Rainbow Six: Siege’ Trailer: Always In Control

Rainbow Six: Siege’ Trailer: Always In Control

‘Rainbow Six: Siege’ Trailer: Always In Control
Ubisoft is gearing up for the long-overdue return of the Rainbow Six series, a franchise that’s drastically evolved over the years from a super-tactical, planning-first style of shooter to an all out Hollywood blockbuster action FPS.

series, a franchise that’s drastically evolved over the years from a super-tactical, planning-first style of shooter to an all out Hollywood blockbuster action FPS. For the next iteration, Ubisoft has faced major challengesin choosing what direction to go in for the Tom Clancy series and ended up scrapping the project, previously titled Rainbow 6: Patriots , before going back to the drawing board.

What we have now is Rainbow Six: Siege , announced at E3 2014 with a gameplay trailer, a game that’s sort of remained under the radar when it comes to news update since it was demo’d during the summer, probably so Ubisoft can focus marketing on its four major 2014 fall releases, the last of which ( The Crew ) came out this week.

For the hardcore Rainbow Six fans however, Ubisoft has a blog for Siege that they’ve been posting updates to beginning last month, titled ‘Behind the Wall.’ The first covered the tools that attackers can use in a siege scenario, from operators deploying drones to gather intel and using the hook and winch system on the fly to rappel down a wall to breaching charges and using ballistic shields.

The second entry in the ‘Behind the Wall’ series covered the defensive side of the asymmetric gameplay. It detailed how the defender team – and this will all play into the tactical multiplayer – can set up barricades and barbed wire, use deployable shields and C4 traps and take advantage of surveillance systems to track incoming enemies.

The latest entry, teased in the video up top, is all about movement. Rainbow Six: Siege embraces the design principle of giving players full control of what they do. Whether you’re laying prone or standing near a wall, you can always lean, and you can enter cover, never bothered by on-screen prompts to do so. It’s 100% up to the player input and that’s the “always in control” philosophy. Below are the Golden Rules Ubisoft describes too accomplish this, applying them to what they dub the the 3Cs (Character, Control and Camera).

Gunther Galipot, user experience director and author of the Golden Rules:

“Because lethality is so high in Siege, every little thing counts and we never wanted the player to die because of something the game did.”

Galipot is referring the the return of the ‘no respawn’ rulein this Rainbow Six entry so he isn’t kidding when saying “lethality is so high in Siege.”

More: What Happened To ‘Rainbow 6: Patriots’?

Rainbow Six Siege will release on PC, PS4 and Xbox One but currently has no release date.

Follow Rob on Twitter @ rob_keyes.

Source: Ubisoft

Rainbow Six: Siege’ Takes Multiplayer & Destruction To Heart

Rainbow Six: Siege’ Takes Multiplayer & Destruction To Heart

‘Rainbow Six: Siege’ Takes Multiplayer & Destruction To Heart
It’s not easy to keep major sequels a total secret these days, but it wasn’t until Ubisoft ‘s extended gameplay reveal of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege that the world knew for sure: one of the most acclaimed tactical shooter franchises was back.

that the world knew for sure: one of the most acclaimed tactical shooter franchises was back. The game boasted visuals that would turn even casual gamers’ heads, but was far smaller and more streamlined than had been expected. Now that we’ve had a chance to hear from the developers and play the game for ourselves, the reason for their choices is clear – and resulted in one promising multiplayer shooter.

That point bears repeating: Rainbow Six: Siege is a multiplayer game at its core, if that weren’t already clear from the announcement gameplay video. As is alluded to by the game’s official artwork, and was repeated for all in a behind-closed-doors demo at E3 2014, Siege is a shooter based on the concept of ‘The Wall’ – the line between the defenders, and the attackers seeking to tear their way through. In this case, ‘The Wall’ refers to actual walls; specifically those of the game’s suburban setting.

The first footage of the game in action made the premise clear: two teams of five enter the fray. One team of criminals barricades their home base, the other prepares to breach the building and escape with a hostage (after removing anyone who gets in the way). That basic structure is just about as straightforward as you can get, but seeing the game in action reveals much of the strategy and detail hidden beneath the surface.

From a first glance, it’s easy to assume that with such a minimalist premise Siege is something of a throwback to a time when mouse precision and teamwork were the only things that mattered in online multiplayer. Those skills will still be needed to succeed, but players have plenty more tricks in their bag to begin with. It is this first stage of the battle that can make or break a round or match, where those seeking to infiltrate the home must ‘Observe and Plan’ and those defending it begin to ‘Barricade and Trap.’

For the players who have occupied the home with the Hostage in tow, that means reinforcing walls, barricading windows, deploying barricades, and reshaping the home to give them an edge. For the police looking to rescue the Hostage, that means deploying drones of their own to see their opponents’ handiwork, and plan how best to put their unique classes (equipped with varied weapons, gadgets, and items) to work.

Both sides face high stakes from the start, as the Hostage’s position within the house (put to a vote) can make or break a round. On the other side, the police may discover where the Hostage is kept via their drone cameras, but knowing your enemy’s plan doesn’t make it any easier to foil.

It’s clear how key a role multiplayer and team cooperation will play in success on either side, but destruction is apparently just as important to the team at Ubisoft Montreal, claiming it to be “the center of the experience.” The released footage showed how breach charges and bullets will turn parts of the house into splinters and dust, but there is more depth than even that level of destruction implies.

In our demo, the developers put their time with the game to good use, with the Hostage-takers destroying entire walls of the house prior to the fight beginning, in an effort to supply themselves with better sightlines (take out the wall between bathroom and kitchen, and add a line of fire the other team may not expect). Technically, this stage of the match is just preparation for the actual gunfight; but stand outside a home and hear the explosions and gunfire of your enemies preparing their fort for an onslaught, and we doubt any player can feel truly confident.

