Need For Speed: Rivals’ Progression & Pursuit Gameplay Trailer and Screenshots

‘Need For Speed: Rivals’ Progression & Pursuit Gameplay Trailer and Screenshots
In addition to a movie titled Need For Speed – which is set to release in March of next year – there is also a matter of the newest entry in the video game franchise.

which is set to release in March of next year – there is also a matter of the newest entry in the video game franchise. A new gameplay trailer for Need For Speed: Rivals has surfaced along with a slew of screenshots (watch the trailer at the top of the page).

The graphics alone in the trailer are nothing short of impressive but the implementation of challenges within the game will  increase replay value, and make the title more difficult than past entries in the series. As a result, despite the possibility of franchise fatigue, what has been shown of Need For Speed: Rivals seems to be promising.

Need For Speed: Rivals grants players the opportunity to pursue a career as a both a street racer, and as a member of law enforcement. The aforementioned challenges apply to both your career as a cop and high speed driver. Challenges in the ‘Progression and Pursuit’ trailer include, but are not limited to: escaping pursuits, drifting a specific distance, and busting racers. The driving interface looks superb, and the game itself looks polished.

The racing genre as a whole has lost a lot of steam as of late. Theandseries have not offered much more than just racing in recent years – though Forza Motorsport: Horizon tried its best. As a result, Need For Speed has typically been the primary franchise game in the genre that provides more than just racing around a track or through city streets.

Realism is a word that often comes to mind when thinking about a lot of core racing franchises, especially in comparisons to the Forza Motorsport and Gran Turismo franchises, and The Need For Speed series may be at its best with Rivals . The inclusion of a “dynamic weather system” in Rivals to keep should add to the realism of the game – and also adds a level of difficulty when driving through inclement weather. Ghost Gameshas the responsibility of ensuring that Need For Speed remains a relevant racing franchise but the latest trailer and screenshots display that Electronic Artsand the developer have put forth a lot of effort. The major question is whether or not Need For Speed: Rivals will revolutionized the genre?

What are you most excited about for Need For Speed: Rivals ? What do you think about the latest trailer?

Need For Speed: Rivals is set to release on November 19th of this year.

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