to the table.

The first new map, titled Hydro, is set on a hydroelectric dam in Pakistan. Like the map Expressin Black Ops 2 proper, Hydro features a dynamic event — in this case the flooding of a walkway — that will indiscriminately kill any players in its path.

Grind takes place in a skate park in Southern California. As the video points out, Grind is made up primarily of curved surfaces — namely those of half and quarter pipes. Unlike many traditional maps, Grind doesn’t offer the traditional mantling spots, and appears to be much more accommodating to open firefights.

Downhill is Black Ops 2 ‘s first snow map, a long-standing staple of the franchise. Perhaps the game’s most accommodating map for snipers — besides maybe Turbine — Downhill offers long sight lines, but plenty of opportunities for cover. As well the map features a set of ascending and descending gondolas that can be used for protection, but are capable of killing if caught in their path.

And finally Mirage is set in the Gobi Desert in China on a sand swept resort with plenty of interesting architectural designs. Because of the sand players can gain access to multiple levels of the various buildings, which helps keep players from holing up on the top floors.Black Ops 2 Revolution Walkthrough

Black Ops 2 Revolution Walkthrough

Along with the four new multiplayer maps, Revolution also brings a new map for Zombiescalled Die Rise, which promises to introduce new gameplay elements to Treyarch’s fan favorite mode. Most obviously, as the map is set on a crumbling skyscraper ((get it? High Rise = Die Rise), Die Rise introduces an element of verticality to the mode, something that players have never seen before. And, as they make there way through the map they will be forced to brave some dark corridors that mimic the feeling of being trapped in a maze.

But Treyarch isn’t just throwing out a new map for Zombies and letting multiplayer get all the attention though — they’re actually doing something they’ve never done before: rolling out a new mode as well. Titled ‘Turned’ this mode offers players the opportunity to play as the Zombies and try to take down a lone player-controlled character.

If you happen to kill the human, it’s your turn to try your hand at survival. It sounds a little like Gears of War ‘s Beast Mode, and could be a lot of fun.

But wait, there’s more! Revolution is also breaking new ground for Call of Duty DLC by introducing a new weapon into the fold: the ‘Peacekeeper’ SMG. This is the first time that a Call of Duty developer, be it Treyarch or Infinity Ward, has introduced a new weapon into the game post-launch, and we’re curious to hear how fans respond.

Black Ops 2 Revolution - Peacekeeper SMG

Black Ops 2 Revolution - Peacekeeper SMG

While new maps and modes are the biggest draw, this is the first time that DLC has provided a potential advantage to players that purchase it or the Season Pass. As the video states, the Peacekeeper is a hybrid between an SMG and an assault rifle, which could make it useful for nearly every type of player.

What do you think of the new maps for Black Ops 2 ? Does the new Hunted mode and Die Rise map sound like worthwhile additions? How do you feel about a new weapon coming as DLC?

Black Ops 2: Revolution will be releasing first for the Xbox 360 on January 28, 2012.

Follow me on Twitter @ANTaormina

Black Ops 2’ Revolution DLC Accidentally Confirmed by Activision [Updated]

Black Ops 2’ Revolution DLC Accidentally Confirmed by Activision [Updated]

‘Black Ops 2’ Revolution DLC Accidentally Confirmed by Activision [Updated]
Although neither Treyarch nor Activision had yet to formally confirm it, more and more details are mounting that suggest the first Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 DLC will indeed be called Revolution .

. While earlier this month we revealed a banner that seemingly spilled the beans on Revolution — as well as its 4 multiplayer and 1 zombie map — much of what was detailed was based on circumstantial evidence.

The most recent report, however, comes straight from the lion’s mouth, although not intentionally. Over on the official Call of Duty page, for a brief moment, a link appeared that would send gamers to a preview of Black Ops 2: Revolution , the first DLC for Treyarch‘s newest COD effort.

The image and link have since been taken care of — clearly a mistake — but one clever gamer was able to snag a screenshot before the page was taken down. Moreover, popular multiplayer shooter-focused site MP1sthas procured another banner image for Revolution, one that seems to coincide with the one we featured earlier.

Black Ops 2 Revolution Top Banner

Black Ops 2 Revolution Top Banner

The image itself shows three combatants, two human and one zombie, confirming that Revolution will offer both new multiplayer and zombie components for Black Ops 2 players. It’s also entirely possible that the inclusion of the third character suggests one of the four multiplayer maps — Hydro, Downhill, Grind, or Mirage — will be utilized as a Strike Force mission. It’s a long shot, but could be possible.

Additionally we know that Revolution will be including a new weapon for multiplayer, the ‘Peacekeeper’ SMG and may launch as early as January 29th for the Xbox 360. Gamers who want to get in on the action as early as possible, assuming they are Xbox 360 owners, can purchase the Black Ops 2 Season Pass, which replaced the Call of Duty Elitepremium service for this year.

Are you ready for the launch of Revolution, the first multiplayer DLC for Black Ops 2 ? Are you more excited for new multiplayer maps or a new zombie map?

Update: It’s official. The Call of Duty websiteconfirms that Revolution “includes four all-new Multiplayer maps, a new Zombies map and Zombies game mode, and a brand new Multiplayer weapon.” It’ll be available January 29th on Xbox 360 for 1200 Microsoft Points, and will arrive on other platforms “at a later date.”

Black Ops 2 is available now for the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC.

Follow me on Twitter @ANTaormina

Source: MP1st

Live-Action ‘Black Ops 2’ Trailer Feat. Robert Downey Jr.

Live-Action ‘Black Ops 2’ Trailer Feat. Robert Downey Jr.

While the franchise’s rapidly-record-breaking success has generated a love-hate relationship between gamers and Call of Duty no one can deny the impact each game has in the industry every fall.

no one can deny the impact each game has in the industry every fall. The pop-cultural acceptance and mainstreaming of Call of Duty owes much thanks to the marketing folks at Activision, especially in recent years with the smart use of live-action trailers to add buzz to each annualized release.