Once both sides have finished shoring up their defenses (barricading as many windows as they wish, but fortifying only two walls per round), the ‘Action Phase’ begins. From that point on, the multiplayer shooter roots of the series shine, reminding any who may have thought they were playing some variant of Horde Mode that bullets do serious damage, and every downed teammate means longer odds of victory.

The gameplay itself is what any shooter enthusiast would expect: a variety of weapon types, and the most success coming from the alliance between a ranged shooter and a shielded point man. That doesn’t mean a well-placed Breach Charge can’t be triggered at the right moment as well, and even tossing explosive charges as a last ditch attempt for a kill is a legitimate strategy.

As is the case with most class-based, squad-oriented multiplayer shooters, exactly how satisfying or challenging the experience will be depends on the players. Learn to communicate as a team, and Ubisoft has managed to deliver the thrill of cooperative and competitive shooting, without all the bells and whistles that can cloud the air.

Exactly how big, how varied, or how lengthy the developer intends Rainbow Six: Siege to be is still unclear. But from what they have shown at E3 2014, Ubisoft Montreal made an admirable call in shifting direction on the game from a story-based epic to something just as satisfying – and far, far more addictive.



Rainbow Six Siege will release in 2015 for the PC, PS4, Xbox One.

Follow Andrew on Twitter @ andrew_dyce.

E3 2015: ‘Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2’ Reveal Trailer, Story Details

E3 2015: ‘Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2’ Reveal Trailer, Story Details

Last year, EA took the quirky casual tower defense style series Plants vs.

Plants vs. Zombies and gave it a shooter makeover. The result was the original, a goofy game in its own right that took the characters from the series and incorporated them into a class-based third-person shooter with a major focus on online multiplayer functionality.

Prior to E3 2015, EA began teasing an Xbox E3 briefingdebut for Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 , instead of saving the game’s CG announcement trailer for EA’s own E3 2015 press conference. They decided to announce it officially in the form of a cinematic trailer earlier today.

The cinematic trailer debuted during Microsoft’s E3 2015 press conference, and was introduced by Peter Moore of EA. This was fitting as Moore has been a part of some of Mcirosoft’s biggest E3 press conferences in the past, known for announcing Halo 2 and Grand Theft Auto 4 by displaying “tattoos” of the games during the presentations. It’s also worth noting that the original Garden Warfare enjoyed timed exclusivity on Xbox platforms and PC, before finally releasing on PlayStation.

It is unknown at this point if Garden Warfare 2 shares timed exclusivity with Xbox as well, but the CG trailer did offer plenty of other information, namely in the way of story details. In the world of Garden Warfare 2 , it seems as though the titular zombies have established their own community called Zomburbia, and the standard roles of the characters are flipped. Instead of zombies invading the homes of the plants, the plants are looking to take down the zombies of Zomburbia.

Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2 Trailer - Cacti

Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2 Trailer - Cacti

The trailer indicates that the gameplay will likely be largely reminiscent of the first Garden Warfare . However, there appears to be new class types and certainly new costumes for the characters. Actual gameplay footage was not shown during Microsoft’s busy E3 press conference, but it’s possible that it’s being saved for an unveiling during EA’s press conference, which begins at 1pm PDT today.

Besides the potential for more Garden Warfare 2 footage , EA’s press conference is expected to bring the big guns. Mass Effect 4 has been teasedas making its proper debut during the show, and it will be joined by other major EA games such as Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst , the Need for Speed reboot, Star Wars Battlefront , and more. Considering the fact that all of these major games are scheduled to make appearances during EA’s conference, there’s a possibility that Garden Warfare 2 will get the shaft, but we will find out sooner rather than later.

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 is coming spring 2016. Specific platforms weren’t announced besides Xbox One, but expect the game to hit Xbox as well as PC and PS4 at the very least, and possibly even last-gen systems as well.

Why ‘Rainbow Six Siege’ Brings Back ‘No Respawn’ Rule

Why ‘Rainbow Six Siege’ Brings Back ‘No Respawn’ Rule

In this modern age, there is no video game franchise more well-known to the mainstream than Call of Duty , with even non-gamers aware of the endless churn of kills and deaths that the modern shooter makes possible.

, with even non-gamers aware of the endless churn of kills and deaths that the modern shooter makes possible. But not every video game studio is following suit, as Ubisoftmade it clear when they revealed Rainbow Six Siege at E3 2014 that in their game, a slow and steady approach was best. And to make sure that the point is driven home, the game won’t simply return downed players back into the fight in the name of fun – once you’re down, you’re down for the count.

That thinking seems an exact opposite to what a publisher or shooter would aim for, as Titanfall used its emphasis on returning to a fight quickly as a selling point. It’s not hard to see why, since respawns have become every bit as expected as using the left trigger to aim, even if they first require players to count to ten and think about where they went wrong before jumping back into the fight. But in a blog post on their website, the Ubisoft team behind Rainbow Six Siege explained that the ‘No Respawn’ rule wasn’t in place from the start.

As we learned when speaking with the team and playing Siege for ourselves, the project began to pick up steam when three core pillars of the experience were identified: Teamwork, Tactics, and Tension. The first gameplay videoshowed all three of those at play – and the fact that every player’s life really was on the line (in the round, at least).

Rainbow Six Siege 60 FPS

Rainbow Six Siege 60 FPS

But when the team got to internally testing Siege , they did so without the ‘no respawn’ rule – which the team now refers to as One Life – and immediately found that the most seasoned ‘lone wolf’ shooters found their way to the top of the leaderboards time and again. But when creative director Xavier Marquis wondered what would happen if respawns were removed, they got a very clear answer. Suddenly, the lone wolves struggled, and the players who exercised patience instead of running and gunning started coming out on top.

