E3 2015: ‘Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2’ Reveal Trailer, Story Details

Last year, EA took the quirky casual tower defense style series Plants vs.

Plants vs. Zombies and gave it a shooter makeover. The result was the original, a goofy game in its own right that took the characters from the series and incorporated them into a class-based third-person shooter with a major focus on online multiplayer functionality.

Prior to E3 2015, EA began teasing an Xbox E3 briefingdebut for Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 , instead of saving the game’s CG announcement trailer for EA’s own E3 2015 press conference. They decided to announce it officially in the form of a cinematic trailer earlier today.

The cinematic trailer debuted during Microsoft’s E3 2015 press conference, and was introduced by Peter Moore of EA. This was fitting as Moore has been a part of some of Mcirosoft’s biggest E3 press conferences in the past, known for announcing Halo 2 and Grand Theft Auto 4 by displaying “tattoos” of the games during the presentations. It’s also worth noting that the original Garden Warfare enjoyed timed exclusivity on Xbox platforms and PC, before finally releasing on PlayStation.

It is unknown at this point if Garden Warfare 2 shares timed exclusivity with Xbox as well, but the CG trailer did offer plenty of other information, namely in the way of story details. In the world of Garden Warfare 2 , it seems as though the titular zombies have established their own community called Zomburbia, and the standard roles of the characters are flipped. Instead of zombies invading the homes of the plants, the plants are looking to take down the zombies of Zomburbia.

Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2 Trailer - Cacti

Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2 Trailer - Cacti

The trailer indicates that the gameplay will likely be largely reminiscent of the first Garden Warfare . However, there appears to be new class types and certainly new costumes for the characters. Actual gameplay footage was not shown during Microsoft’s busy E3 press conference, but it’s possible that it’s being saved for an unveiling during EA’s press conference, which begins at 1pm PDT today.

Besides the potential for more Garden Warfare 2 footage , EA’s press conference is expected to bring the big guns. Mass Effect 4 has been teasedas making its proper debut during the show, and it will be joined by other major EA games such as Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst , the Need for Speed reboot, Star Wars Battlefront , and more. Considering the fact that all of these major games are scheduled to make appearances during EA’s conference, there’s a possibility that Garden Warfare 2 will get the shaft, but we will find out sooner rather than later.

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 is coming spring 2016. Specific platforms weren’t announced besides Xbox One, but expect the game to hit Xbox as well as PC and PS4 at the very least, and possibly even last-gen systems as well.

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