Call of Duty: Black Ops made waves when it featured the likes of Kobe Bryant and Jimmy Kimmel in a live-action TV ad, and its followup, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is continuing the tradition, this time throwing Hollywood A-lister Robert Downey Jr. into the cockpit of a jet fighter.

Highlighting the Call of Duty tagline “There’s a soldier in all of us,” the latest creative live-action venture (directed by Guy Ritchie) follows an everyday guy (with a fro and a mustache) nonchalantly calling in a tactical strike while being sniped, while the sniper has a tomahawk thrown at them, and so on and so forth. From there, the commercial goes tech-heavy, highlighting the future-setting of Black Ops 2 .

There are drones, armored mechs, hovering jets and more. Watch the video up top, also featuring FPSRussia, who helped launch the marketing campaign for the title with a video on the Quadrotor.

In addition to the obvious Iron Man nod with the AC/DC music and the “gunfight” line, there’s even a little love for the zombies thrown in. For more COD zombies fun, check out the live-action trailer for zombie Rezurrection DLCfor Black Ops 1 . Zombies of course returnagain after first appearing in World at War , this time getting their own story campaign.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 releases November 13, 2012 for the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360, and November 18th for the Wii U. Iron Man 3 hits theaters on May 3, 2013.

Follow Rob on Twitter @ rob_keyes.

Black Ops 2’ Nuketown Zombies Map Coming to PC and PS3 This Week

Black Ops 2’ Nuketown Zombies Map Coming to PC and PS3 This Week

‘Black Ops 2’ Nuketown Zombies Map Coming to PC and PS3 This Week
Almost exactly one month’s time after the release of the Nuketown Zombies bonus map for Black Ops 2 , it has been revealed the PC and PS3 release of the map is imminent.

, it has been revealed the PC and PS3 release of the map is imminent. Free to any Season Pass holders, Nuketown adds a new multiplayer arena to Treyarch‘s fan-favorite mode.

The new map is slated to hit the two platforms on the 17th of this month, but unfortunately not only is it free but it is exclusive to Season Pass holders. That means gamers interested in fighting waves of the undead in an idyllic suburban environment will also have to commit to future DLC as well, although that should include new Zombiesmaps as well.

More important than bolstering a pretty substantial multiplayer experience, the release of Nuketown Zombies gives Call of Duty fans some hint as to the release schedule for DLC on all three platforms. While last year was plagued by an overabundance of staggered release dates — a byproduct of Call of Duty ElitePremium’s exclusivity within the exclusive club — this year should return to normal.

Nuketown #Zombieshits PS3/PC players on 1/17 next week! Ready up & grab your #BlackOps2DLC Season Pass now:

– Call of Duty (@CallofDuty) January 11, 2013

That means gamers should expect the release of a DLC map pack to hit the Xbox 360 first and then the PC and PS3 about a month later. No more single map releases (we hope) or delays.

We will, however, be able to test this theory in full when the first map pack, titled Revolution, releases for Xbox 360 gamers at the end of the month, on January 29th to be exact. Included in the pack are four new multiplayer maps— titled Hydro, Grind, Downhill, and Mirage — a new Zombies map (Die Rise) and mode (Turned), as well as a new weapon.

The weapon has been dubbed the ‘Peacekeeper’ and is said to be a cross between an assault rifle and an SMG. This is also the first time that Call of Duty has offered a new weapon as DLC, so we’ll see how that goes over with fans. For a closer look at the Revolution DLC make sure to check out the walkthrough video.

Are you excited to get your hands on a new Zombies map? How do you like the new features Treyarch introduced to the party?

Black Ops 2 ‘s Nuketown Zombies map will be available January 17, 2013 for the PS3 and PC.

Source: Call of Duty – Twitter

Follow me on Twitter @ANTaormina

Braid’ Creator Spends His Fortune On Next Game

Braid’ Creator Spends His Fortune On Next Game

‘Braid’ Creator Spends His Fortune On Next Game
Independent game developer Jonathan Blow took a huge gamble when he created Braid ; he poured $200,000 into the project, which would go on to make him a millionaire.

; he poured $200,000 into the project, which would go on to make him a millionaire. He’s now taken that money, and re-invested it all in The Witness , his next independent title. The game has spent six years in the development cycle, but the developer has faith that his huge gamble will pay off.

His first hitwas a smash on Xbox Live, and would later be ported to PCafter massive consumer demand. It made Blow millions, but even that income wasn’t enough to fund the ambitious efforts of The Witness – and the developer has resorted to borrowing investment money in order to complete his next title.

The Witness is a first-person puzzle adventure game that eliminates the features Blow doesn’t like about other adventure games. He’s kept most of the game a mystery to avoid spoilers, but this year is the tentative year of release for the long-awaited title – though he hasn’t ruled out delaying the release to ensure the title is up to his standard upon release.

The Witness Island

The Witness Island

The Witness currently has a development team of nine people actively working on the game, and they recently completed all of the puzzles for the game – totaling 677 in all. The game is three times the size of what Jonathan Blow had originally set out to create, and should lead gamers on a hefty 25-40 hour playthrough. It’s plenty of content, and it evidently comes with quite a cost.

Blow, however, isn’t concerned about stretching the development time, even if it’s costing him more money than he can currently afford:

“If there is such a thing as taking ‘too long,’ we have probably already done that. 20 years from now, I am not going to care about whether we took an extra six months or a year in development; I am going to care about the quality of the game people got to play. It’d be a shame to sacrifice some of that quality just to squeak the game out a little sooner. Though I do sympathize with people who have been waiting a long time to play.”

Blow has been a longtime critic of both Xbox Liveand Xbox One, so it’s no surprise that his next game will only feature on the PlayStation 4beside a PC release.