Siege designer and former SOCOM dev Chris Lee offers more insight:

“It was a surprisingly good change and we didn’t think it was going to work. I thought that only the most hard-core players would like it. It turned out that it really opened up the game to many different types of players. The developers who were longtime FPS players initially found it difficult because they were only good at reaction time. They weren’t communicating, playing tactically, or thinking about the consequences.

“Developers who weren’t as good before played slower, thought carefully about the situation, and ended up doing better on the leaderboard. Because One Life rewards this kind of behavior, it puts well-rounded players at an advantage over pure run and gunners, which is what the Tom Clancy’s franchise is all about. They utilize a complete skill set and the rest of the development team really liked that, since going back to its roots is what we wanted to do and the rule stuck. It wasn’t something we predicted, and we were really happy with how it turned out.”

The lasting impression from our play session was just how slowly the match began, with the opposing team (either those attacking or defending) began weighing their options before attacking. Would that change if the players knew a respawn awaited them? It’s hard to say. But Ubisoft seems to think so, and there’s no denying the tension of knowing you’re one bad decision away from becoming a spectator.

Rainbow Six Siege Deaths

Rainbow Six Siege Deaths

The developers add that even if you’re removed from the action, you’re not technically out of the fight; assuming that you recall the ‘teamwork’ part of the game’s three pillars. Downed players may still gain access to security cameras or remote controlled drones, offering advice and warnings to their teammates still in the match.

Whether the remaining team will have time to react once bodies start dropping isn’t a guarantee, but any mechanics that give more patient, cautious players an edge – while increasing the challenge and stakes, as opposed to lowering them – is likely worth considering. And going by the accolades Siege has received thus far, that’s something most gaming outlets believe as well.

What are your thoughts on the change? Do you think Ubisoft knows the audience they’re targeting with a less forgiving approach to round-ending death, or are they underestimating how frustrated players might be if they’re forced to watch a three-minute round from the bleachers?

Rainbow Six Siege will release on PC, PS4 and Xbox One but currently has no release date.

Follow me on Twitter @ andrew_dyce.

Source: Ubisoft

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare’ DLC Adds New Map, Mode, & Ability Upgrades

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare’ DLC Adds New Map, Mode, & Ability Upgrades

‘Plants vs.

‘Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare’ DLC Adds New Map, Mode, & Ability Upgrades

When Electronic Artsfirst revealed their concept for Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare at E3 2013, we were appropriately excited to see the publisher doing something new and interesting with one of their most popular brands. However, what PvZ: GW promised and what it inevitably delivered weren’t exactly one in the same. For more on that make sure to read our review.

But, the game still has its moments, and is continuing to expand as a multiplayer experience. In fact, the title is slated to get yet another DLC drop tomorrow, March 18th.

This particular Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare DLC is titled the Garden Variety Pack and it includes a new map, a new mode, and 24 new ability upgrades – all for the low, low price of free. The pack also adds a new pirate zombie to Sharkbite Shores and Port Scallywag.

Likely the most intriguing element of the Garden Variety Pack is the new “Gnome Bomb” mode. The mode plays out like your typical bomb-based variant wherein two teams work to secure a neutral bomb — in the case a garden gnome with a bomb strapped to his back — and plant it in the other team’s base. Sounds simple enough.

The new mode reportedly works best on the new map Champ Town, which conveniently also comes packaged in with the Garden Variety Pack. PopCapclaims that the map is supposed to remind players of the smaller-scale urban maps seen in most popular shooters, but all we have are the above screenshots to go by. That should be a nice change of pace compared to the game’s larger maps, of which there are plenty.

And finally, the Garden Variety Pack will a total of 24 ability upgrades (3 each) to the game’s 8 zombie and plant classes. Although we don’t have any specifics, the ability upgrades won’t be that much different from those in the main game. That is, they will add a new handy flourish to one of the class’ base attack options.

All told, the Garden Variety Pack seems like a solid upgrade for Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare players. It adds enough new content into the fold that those looking for a change of scenery should be reinvigorated, and more importantly it comes free of charge. As we mentioned, the game certainly has its moments, especially for fans of the PvZ brand, and it’s nice to see Pop Cap is regularly supporting the game with free and paid upgrades.

What do you think of the Garden Variety Pack? What other modes would you like to see added to Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare ?

Follow Anthony on Twitter @ANTaormina

Need For Speed: Rivals’ Progression & Pursuit Gameplay Trailer and Screenshots

Need For Speed: Rivals’ Progression & Pursuit Gameplay Trailer and Screenshots

‘Need For Speed: Rivals’ Progression & Pursuit Gameplay Trailer and Screenshots
In addition to a movie titled Need For Speed – which is set to release in March of next year – there is also a matter of the newest entry in the video game franchise.

which is set to release in March of next year – there is also a matter of the newest entry in the video game franchise. A new gameplay trailer for Need For Speed: Rivals has surfaced along with a slew of screenshots (watch the trailer at the top of the page).

The graphics alone in the trailer are nothing short of impressive but the implementation of challenges within the game will  increase replay value, and make the title more difficult than past entries in the series. As a result, despite the possibility of franchise fatigue, what has been shown of Need For Speed: Rivals seems to be promising.

Need For Speed: Rivals grants players the opportunity to pursue a career as a both a street racer, and as a member of law enforcement. The aforementioned challenges apply to both your career as a cop and high speed driver. Challenges in the ‘Progression and Pursuit’ trailer include, but are not limited to: escaping pursuits, drifting a specific distance, and busting racers. The driving interface looks superb, and the game itself looks polished.

The racing genre as a whole has lost a lot of steam as of late. Theandseries have not offered much more than just racing in recent years – though Forza Motorsport: Horizon tried its best. As a result, Need For Speed has typically been the primary franchise game in the genre that provides more than just racing around a track or through city streets.

