Wii U’s Online Details Revealed on Packaging

Despite the fact that the Wii U launches in roughly two months , there are still a lot of things that haven’t been made public about the console quite yet.

, there are still a lot of things that haven’t been made public about the console quite yet. People the world over are curious to see how Miiversefunctions, but more importantly how players will be able to communicate with one another. Friends understandably want to be able to interact with each other from their own couches, but Nintendohasn’t elaborated on just how this will happen on their console.

Nintendo may have failed to go into great detail about the complete online functionality of the Wii U, but the box for their new platform has given fans greater insight into the online features that’ll be available at launch.

As spotted by the eagle-eyed staff at Nintendo Nation , there are indeed previously unannounced details pertaining to the Wii U’s online features hiding in plain sight on the side of the system’s box. Nothing really earth-shattering can be pulled from the  pixelated text, but it does clarify a few of the things potential consumers have been wondering about the console.

Make and share new Mii characters Easily interact with friends, family and people around the world via Miiverse Download add-on content, full games, classic games and applications from Nintendo eShop (all contents sold separately) Communicate with other Wii U owners in real time with Wii U Chat

‘Wii U Chat’ will grab the attention of many who’ve been wondering how they’ll be able to communicate with their friends online, as the feature hasn’t been announced in any form — although its existence is widely expected. Wii U Chat may very well end up being the Skype-like feature that gamers saw demonstrated during Nintendo’s Pre-E3 2012 Nintendo Direct.

Then again, it may be an app for a party chat-like feature. It’d be devastating if there wasn’t a way to strictly chat with friends sans camera, and there are a few things I’d imagine a lot of gamers would rather do than try to have a conversation while staring at their friend playing games in their underwear.

There are still a few more things that the Big N has yet to share with its captive audience, so stay tuned to Game Rant for more details on the Wii U’s online functionality as they become available.

Nintendo’s Wii U is scheduled to launch on November 18th.

Follow me on Twitter for more news on the Wii U, and everything else related to video games, @ TheRileyLittle.

Source: Nintendo Nation