Do you think Blow’s game has potential? Would be you interested in a Myst -inspiredadventure game from the creator of Braid ?

The Witness is schedule to arrive on PC and PlayStation 4 sometime in 2015.

Source: Engadget

Video Game Piracy Could End in Two Years

Video Game Piracy Could End in Two Years

The founder of a prominent Chinese video game cracking forum makes the claim that piracy in the medium could be a thing of the past in just two years from now.

According to a recent blog post from the creator of the Chinese cracking forum 3DM, the ever-evolving intricacies of copy protection technology could invariably lead to the demise of video game piracy in as little as two years. Going under the pseudonym “Bird Sister” (AKA Phoenix), the 3DM pioneer disclosed her exasperation in relation to the pressure to crack Avalanche Studios’ Just Cause 3 .

For those unaware, Just Cause 3 is protected by a program developed by Denuvo Software Solutions GmbH, which is based in anti-tamper measures designed to safeguard preexisting DRM solutions like Origin and the Steam license management system. As claimed by “Bird Sister”, Denuvo’s a tough nut to crack, but she believes it can be done. However, the 3DM founder also thinks that should such software strengthen, it could soon be game over for piracy, writing:

“Recently, many people have asked about cracks for Just Cause 3 , so here is a centralized answer to this question. The last stage is too difficult and Jun [a game cracker] nearly gave up, but last Wednesday I encouraged him to continue.

“I still believe that this game can be compromised. But according to current trends in the development of encryption technology, in two years time I’m afraid there will be no free games to play in the world.”



This isn’t the first time that Denuvo’s been effective at discouraging pirates from copying a game. As it happens, it took 3DM nearly a month to successfully copy Electronic Arts’in 2014. Despite the fact that crackers were eventually able to do so, Denuvo continued to adjust the software, creating even longer protection periods for games like FIFA ’16 , which has yet to be cracked.

While some game companies praise the usage of DRM — Ubisoft believes it’s vital for PC business— developers like CD Projekt Red, for instance, have criticized the method. A while back, the studio’s head of marketing and PR, Michal Platkow-Gilewski, said the method’s futile and that DRM actually causes piracy. As a matter of fact, CD Projekt Red added a rather tongue-in-cheek Easter egg entitled “Gottfried’s Omni-opening Grimoire” into the final version of its critically-acclaimed role-playing game , making fun of DRM. For the uninitiated, the in-game book’s description detailed a seemingly impenetrable magic system called “Defensive Regulatory Magicon”, or DRM for short.



Although copy protection technology for video games like Denuvo will undoubtedly become more complicated as time progresses, it’s truly safe to say that piracy is not going anywhere. As is the case with practically any endeavor, when there’s a will, there’s a way. However, some would argue that there are ways to stop video game piracy, but such strategies may not work out in the long run.

What do you think about the possibility of video game piracy being nonexistent in the near-future? Do you believe the increasing complexity of encryption technology will eventually deter people from cracking games altogether, or will there always be pirates who find a way to do so? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: 3DM(via IGN)

The Witness’ Comes Forth As A PS4 Exclusive… For Now

The Witness’ Comes Forth As A PS4 Exclusive… For Now

‘The Witness’ Comes Forth As A PS4 Exclusive… For Now
Viewers were left with plenty of unanswered questions after Sony’s PlayStation Meeting on February 20th, and perhaps nothing prompted more question marks than the gameplay trailer for The Witness (above) by award-winning Braid developer Jonathan Blow.

The Witness will be the first game from Blow’s Thekla, Inc. development studio.

The trailer opens up to a warm autumn setting with an unusual scene:  a record player sitting in a tree stump, which magically starts playing by itself. A soothing Irish flute song begins playing, and your journey across the island begins. The Witness is a game about exploring an open, abandoned island and solving puzzles, and as of right now, that seems to be the extent of it.

Writing on the PlayStation Blog , Blow elaborates on The Witness just a bit.

“Thematically, it’s a game about epiphany, that leap your mind makes when you instantly go from confusion to understanding.”

According to Blow, the open world of The Witness sets it apart from other puzzle-based games, as users who get stuck on a particularly challenging puzzle “can simply go somewhere else.”

The Witness Trailer

The Witness Trailer

In an interview with, Blow confirmed that The Witness will be a PS4 console exclusive, though there is the possibility of a simultaneous PC/ iOSrelease. The deal with Sony is for limited-time exclusivity, which could mean a next-gen Xboxrelease at some point in the future.

Indie-game fans may be a little confused about why The Witness is starting out as a PS4 title when Blow’s last game was initially available on Xbox Live Arcadeand only came to PC and PS3 later. Some might blame Blow’s frustration with XBLA. Others may say Sony gave him a money hat when they heard he was making another game following the success of Braid . According to Blow, neither scenario is accurate.

“We liked the idea of being on a console, and originally we thought we might be on the PS3 or Xbox 360, but eventually we decided not to target either of those due to the relatively low system specs. After some more time went by, and our release date drifted further into the future, we realized that the next-generation console launch time might be a good time to release the game.”

“The Wii U still has pretty low system specs, so it came down to a choice between the next Microsoft console or the next Sony console.

“I don’t have good communication with anyone at Microsoft right now, and haven’t been disclosed on their next console, but all our technical people like the PS4 specs a lot more than the leaked Durango specs, and we like the positioning of the PS4 (it’s about games) a lot more than what we perceive Microsoft’s positioning is going to be.”

The Witness PS4 Timed Exclusive

The Witness PS4 Timed Exclusive

So Blow is unsatisfied with the specs of current consoles – including the Wii U– yet he wants to do an iOS port of The Witness as soon as possible? It’s odd, to say the least, but if Blow believes that his next-gen game can be successfully developed on current iOS devices as well, then more power to him.