Realism is a word that often comes to mind when thinking about a lot of core racing franchises, especially in comparisons to the Forza Motorsport and Gran Turismo franchises, and The Need For Speed series may be at its best with Rivals . The inclusion of a “dynamic weather system” in Rivals to keep should add to the realism of the game – and also adds a level of difficulty when driving through inclement weather. Ghost Gameshas the responsibility of ensuring that Need For Speed remains a relevant racing franchise but the latest trailer and screenshots display that Electronic Artsand the developer have put forth a lot of effort. The major question is whether or not Need For Speed: Rivals will revolutionized the genre?

What are you most excited about for Need For Speed: Rivals ? What do you think about the latest trailer?

Need For Speed: Rivals is set to release on November 19th of this year.

DICE Claims 15+ Frostbite 3 Games are in Development

DICE Claims 15+ Frostbite 3 Games are in Development

Over the past few years DICE ‘s Frostbite engine has grown from the visually astounding backbone of the Battlefield franchise to the premiere graphics engine for publisher Electronic Arts .

. In fact, the publisher is so deeply invested in Frostbite — now in its third iteration — that they are building almost all of their upcoming next-gen games on it.

However, although we know that Frostbite 3 will be, or was, used for some premiere titles like Battlefield 4 , Mirror’s Edge 2 , and BioWare’s next Mass Effect title, we don’t know the full extent of the engine’s reach — specifically, how many Frostbite 3 games EA has in development. We assumed Frostbite was a pretty integral part of EA’s next-gen plans, and if a quote from DICE’s Technical Director Johan Andersson is any indication, that is very much the case.

According to Andersson, DICE is working on more than 15 different games that utilize the Frostbite 3 engine. Some of those games are in-house at DICE, while others are in development at EA’s other internal studios like BioWareand Ghost Games.

Of those 15+ Frostbite 3 games, only a handful have been officially announced to the public in some capacity or another. Here are the games we know of so far:

Battlefield 4 Untitled Mass Effect Game

With only about 6 games known – it’s unclear if Battlefield 4 fits into Andersson’s tally – that leaves at least 9 games EA has in development using Frostbite 3 that we don’t know about. It’s safe to assume that whatever Star Wars games both BioWare and Visceral Gamesare working on would presumably use Frostbite, but EA has not made any official announcements regarding those two games.

Star Wars Battlefront DICE

Star Wars Battlefront DICE

There’s no denying that Frostbite 3 looks gorgeous, especially on PC and next-gen hardware, so it makes sense that EA would want to double-down on the engine in the future. EA has actually done a similar thing with FIFA ‘s Impact Engine, which many franchises now use for some physics and character collisions.

That isn’t so say all upcoming EA titles will be using Frostbite 3, though, just a large portion of them. The highly anticipated multiplayer shooter Titanfall , which EA is publishing, uses its own engine and looks to be one of the company’s biggest next-gen releases.

Still, 15+ games suggest Frostbite 3 (and even beyond) is the future for EA, and if games like Battlefield 4 are any indication then gamers are looking at titles that will only continue to look better.

What other games would you like to see developed using Frostbite 3? Do you think it’s a smart of EA going all-in on Frostbite, or should they broaden their horizons, so to speak?

Source: OXM

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare’ Video Showcases Customization & Economy

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare’ Video Showcases Customization & Economy

‘Plants vs.

‘Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare’ Video Showcases Customization & Economy

With several strong releases on the horizon, it’s easy to forget about some of the smaller but equally exciting offerings that are nearing launch. One such game is Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare . Drawing from inspirations like the Battlefield series and Conker’s Bad Fur Day , the zany aesthetic and third-person shooter gameplay could prove to be quite a hit. Now, with the inclusion of a bunch of unlockable customization options and newly-announced gameplay mechanics, it’s looking like there’s even more reason to keep an eye on this title.

In a hands-on video narrated by Xbox Live’s Director of Programming Larry “Major Nelson” Hryb, a whole host of new features were announced for PopCap Games‘ upcoming third-person shooter. The focus this time around was on the customization players will have over theirexperience and how it will be fuelled by the in-game economy.

Following closely on the heels of the recently announced Xbox One-exclusive Battle For Brainz mode, Hryb showed off a new way to exert your plant or zombie-based dominance in the Gardens And Graveyards modethat harkens back to the series’ roots. Players will find the game’s maps littered with clay pots for the plants and dirt piles for the zombies. The respective teams will be able to interact with these in order to summon familiar faces from the originalthat will act as minions to further pester to opposing team.

Players do not have an endless supply of minions though. They are purchased in the form of stickers using coins that are earned in-game for everything from capturing points to scoring kills. Similar to Mass Effect 3 ‘s loot crates, these stickers will come in packs of different rarities that will contain a number of common and rare plants to summon as well as items that will allow players to customize their plants and zombies.

Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare Customization

Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare Customization

These customization items are not strictly for cosmetic purposes though. While the Shades of Authority may not augment a zombie’s abilities, there will be rare character pieces that will provide players with access to class variants. Shown off in the video, the Toxic Pea is a variant that allows the Peashooter to apply a damage-over-time effect to all its attacks, the Shadow Flower which seems to make the healing-oriented Sunflower into a more offensive class, and the Power Cactus which allows for a charged up attack.

It’s refreshing to see that PopCap is doing everything they can to provide players with a whole host of options that will augment their multiplayer experience and give them a reason to keep coming back. As evidenced by our positive previewof the game at E3 2013, the game is certainly on the right track. With multiplayer behemoths like Titanfall incoming though, it will take everything Garden Warfare has to stake its claim on a share of the shooter market. With the game’s release drawing near, check out the game’s live-action trailer.

Do you think Garden Warfare will be able to survive so close to the other massive shooter release in the coming months? What variant on a classic plant or zombie would you like to see?

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare is slated to crash onto the Xbox One and Xbox 360 February 25, 2014 with a PC release date currently unannounced.

Follow Ryan on Twitter @ ThatRyanB.

Source: Xbox

Need for Speed Rivals Complete Edition’ Coming Next Month

Need for Speed Rivals Complete Edition’ Coming Next Month

‘Need for Speed Rivals Complete Edition’ Coming Next Month
There’s a new Need for Speed coming out this year after all; although by ‘new’ we really mean it’ll come in a new box with more content and another price tag.

coming out this year after all; although by ‘new’ we really mean it’ll come in a new box with more content and another price tag. You may recall Need for Speed Rivals , last year’s entry in the racing franchise, which put players in control of both cop and racer, a feature that hadn’t been seen since 2011’s Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit . Well, the 2013 game is being re-released next month as Need for Speed Rivals Complete Edition to hold gamers over until the next game.

In a press release, EAand Ghost Gamesannounced that players will get the chance to race through Rivals once again, with this version of the game coming with the six previously released DLC packs. The various packs all came with cars for the racer and cop personas, ranging from Lamborghinis to Ferraris to ridiculously fast Koenigsegg One:1.

Our review of Need for Speed Rivals was mostly positive, praising the game for its bold visuals and engaging co-op. However, re-releasing the game with some added DLC is hardly going to draw in those who didn’t play the game the first time around.

The full list of DLC for the game is as follows: Ferrari Edition Special Complete Pack – Includes both Cop and Racer versions of these extreme machines – The Ferrari F40 and the Ferrari F50. Simply Jaguar Complete Pack – Includes both Cop and Racer versions of the Jaguar C-X75, the most advanced Jaguar ever created, and the Jaguar XJ220 – the world’s first Hypercar. Concept Lamborghini Complete Pack – Includes both Cop and Racer versions of the astonishing Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Super Trofeo and the stunning Lamborghini Miura Concept. The Koenigsegg Agera One – The Koenigsegg One:1 is in a category of its own. It´s not a Supercar, not a Hypercar…It´s a One:1. The name refers to the almost impossible and highly sought-after ratio of one horsepower per kilogram. Complete Movie Pack – Includes Cop and Racer versions of the GTA Spano; and Lamborghini Sesto Elemento. Plus, the Mercedes-Benz McLaren SLR 722 Edition as a Cop and the Mercedes-Benz McLaren SLR Roadster 722 S as a Racer. Loaded Garage Pack – Complete your vehicle collection with the Loaded Garage Pack which includes the Ultimate Cop Pack, Ultimate Racer Pack, Premium Livery Pack, Classic Muscle Livery, Track Day Livery, VIP Matte Kit Livery and Digital Revolution Livery.

Need for Speed Rivals Helicopter Overhead

Need for Speed Rivals Helicopter Overhead

Back in May, Ghost Games announced that the series is taking a year off, with the next Need for Speed scheduled to release in 2015. This extra time will hopefully be used to make a better game, one that takes fan feedback into consideration. Said Marcus Nilsson, Executive Producer and GM of the studio at the time:

“We are already deep in development on our next game and want to make this promise to you: we will listen to you. We’re going to give you the game you’ve been asking for. It will be the game you deserve, but to do that will take us some time.”

A year without a new Need for Speed may be exactly what the franchise needs right now. After yearly iterations that included Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit and Most Wanted remakes, as well as the lackluster Need for Speed movie, it’ll be nice to have some time away from the series before it comes back (hopefully) bigger than ever.

Need for Speed Rivals Complete Edition releases on October 21, 2014 in North America and October 24, 2014 in Europe for PS4, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC (via Origin).

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare’ Video Showcases Customization & Economy

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare’ Video Showcases Customization & Economy

‘Plants vs.

‘Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare’ Video Showcases Customization & Economy

With several strong releases on the horizon, it’s easy to forget about some of the smaller but equally exciting offerings that are nearing launch. One such game is Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare . Drawing from inspirations like the Battlefield series and Conker’s Bad Fur Day , the zany aesthetic and third-person shooter gameplay could prove to be quite a hit. Now, with the inclusion of a bunch of unlockable customization options and newly-announced gameplay mechanics, it’s looking like there’s even more reason to keep an eye on this title.

In a hands-on video narrated by Xbox Live’s Director of Programming Larry “Major Nelson” Hryb, a whole host of new features were announced for PopCap Games‘ upcoming third-person shooter. The focus this time around was on the customization players will have over theirexperience and how it will be fuelled by the in-game economy.

Following closely on the heels of the recently announced Xbox One-exclusive Battle For Brainz mode, Hryb showed off a new way to exert your plant or zombie-based dominance in the Gardens And Graveyards modethat harkens back to the series’ roots. Players will find the game’s maps littered with clay pots for the plants and dirt piles for the zombies. The respective teams will be able to interact with these in order to summon familiar faces from the originalthat will act as minions to further pester to opposing team.

Players do not have an endless supply of minions though. They are purchased in the form of stickers using coins that are earned in-game for everything from capturing points to scoring kills. Similar to Mass Effect 3 ‘s loot crates, these stickers will come in packs of different rarities that will contain a number of common and rare plants to summon as well as items that will allow players to customize their plants and zombies.

Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare Customization

Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare Customization

These customization items are not strictly for cosmetic purposes though. While the Shades of Authority may not augment a zombie’s abilities, there will be rare character pieces that will provide players with access to class variants. Shown off in the video, the Toxic Pea is a variant that allows the Peashooter to apply a damage-over-time effect to all its attacks, the Shadow Flower which seems to make the healing-oriented Sunflower into a more offensive class, and the Power Cactus which allows for a charged up attack.

It’s refreshing to see that PopCap is doing everything they can to provide players with a whole host of options that will augment their multiplayer experience and give them a reason to keep coming back. As evidenced by our positive previewof the game at E3 2013, the game is certainly on the right track. With multiplayer behemoths like Titanfall incoming though, it will take everything Garden Warfare has to stake its claim on a share of the shooter market. With the game’s release drawing near, check out the game’s live-action trailer.