Will you be witnessing The Witness when it launches on PS4, or are you more interested in the PC/iOS ports? Let us know in the comments!

The Witness is currently in development for PlayStation 4.

Source: PlayStation Blog, Kotaku

No Man’s Sky’ is PS4 Timed Exclusive; PC Release to Follow

No Man’s Sky’ is PS4 Timed Exclusive; PC Release to Follow

‘No Man’s Sky’ is PS4 Timed Exclusive; PC Release to Follow
It was well established at E3 2014 that this would be a year of Sony pushing towards exclusivity.

that this would be a year of Sony pushing towards exclusivity. From Destiny early accessto the Hulk in Disney Infinity 2.0 ; the PS3 and PS4 are all about offering timed-exclusives for Sony-loyal gamers. Waiting for a particular weapon or playable character for a few months is bearable for most shoppers who haven’t picked up a Sony console yet, but exclusive games like No Man’s Sky are a little harder to resist. Luckily, exploring the depths of space in the game that stole the show at E3 won’t be a PS4 exclusive experience forever.

After the beautiful footage that was revealed at E3and Hello Games’ Sean Murray’s quotes about the gameplay; it seems like just about every gamer out there will want to get their hands on the space exploration game. There has been suspicion that the game would eventually be released on the PC, but up until today that had just been wishful thinking.

Murray, the managing director at Hello Games, revealed that a PC version will follow the PS4 version after the timed-exclusivity period expires. Sorry Xbox One owners, but there has still been no mention of the game eventually arriving on the Microsoft console. In an interview with, Murray went on to explain that keeping consoles in mind while developing No Man’s Sky did not hurt the PC version at all…

“I actually got in a bit of trouble for saying that we wanted the game to feel really console-y… We’ve always had PC in mind but in my head [console-y] means solid framerate and immediate controls. I think a PC game can be console-y and it’s intended as a compliment, but I get in trouble for saying it.”

No Man's Sky dinosaur

No Man's Sky dinosaur

There’s no doubt that the indie game has already generated enough buzz to appeal to a pretty large segment of gamers, so Hello Games studio will likely see a lot more success by not limiting the audience to just PS4 owners. Indies have a tradition of thriving on PCs, thanks largely to the Steam community, so we expect to see No Man’s Sky do quite well outside of the console scene, as well.

Unfortunately, Murray was unable to offer any concrete details about the length of the PS4 exclusive deal. Seeing that we still don’t have a firm release window for No Man’s Sky , that isn’t too surprising.

Do you think No Man’s Sky will sell less PS4 consoles now that we know a PC version will eventually arrive? Let us know in the comments.

No Man’s Sky is coming to PC and PS4, but no release dates have been set.

Follow Denny on Twitter @ The_DFC.

Source: Edge

The Witness on Xbox One is Not Happening, Despite ESRB Rating

The Witness on Xbox One is Not Happening, Despite ESRB Rating

Jonathan Blow’s The Witness is now rated by the ESRB for the Xbox One, despite console exclusivity having been previously announced for the PlayStation 4.

Jonathan Blow, well known indie developer of Braid and co-founder of the Indie Fund, is hard at work putting the finishing touches on his upcoming game, The Witness . Tentatively scheduled for a January 26 release date,was previously announced as a PlayStation 4 timed exclusive. That was later corrected to PS4 console exclusivity, as a PC launch is also planned for Jan. 26. However, a surprise from the ESRB this morning started a bit of excitement that needs to be addressed.

Today, the ESRB published its official ratings for The Witness , a solid “E for Everyone,” and right up there next to PC and PlayStation 4 in approved platforms was the Xbox One as well. Though Xbox One game players probably shouldn’t be getting excited just yet.

The ESRB doesn’t require the game to be running on the platforms listed, the platforms are just taken from what the developer lists on their forms. For an independent developer like Jonathan Blow, having The Witness rated for Xbox One just means not having to go through the ratings process again if for some reason the game makes its way to Xbox One.

Jonathan Blow even confirmed that was his reasoning via two different tweets:

“There are no plans right now for an XB1 version of The Witness. We just put that on the rating form so if we ever do XB1, we won’t have to … to get the game re-rated. (Provided the content is the same, which it would be).

The Witness Xbox One ESRB Rating

The Witness Xbox One ESRB Rating
For those unfamiliar with The Witness , Jonathan Blow has been working on it since 2008, following the launch of Braid. In The Witness ‘ initial development phases Jonathan Blow had planned to release the game on PlayStation 3, but the game’s ambitionquickly grew beyond the platform. Blow reached out to Sony about releasing the game on their next console, which led to Sony eventually inviting Blow to their pre-announcement PS4 summit for developers and publishers.

In an interview with Ars Technica, Blow would go on to say how he similarly reached out to Microsoft and was rebuffed. When Blow asked his contact if Microsoft would acknowledge a next-gen Xbox, share its technical specifications, he heard back:

“I have no political path to making something like that happen for an independent developer.”

The rest is, as they say, history. Blow continued to work with Sony prior to the PlayStation 4’s launch and The Witness was one of the first major indie titles to dedicate itself to console exclusivityon the platform. Microsoft has since gone to great lengths to rebuild relations with indie developers after a very rough start for the Xbox One. The idea that The Witness might be launching on the Xbox One at or soon after the launch on PC and PlayStation 4 would be rather controversial.

Fortunately that doesn’t appear to be what has happened. The Witness is still exclusive to PlayStation 4 and PC for the foreseeable future. It’s worth noting, though,  that Jonathan Blow did not discount the possibility of The Witness eventually coming to Xbox One.

The Witness releases January 26, 2016 for PC and PS4.