Do you think Garden Warfare will be able to survive so close to the other massive shooter release in the coming months? What variant on a classic plant or zombie would you like to see?

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare is slated to crash onto the Xbox One and Xbox 360 February 25, 2014 with a PC release date currently unannounced.

Follow Ryan on Twitter @ ThatRyanB.

Source: Xbox

Rumor: ‘Need For Speed’ Reboot Releasing This November

Rumor: ‘Need For Speed’ Reboot Releasing This November

Ever since entertainment industry heads discovered they could wring more money out of existing intellectual properties by way of sequels, prequels, and spin-offs, executives have risked further stretching and snapping their companies’ established goodwill with fans by rebooting franchises.

'Need For Speed' Reboot Arriving This November

'Need For Speed' Reboot Arriving This November

Ever since entertainment industry heads discovered they could wring more money out of existing intellectual properties by way of sequels, prequels, and spin-offs, executives have risked further stretching and snapping their companies’ established goodwill with fans by rebooting franchises. Sure, a lot of people consider the concept lazy, but with successes like Square Enix’s re-imagining of Tomb Raider and NetherRealm Studios’ Mortal Kombat relaunch several years back, it’s been lucrative business for the gaming industry.

With reboots being all the rage this day and age, Electronic Arts has hopped on the trend train this year by announcing “new” versions of both the popular Star Wars Battlefront, and Need for Speed series. While the former has an initial launch time set for November 17, a now-defunct link from the Xbox store intimates that the Need for Speed reboot is set to drop just in time for holiday sales as well with a release date of November 3.

According to an informal cut-and-paste text description from Reddit user “lipeeeeee”, the EA published and Ghost Gamesdeveloped Need for Speed will possibly have game modes with “5 unique ways to play, Speed, Style, Build, Crew and Outlaw, enabling you to earn reputation and ultimately win your way.” Plus, the unofficial excerpt reveals that the title will have multiple overlapping stories set in Ventura Bay, which will give fans a variety of West Coast environments in which to race, such as an urban downtown area, a harbor by the water, and some canyons. Like previous iterations of the game, it’s also reported that players can customize their car’s visuals and performance in order to best reflect the the attributes of their character.

'Need For Speed' Reboot Arriving This November

'Need For Speed' Reboot Arriving This November

So far, Electronic Artshas only officially announced that Need for Speed has a release date set for the third fiscal quarter, which is October through December. Even so, with the title being so heavily coveted, the suggestion of the game dropping right before the holiday season lends an air of credibility to the unconfirmed statement, particularly due to the fact that video game sales skyrocket right around that time of year.

With most of this information being uncorroborated at the moment, fans awaiting Need for Speed will more than likely have all of their questions answered during Electronic Arts’ E3 press conference this year. But for the time being, all we know for sure is that the reboot will be open worldand will have a fresh, immersive story. On top of that, we can at least rest easy knowing that it will look beautiful, as it’s powered by FrostBite, which is the same engine for Star Wars Battlefront .

Again, the Need for Speed reboot has been given an official release slate of anywhere between October and December, but it’s highly likely that it will race into stores on November 3 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Source: Reddit(via Game Informer)

How EA Responded to Being the ‘Worst Company in America’

How EA Responded to Being the ‘Worst Company in America’

Earlier this year, video game publisher and developer Electronic Arts was named Worst Company in America for the second year in a row.

for the second year in a row. Although the company might not be the actual “worst” — as that is a very subjective term — it was clear from the nomination and win that EA has fallen drastically out of favor with gamers.

Thankfully, Electronic Artstook the repeat win to heart, and has set out to do better in the eyes of the gamer. As newly appointed CEO Andrew Wilson explains, EA has to put a focus on quality over quantity, so that gamers feel like they are “stealing” content from EA rather than them stealing money from the consumer.

In a recent interview with Kotaku , Wilson and Head of PC and Console Game Development, Patrick Soderlund, talked about “winning” Worst Company in America, and what sort of impact that has had on the publisher. Specifically, it was an eye-opening moment for EA and an opportunity for them to evaluate why exactly gamers perceive the company that way.

“When we got this the second time around, if you don’t think about it as an executive in the company, you probably are not doing the right thing. We started thinking about how we don’t want to be viewed as the worst company in America. I personally don’t think we’ve ever been the worst company in America, but it says something. The consumers out there are telling us something. And we actually took it very seriously. This was before Andrew was the CEO. We and [EA chief operating officer] Peter Moore and a couple of other guys in the executive company got together to try to understand what caused people to say these things. And there were some things out there that…consumers told us they didn’t like. Online pass was one thing.”

EA CEO Andrew Wilson

EA CEO Andrew Wilson

Willing to prove their commitment to reinventing their image, Electronic Arts spearheaded a movement to remove the Online Passrequirement for multiplayer games, a policy that Sony and later Ubisoftadopted as well. Although they may not have been the first, EA was certainly one of the strongest proponents of the online pass, and therefore their willingness to do away with it spoke volumes.

Of course, a policy like the online pass is only one of the reasons EA was voted worst in America, and it’s likely not the major reason. EA is, after all, a game publisher, so the quality of the games they put out is presumably in correlation with their public perception (i.e. the better the games, the better the publisher is perceived). Although EA doesn’t necessarily make the worst games, they might not strive for the type of innovation or quality that other publishers do, but Wilson would like to change that.

“What I would say is that we create fun. Fun is a tough thing to create. It’s subjective. It’s an emotional calculation of enjoyment over time. That’s what fun is. By its nature it’s subjective. That’s why we get bad albums and bad films and bad books because sometimes you just don’t quite get it right. What I would like to believe is that we will never look back on games, from this point forward, and say, ‘We should have killed that one.’ There might be games that don’t hit like we would want them to or don’t reach the critical acclaim that we want to, but I want to feel like these we did it for the right reasons.”

Electronic Arts Mirrors Edge Dice

Electronic Arts Mirrors Edge Dice

It might not be as obvious at the moment, but we’d suspect EA’s decision to bring back the Mirror’s Edge franchise for Mirror’s Edge 2 is one of the earliest signs of this new dedication to quality. The first Mirror’s Edge was certainly a critical success, but it struggled to find an audience.

“Whether it’s games that succeeded critically, I want to feel like we had the right motivation when we built that game, we had the right creative engine and that I’m proud that we did it irrespective of the result. Again, I would like them all to be hugely successful and reach huge consumer and critical acclaim. That won’t always be the case, but I want us to always do that in the belief that it has potential.”

Whether it’s cancelling the online pass program or setting out to make better quality games, Electronic Arts clearly took winning Worst Company in America for the second year to heart. They certainly have the potential to re-enter gamers’ good graces now that the Star Wars franchiseis under their banner, but we’ll have to see how steadfastly they stick to their new credo when sales don’t meet expectations.

Do you think that EA is making strides to change their public perception? How could they ensure they won’t win Worst Company in America three years in a row?

Source: Kotaku

Follow Anthony on Twitter @ANTaormina

Xenoblade Chronicles 3D’ Gets Release Date and Amiibo Support

Xenoblade Chronicles 3D’ Gets Release Date and Amiibo Support

‘Xenoblade Chronicles 3D’ Gets Release Date and Amiibo Support
With the New Nintendo 3DS XL en route , portable gaming aficionados are likely saving up to purchase the upgraded handheld.

, portable gaming aficionados are likely saving up to purchase the upgraded handheld. Aside from a number of updated features, one of the biggest selling points for fans is the fact that this new handheld will have exclusive games on it as a result of the system’s enhanced CPU. The first game arriving for the New Nintendo 3DS is none other than Xenoblade Chronicles 3D , and the house of Mario has finally gotten around to announcing a release date for the forthcoming port.

After pummelling iconic gaming characters in the l atest Super Smash Bros. games, Shulk is once again returning to form within the new port. Best of all, it seems gamers won’t be left waiting too long either, because Nintendo has officially announced that Xenoblade Chronicles 3D will arrive exclusively on the New 3DS on April 10, 2015 in North America.

While a release date is a crucial element in any software’s lifecycle, Nintendo also announced that the game will also support the company’s ongoing amiibo initiative. Players that managed to score a coveted Shulk amiibowill be able to scan the blonde protagonist into the game, which will award them in-game coins. These coins can then be spent on a number of unlockables such as character models and music – and there’s no denying that awesomeness that’s manifested within Xenoblade Chronicles ‘ soundtrack.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3D amiibo Support

Xenoblade Chronicles 3D amiibo Support

Despite being a port being handled by Monster Games (the same team responsible for bringing Donkey Kong Country Returns to the 3DS), the game looks to be building up quite nicely. Those that missed the original game’s limited GameStop-exclusive release on the Wii will soon be able to see what all the hubbub was about– on the go, no less.

It’ll be interesting to see what other games arrive on the New Nintendo 3DS XL in the coming months, but for now gamers can look forward to suiting up as Shulk and devastating foes with his time-bending Monado sword. As for the game’s reception, well, Nintendo is almost certainly hoping that consumers are really feeling it and it manages to sell decently.

Are you looking forward to Xenoblade Chronicles 3D ? Did you manage to secure a Shulk amiibo? Get at us in the comments.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3D will arrive exclusively on the New Nintendo 3DS on April 10, 2015.

New ‘Need for Speed’ Runs on Same Engine as ‘Star Wars: Battlefront’

New ‘Need for Speed’ Runs on Same Engine as ‘Star Wars: Battlefront’

As time goes on, and the PS4 and Xbox One become the new normal for video game consoles, more and more games will leave behind the previous generation in favor of the new.

As time goes on, and the PS4 and Xbox One become the new normal for video game consoles, more and more games will leave behind the previous generation in favor of the new. Ubisoft has already decided to moveits bigger and more profitable franchises to the current systems, and it seems like this decision will be seen more often as the year progresses. Take the recently revealed Need for Speed reboot, for example, which is also only coming to the PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

With this shift to more powerful hardware comes the need (or desire) to use better technology, and since the upcoming Need for Speed will put a heavy emphasis on car customization, it will need the right engine to show it all off.

What that engine will be is no longer a mystery, and probably never was. Even so some out there may find comfort in knowing that Ghost Games’ reboot of the popular racing game will be running on the latest version of the Frostbite Engine, also known as the engine that gave life to Dragon Age: Inquisition and this year’s Star Wars: Battlefront .

Frostbite technical director Johan Andersson revealed the news on Twitter last week, alongside the teaser trailer for thereboot.

Our next @NeedForSpeedby @GhostGamesEArunning on the same version of @FrostbiteEngineas Battlefront! https://t.co/u1BIeB6d9S— Johan Andersson (@repi) May 21, 2015

Not much else is known about Need for Speed at this point, despite the build up to its official announcement last week. Even the previously mentioned trailer provided very little, but certainly lived up to its “teaser” label.

But the game is definitely a reboot, with it even going as far as dropping the subtitle. And this entry in the series will attempt to give the series a new focus– something the last few NFS releases have largely been without. Prior speculation about its ties to Need for Speed Underground were on point, however.

“A lot of time has been spent looking into the older games, into what was really popular, speaking to the fans. A lot of inspiration has been taken from the Underground titles and from the Most Wanted games in different aspects. Need for Speed used to be culturally relevant, to move culture, rather than copy it.”

More details – and footage – are expected to come from E3 2015 next month during EA’s press conference, which is scheduled for June 15 at 1pm PT/4pm ET.