Source: ESRB

Microsoft Loosens Xbox One Parity Clause for Indie Games

Microsoft Loosens Xbox One Parity Clause for Indie Games

The Xbox One launch parity requirement has caused a lot of friction within the games development community.

launch parity requirement has caused a lot of friction within the games development community. Microsoft’s policy, which states that all games released via the console’s ID@Xbox platform must launch on the Xbox One either before or at the same time as other devices, is meant to keep Microsoft’s console at the forefront of gaming and give its customers first rights to new releases. As Xbox head Phil Spencer states, the company wants Xbox owners to “feel like they’re first-class.”

However, the independent development community sees the requirement as something else entirely. Rather than protecting Xbox customers, indie developers feel that the policy is restrictive. Indie studios have said that creating a game with launch parity is often beyond their time and financial restraints, particularly when development teams are often incredibly small. Critics of the policy include Phil Fish and Gone Home developer Steve Gaynor. Developer Free Games Lives has even said that Broforce was released as a PS4 exclusivebecause of the parity requirement.

There are signs that Microsoft has softened its hardline stance on indie games, however. Phil Spencer has previously cited examples where workarounds have been made for developers with limited timelines and no resources to work on multiple devices at once. Now, Spencer has been joined by another Xbox executive. Speaking with Gamespot , Chris Charla has revealed that Microsoft’s parity requirement is not as black and white as it seems.

Xbox One without Kinect

Xbox One without Kinect

Charla, who is head of the ID@Xbox self-publishing platform, said that Xbox has previously found workarounds for developers struggling to keep to the controversial policy. Indeed, the Xbox executive revealed that there are certain caveats in place for indie developers who tell Microsoftabout the struggle they may have to release on Xbox One at the same time as PlayStation 4 or Wii U. Charla said that developers “should just come talk” to the company to find a middle ground.

The head of ID@Xbox revealed that the company is more diplomatic than its parity requirement suggests. “If it’s a situation where a developer needs to ship serially on console because they don’t have the resources to simultaneously ship, we totally get that,” Charla said. However, there is less leeway for developers who choose to release for another console before the Xbox One. In those cases, Xbox would ask for the developer to “add something to the game that makes it fresh for Xbox players” before its release.

Microsoft’s indie games initiative is also making the move to PC. During a conference at the GDC, it was revealed that Windows 10would see an ID@Xbox variant. Charla, however, was able to state that the Windows version would not have any kind of parity requirement, and that Windows as “an open platform” for development.

Source: Gamespot

YouTube Prepping Livestream Competitor to Twitch

YouTube Prepping Livestream Competitor to Twitch

YouTube has played an integral role in the growing popularity of ‘Let’s Play’ videos that highlight gameplay and the reactions of the gamer playing them.

has played an integral role in the growing popularity of ‘Let’s Play’ videos that highlight gameplay and the reactions of the gamer playing them. It’s also proven to be a multi-million dollar business, as shown by Pewdiepie’s $4 million dollarsof advertising revenue in 2013.

It should come as no surprise, then, that Google and YouTube were so eager to acquire Twitch that they were willing to spend $1 Billionto do so. While they ultimately lost Twitch to Amazon, they haven’t given up on live streaming.

According to The Daily Dot, YouTube has already assembled a team of fifty engineers to work on revitalizing the existing YouTube Live service. While Twitchis the younger of the two services, YouTube’s service has struggled to gain popularity, and all links to it vanished from the main page in 2014.

YouTube’s live streaming service has collected some accolades, like hosting the U.S. Presidential Debate in 2012, but never made much headway in other categories, like gaming. In this attempted reboot of the service, YouTube is apparently pursuing gaming and eSports streamingin particular:

“Gaming and esports in particular are going to be a big driving force for the new-look YouTube Live… There’ll be huge opportunities for established streamers and organizations soon and I would say that the record numbers of esports viewers are only going to grow when Google start promoting and partnering with these events.”

Being able to watch pre-recorded Let’s Play videos and live streams on the same site would undoubtedly be convenient for many fans. However, it also raises the question of how this will affect YouTube’s rules regarding copyrighted material. While many Let’s Play channels have flourished, YouTube has also created controversyby removing videos or suspending gaming channels due to copyright infringements. Gamers have already experienced Twitch cracking downon unauthorized audio in video streams, so some may be wary that YouTube could simply pull entire streams or hit channels with warnings or suspensions for playing the wrong games.

Twitch Plays Pokemon

Twitch Plays Pokemon

There’s no guarantee that YouTube Live will spell the end for Twitch. Google has tried to take on established services before, like creating Google+ to counter Facebook, and failed miserably. Twitch is also well-entrenched in the gaming community already, with easy ways to stream directly to the service from both the PS4 and the Xbox One, and its crowd-based “Twitch Plays” series.

YouTube will also have to worry about more than just Twitch, as other services have beaten them to the punch. DailyMotionand Steamhave both recently introduced alternatives to Twitch specifically aimed at the gaming community.

Do you think that YouTube Live will spell the end of Twitch, or is there room for more than one streaming service?

Source: IGN, The Daily Dot

GR Pick [Video]: GoldenEye 007 Live-Action Game Mod

GR Pick [Video]: GoldenEye 007 Live-Action Game Mod

Who could forget the good ol’ days staying up at all hours of the night playing GoldenEye 007 multiplayer on the Nintendo 64 with all your buds?

multiplayer on the Nintendo 64 with all your buds? Some jerk would pick Oddjob, while another would be throwing proximity mines at spawn points — it was a dog eat dog world back then.

Skip forward over 14 years and some fans of the classic game have created a fun live-action video inspired by GoldenEye 007 and it surprisingly feels like greeting an old friend.

According to the player narrating the “gameplay” video, this rendition of GoldenEye 64 is a “fan-made mod” with “updated graphics.” The video has everything you could ask for: a silenced Walther PPK, infinite ammo, and of course, dumb A.I. The classic first-person shooter video is great, but at the same time brings back aggravating memories of what it demonstrates so well: the A.I.

Many gamers have lived to tell the of tale of surviving escort missions.

Other than bringing back fond memories of Natalya running into walls, this video is a little slow and not very action-oriented – we have FreddieWfor that – but then again, the gameplay in GoldenEye wasn’t like Call of Duty . We’d love to see another if this crew could recreate an actual level from the game, but you can’t win ’em all. Check out the video from YouTube user Warialaskybelow:


We’ve seen other amazing games come to life in past GR Picks, including a 9-minute Left 4 Dead film, Donkey Kong in ‘Kart Driver’, an original Uncharted short, and of course Dan Trachtenberg’s amazing Portal short. All good time-wasters, this included.

What video games would you like to see adapted into a live-action mod?

Follow me on Twitter @ TyRawrrnosaurus

Source: Warialasky’s YouTube Channel

YouTube Star PewDiePie Made $7.45 Million Last Year

YouTube Star PewDiePie Made $7.45 Million Last Year

In the world of Let’s Players, PewDiePie is king.

In the world of Let’s Players, PewDiePie is king. The YouTube star, whose real name is Felix Kjellberg, has amassed an incredible 37 million subscribers for his video game-focused channel, and with that has come great commercial success. PewDiePie reportedly earned $4 millionfrom his gameplay videos last year, and has been named as one of the most influential people on the internetthis year.

As it stands, however, it looks unlikely that the divisive star’s popularity is going to slow down any time soon. According to, who was reporting on a report from Swedish tabloid, Kjellberg has seen a remarkable increase in his revenue. In 2014, Kjellberg’s production company PewDie Productions AB made a total of $7.45 million.

Although the eye-bulging amount may be surprising, it’s worth considering both the size of PewDiePie’s fan base and the sheer volume of videos the popular Let’s Play star creates. At 37 million, PewDiePie’s subscriber base is the highest on all of YouTube, and Kjellberg has produced over 2,300 videos for the channel. With uploads generally receiving a million views within a day, and some receiving tens of millions of views overall, it all adds up to be a very profitable industry for Kjellberg.



With such a huge influence in hand, it’s no surprise to see PewDiePie’s brand branching out into other media aside from gaming. Kjellberg’s popularity saw him guest star in a pair of South Park episodesfocused on the role of video game Let’s Play commentary. Meanwhile, Kjellberg has also announced, a self-help book parody, which is going to be released in conjunction with Razorbill, a division of publishing powerhouse Penguin Random House.

Such expansion of medium, as well as the YouTube star’s incredible growth in popularity, could perhaps be tied to some behind-the-scenes dealings. Kjellberg has signed a partnership with Maker Studios, an online content producer which is owned by Disney. With such backing, it’s no wonder to see PewDiePie taking a stand against attempts to limit the revenue Let’s Players can receive, including Nintendo’s recent profit-sharing policythat promises a 70%-30% split between creators and the publisher.

In spite of his massive popularity, PewDiePie is still a controversial figure in the world of video gaming. The YouTuber has faced the ire of gamers displeased with his content, and has even had to disable YouTube comments on his channeldue to negativity and issues with spam and self-promotion. Nonetheless, Kjellberg has also had a tremendous role in the word-of-mouth promotion of certain video games, including the cult horror classic Amnesia: The Dark Descent , as well as making a generous amount of money for charities. Given these recent earnings figures, it’s unlikely that PewDiePie will be going away any time soon.

Source: Expressen(via Destructoid)

Watch Conan O’Brien Play ‘The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’

Watch Conan O’Brien Play ‘The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’

A trend with recent talk shows has been to feature some of the biggest upcoming titles that gamers the world over have been waiting for.

A trend with recent talk shows has been to feature some of the biggest upcoming titles that gamers the world over have been waiting for. While others occasionally feature a glimpse at anticipated video games, however, one late night comedian has made a reoccurring segment based solely on the interactive medium. That individual is, of course, Conan O’Brien.

In the latest iteration of Conan’s Clueless Gamer the funny man tackles The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt , which has easily been amongst one of the most anticipated games of 2015for many gamers. What ensues is a spectacle that could only come from the now infamous Coco.

As we’ve stated, O’Brien has made quite a reputation in regards to his video game coverage. When the comedian isn’t lampooning Tomb Raider or mocking the premise Super Smash Bros. , he’s often taking comedic shots at games that he’s not even playing.

It’s for all of these reasons that Team Coco has been so heavily endorsed by the gaming community, and his coverage and laugh-out-loud take on the industry likely won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

Conan Plays Witcher 3

Conan Plays Witcher 3

Admittedly, it’s hard to get a good idea of how immense The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is during the brief demo that can be seen, but word is that the game took developers around 25 hours just to speed run it. With that in mind, it sounds like the title is set to be one of the largest on current generation platforms, but it’s obvious that the intention of the segment is to bring about chuckles rather than vast insight.

It’s hard to say which game Conan O’Brien will be tackling next in his ongoing Clueless Gamer series, but it’s sure to be an entertaining watch for viewers. Given the fact that the comedian has already taken on the task of starring as a playable character in LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham , it wouldn’t be outrageous to suggest that he could play through the hotly anticipated Batman Arkham Knight .

What did you think of Conan O’Brien’s take on The Witcher 3 ? What game would you like to see the comedian play next? Get at us in the comments.

Source: Team Coco

YouTube Gaming’s Copyright Rules Need Work

YouTube Gaming’s Copyright Rules Need Work

Twitch has completely changed the way that people experience games.

has completely changed the way that people experience games. The live streaming service allows people to tune in to watch their favorite streamers, in the same way that people would watch a TV show. It allows developers to interact with their communities with streams of gameplay (or Q&A sessions) and it’s also been the home of many game reveals, with Cliffy B’s new shooter LawBreakers being announced via the site just yesterday. In fact, it’s even lead to some unexpected gaming moments such as Twitch Plays Pokémon and Twitch Plays Dark Souls .

YouTube, on the other hand, has mostly catered to gamers by hosting trailers for new games. And although those are an important part of the site (which is also the second largest search engine in the world), it was still losing viewers to Twitch. The problem was, that YouTube didn’t have a solid livestreaming platform as streams had to be scheduled in advance, so after YouTube’s parent company Google lost out on a deal to buy Twitch outright(Amazon bought the company instead), they launched a brand new service called YouTube Gaming. Notable features included the ability to ‘favorite’ games, allowing users to easily find more content about them and the ‘DVR mode’ that allows viewers to rewind the last four hours of a stream.

Although YouTube Gaming has a huge fight on its hands if it wants to take Twitch’s streaming crown, since the service went live yesterday, reviews of its features have been mostly positive. However, there’s one place that YouTube Gaming has been criticized more than Twitch, and that’s it’s copyright policy. YouTube is already notorious for enforcing a harsh copyright policy ( Konamiand Nintendo have both received backlash for the videos that they’ve filed to have taken off of YouTube) and this reputation has only gotten worse with YouTube Gaming. If YouTube’s Content ID (copyright) scanner picks up some copyrighted content, it can cut off streams as they are broadcasting.

“Content ID scans all live streams and Hangouts on Air for third-party content. When Content ID identifies third-party content, a placeholder image may replace your live broadcast until Content ID no longer detects third-party content. In some cases, it may terminate your live broadcast. Live streams and Hangouts on Air can also be terminated if they receive a copyright strike or a Community Guidelines strike.

Please understand that a Content ID claim may interrupt your live broadcast even if you licensed the third-party content in question, or even if you restricted your broadcast to a territory in which you own all the necessary rights. If a third party has claimed the content in your video through Content ID, you may ask the content owner to whitelist your channel to facilitate future live streams and Hangouts on Air.”

The policy is particularly concerning as Content ID could very well come up with false positives. For example, what happens if a car drives past the streamer’s house, blaring copyrighted music from their speakers? Or what happens if the streamer’s roommate has an impromptu disco in the next room, without realising that the streamer is on air?

YouTube Gaming Interface

YouTube Gaming Interface

It should be noted that Content ID warnings can be disputed with YouTube, something which may mitigate examples like these, but if YouTube doesn’t agree that it was an accident, the streamer will get a strike to their account. Strikes can be removed by six months of good behavior and by attending YouTube’s Copyright School, but three strikes will see the account get deleted.

Some are also unhappy with this copyright policy as it works much differently to Twitch’s. Although Twitch did receive initial backlash when its copyright policy was announced, the streaming site only performs copyright scans on archived streams, at which point it would mute the offending stream for 30 minutes (an authorized music librarywas also introduced to help with this). On Twitch, there is no risk of a stream being sniped out of the air by a rogue copyright scan and many feel that if YouTube doesn’t change its copyright policy to be more in line with Twitch’s, YouTube Gaming will not be able to beat its livestreaming rival.

Source: Kotaku

The 5 Best Games of 2014… So Far

The 5 Best Games of 2014… So Far

Following up on a year that included three huge titles ( GTA 5 , BioShock Infinite , and The Last of Us ), as well as the launch of two next-gen consoles, was a tall order.

Best Video Games of 2014 So Far

Best Video Games of 2014 So Far

), as well as the launch of two next-gen consoles, was a tall order. And as a result, 2014 has looked relatively bare in comparison, especially in the last three months and with so many delays of late-2014 titles to 2015.

It’s true that the bounty of next-gen titles we were promised has yet to arrive, but that doesn’t mean the first half of 2014 was without it’s exciting new releases (both last-gen and current-gen). In fact, we can name at least five games released during the year that were well worth playing.

Let’s start with number five.

South Park’ Tackles Let’s Play Videos; Pewdiepie Guest Stars

South Park’ Tackles Let’s Play Videos; Pewdiepie Guest Stars

‘South Park’ Tackles Let’s Play Videos; Pewdiepie Guest Stars
King YouTuber Pewdiepie literally earns millions of dollars per year making videos of himself playing video games.

making videos of himself playing video games. If you told someone that a gamer can be a millionaire from playing video games a few years ago, they’d laugh or roll their eyes but thanks to YouTube partnerships and the reach of the most popular of YouTube entertainers, it’s big business for advertisers and sponsors.

Pewdiepie’s YouTube channel is the most popular in the world and he currently sits at 32.5 million subscribers, a number that continually and consistently grows. That trend isn’t going to stop either since his celebrity status is bringing him even more into the mainstream. Last year he was part of the Spike VGX show and this week he’s a guest star on South Park .

Again exploring video games and tech for a third time this season – previously covering the Oculus Rift and free-to-play games– this Wednesday’s episode of South Park titled “Rehash” pokes fun at Let’s Play videos. Cartman is going to be making Let’s Play videos, or commentaries, of his pals’ commentaries. Time to get really meta.

South Park creators, writers and voice actors Trey Parker and Matt Stone continue to be geniuses when it comes to addressing, hot, current issues, pop culture and fads like Let’s Play videos in each episode and the series remains one of the smartest and hilarious animated programs on the air and of all-time. That’s why it’s living in its 18th season with no signs of slowing down.

That’s also why South Park: The Stick of Truth is one of the best video games of the year.

We’re wondering if the show will go beyond the still-somewhat-unbelievable notion of YouTubers sharing commentaries and getting millions of viewers (and money) for it, and tackle the more controversial topics of shady advertising. In the case of Pewdiepie, he also shut down comments on all of his videoswhich spoke volumes to the problem of YouTube’s current system (at that time)… until he enabled them again…

Anyway, Pewdiepie posted the above video to his channel and 32.5 million fans so if there’s any program to make his television debut, South Park is a good one for the internet and gaming community. This is good for both Pewdiepie and South Park.

Next: Where Are The Great Marvel Video Games?

Follow Rob on Twitter @ rob_keyes.

PewDiePie Earned $4 Million From His YouTube Gameplay Videos Last Year

PewDiePie Earned $4 Million From His YouTube Gameplay Videos Last Year

The ‘traditional’ millionaire twenty-something is likely to come in one of a small selection of shapes and sizes: a professional athlete, a pop music sensation, or maybe a particularly talented tech prodigy.

The ‘traditional’ millionaire twenty-something is likely to come in one of a small selection of shapes and sizes: a professional athlete, a pop music sensation, or maybe a particularly talented tech prodigy. It’s a pretty narrow demographic. Felix Kjellberg, however, is bucking the trend.

Kjellberg, better known by his YouTube moniker PewDiePie, makes a living by playing video games, and sharing those experiences with his fanbase — through reviews, playthroughs, and comedic skits. What sets Kjellberg apart is his record-setting subscriber base that – at the time of this publication – sits at a monstrous 27.8 million YouTube users — and that kind of following brings with it a bucket-load of cash.

According to an article by the, PewDiePie earned a massive $4 million through the ad sales attached to his YouTube videos in 2013. Kjellberg, who only started his channel on YouTube in 2009, has also signed a deal with Maker Studios, an online content producer which was bought out by Disney earlier this year.

So what do PewDiePie fans see in the channel? Kjellberg himself has an answer for why there is such a large audience for PewDiePie and the rest of the YouTube ‘Let’s Play’ community.

“Unlike many professionally produced shows, I think I’ve established a much closer contact with my viewers, breaking the wall between the viewer and what’s behind the screen. What I and other YouTubers do is a very different thing. It’s almost like hanging around and watching your pal play games. My fans care in a different way about what they are watching.”

It might not be the most high-brow form of entertainment, with a lot of the comedy coming from Kjellberg’s over-the-top — and extremely loud — reactions, but it has to be said that PewDiePie has found something his audience wants. It could also be argued that it’s changing the industry in some pretty interesting ways.

PewDiePie 4 million slender

PewDiePie 4 million slender

PewDiePie, and other YouTube gaming celebrities, have been responsible for the word-of-mouth promotion of a number of titles — particularly in the indie horror market. Games like Amnesia: The Dark Descent and Slender certainly gained notoriety and fans through the videos of PewDiePie and the rest of the ‘Let’s Play’ channels. He even had a hand in the phenomenon that was Flappy Bird , pushing the title from obscurity to the mainstream with a videocurrently sitting on 18.5 million views.

The impact of PewDiePie has not gone unnoticed to the likes of Anton Westbergh, chief executive of Coffee Stain Studios. Coffee Stain is responsible for Goat Simulator , another game that gained a surge of popularity thanks to Kjellberg’s videos. “Having guys like PewDiePie playing our game has been tremendous marketing,” said Westbergh. “And for us, there have been no costs involved.”

As for Kjellberg himself — he is not entirely comfortable with the level of fame he’s received. “I’m so central to YouTube now, and that puts me in the spotlight,” said Kjellberg. “I’d much rather prefer to have something like 5 million subscribers.” It’s because of this success – and that of countless other YouTube gamers – that we’re seeing Twitch livestreaming becoming so popular and sharing features becoming must-have options on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

More: Phil Fish Wants YouTube Gameplay Revenue Shared With Devs

Source: WSJ

YouTube Defends Copyright Crackdown on Let’s Play Gameplay Videos

YouTube Defends Copyright Crackdown on Let’s Play Gameplay Videos

In 2013, the prevalence of Let’s Play and walkthrough videos has grown exponentially.

In 2013, the prevalence of Let’s Play and walkthrough videos has grown exponentially. Thanks to affordable capture cards like the El Gato and the HD PVR, as well as the streaming functionality of the PS4and Xbox One, gamers have been able to join in on the rapidly growing segment of the gaming industry.

However, as that industry has grown, so too has its public profile, which has resulted in a fair share of copyright claims. But, while copyright claims are part of the process, the recent influx of those claims from YouTube has suggested big changes are on the horizon.

As explained by YouTubeearlier today, Content ID scanning has focused its efforts on MCNs, or Multi Channel Networks. Previously, those channels and their associated networks were outside of the purview of Google’s Content ID scans, but not anymore. That means channels that exist under an umbrella banner, like Machinima for example, were hit with a considerable amount of copyright claims this week.

Additionally, YouTube has come out to defend their copyright claims saying, “We recently enabled Content ID scanning on channels identified as affiliates of MCNs [Multi Channel Networks]. This has resulted in new copyright claims for some users, based on policies set by the relevant content owners.”

But, as it turns out, these copyright claims might not be from the proper content holders. In fact, YouTube might trigger these claims automatically.

For example, several developers and publishers, like Deep Silver, Ubisoft, and Capcomhave come forward to say they asked that no such action be taken against Let’s Play-ers, even those whose videos are monetized. Rather, they encourage gameplay streaming as it brings much-needed attention to their games.

As a course of action, these developers urge users to dispute the claims in the hopes that the copyright claim won’t be pursued further. Similarly, YouTube encourages users to do the same if they feel they have a legitimate request. Unfortunately, there’s no guarantee that the copyright claim stemmed from the video — it’s entirely possible that the audio, particularly the music, triggered the claim. And on that front, developers unfortunately don’t have an answer.

It appears that as the Let’s Play communityhas grown, so too has its profile, prompting these recent copyright claims. What’s worse is that the risk associated with ignoring the claims, or disputing them and failing, has the potential of affecting these users’ livelihood. Hopefully, YouTube has a better solution than blanket copyright claims, or this issue is only heating up.

What do you make of the recent crackdown by YouTube on Let’s Play videos? Do you think they should have a better process in placing for making copyright claims?

Source: Polygon