What do you guys think of the long-running Need for Speed series getting a reboot? A necessary move, or just something to get more attention?

Source: Johan Andersson on Twitter

Titanfall’ Hands-On Preview: The Next Great Evolution of Multiplayer?

Titanfall’ Hands-On Preview: The Next Great Evolution of Multiplayer?

‘Titanfall’ Hands-On Preview: The Next Great Evolution of Multiplayer?

After an impressive showing at E3 2013, few games could have touched the impression left by Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall . As the proposed next evolution of online multiplayer, and with the folks behind Call of Duty pulling the strings, Titanfall has a decided amount of expectation behind it, but, as they say, the proof is in the pudding. With a little more than a month until the game finally hits store shelves, it was time to go hands-on with Titanfall to see whether the title is worth the hype.

With Limited Edition Xbox One controllerin hand, we sat down to check out the same beta experiencethat gamers will have at their disposal later this week. There were three modes (Attrition, Hardpoint Domination, and Last Titan Standing), two maps (Angel City and Fracture), one titan variant, and hours of gameplay to enjoy. And enjoy we did.

Although players can hop online immediately, Respawn Entertainmentrecommends a quick tour of the game’s tutorial so players can get their bearings. It isn’t entirely revolutionary, but Titanfall introduces some movement and combat mechanics that are worth understanding first before players test their mettle. The tutorial demonstrates how to execute the wall run and double jump that make Pilots deadly quick, and introduces the various combat options that come with controlling a titan.

Titanfall Questions Answered Header

Titanfall Questions Answered Header

In addition to some slick movement options, Pilots have the requisite set of primary, secondary, and ordnance options at their disposal (with a few variations), as well as a tactical ability — like cloaking — that they can trigger in really tricky spots. Each Pilot also selects two stat boosts as part of their “kit,” which function a lot like perks. Some of the ones we saw included the ability to see A.I. gruntson the radar, a faster recharge for the player’s tactical ability, and an extra piece of ordnance. And finally, the most important piece of any Pilot’s arsenal is their anti-Titan weapon, which can do massive damage to titans but isn’t all that viable against other pilots.

On the Titan side, players have access to several primary weapon options. The ones we saw included a heavy machine gun, a more devastating single-shot weapon, and a rocket launcher. In addition to the primary, players have a secondary attack — either a free-aim missile barrage or a lock-on triple missile attack — that requires a lengthy recharge between uses. Like Pilots, Titans also have their own tactical abilities — the one seen most often is the Vortex Shield, which attracts incoming bullets and then sends them back at the enemy — and kits. Most of the kits improve a titan’s viability, like increasing recharge rates, or they offer the pilot an advantage when ejecting from a doomed titan. Doomed means the Titan is done for, and the pilot better eject lest they go down with the ship, so to speak.

With a better understanding of Titanfall ‘s mechanics out of the way it was time to jump into multiplayer. Instantly, Titanfall sets itself apart from the pack with its speed. This game is fast and fluid, in all the best ways. Moving as a Pilot is not only easy and intuitive, it makes firefights all the more dynamic. There’s still a familiar feel to the basic shooting, but more along the lines of Halo than Call of Duty . That being said, enemies still drop much faster than in Halo (unlike Titans, Pilots do not have shields), but the mixing and matching of abilities and movement options make for some exciting firefights.

Titanfall Preview - Titan Vs Pilot

Titanfall Preview - Titan Vs Pilot

As players eliminate enemy pilots, as well as A.I. opponents called grunts and spectres, they earn points to help shorten their “time to titanfall.” In essence, the better you are at killing, completing objectives, or even helping kill, the less you have to wait for your first titan.

Trust us when we say the wait is worth it. The first titanfall is something to behold, and unlike any feeling offered in a video game to-date. Up until that point you are a mere peon, a disposable soldier on a battlefield peppered with combatants, but when your Titan falls from the sky you feel like an unstoppable force. Pilots are an afterthought, as any that challenge your Titan are easily swept away in a hail of bullets and/or rockets. Contending with Pilots first as a fellow Pilot and then as a Titan is like an appetizer, while the true main course of Titanfall are the firefights between titans. While it is possible to put a titan into guard or follow mode and let the A.I. take over, there’s nothing like battling one, or even several, titans from the cockpit view.

Although Titans are stronger, they still have their own disadvantages. With few sources of cover, Titans are consistently out in the open and always on the opponents’ radar. While players might see themselves as over powered at first, they will soon come to learn how the tides can change based on their opponents’ strategies. Getting caught against a skilled set of Pilots, or a group of enemy Titans, almost instantly spells doom for the player titan, so it’s important to balance defense with offense. And regardless of which loadouts players choose, the Titan gameplay is easily the most appealing part of Titanfall . Unfortunately, we only got to use the base model Atlas titan — neither the Ogre nor the Strider modelwas available for demo.

Packaged together, Titanfall matches become this fantastic combination of experiences where Pilots and Titans are all waging war against each other, while also working towards an objective. Attrition, for example, is your requisite points-based mode where kills are everything. Hardpoint Domination asks teams to capture and hold three points on the map. Both are pretty basic by multiplayer standards, but still unique with titans running around.

Titanfall Preview - Titan Firefight

Titanfall Preview - Titan Firefight

Then there’s Last Titan Standing, a round-based, Titan-only mode where the goal is simply to eliminate all enemy Titans. Here Respawn focuses almost exclusively on the Titan vs. Titan combat, and lets the chaos loose. All three modes work well within the Titanfall framework, but Attrition is the clear winner, as it affords a multitude of options and is endlessly engaging.

It’s important to point out, though, that while the A.I. opponents add more cannon fodder and make matches feel like full-scale battles, they are wholly unreliable. Even large groups of grunts barely pose a threat, as most just stand there waiting to be taken out. Titan A.I., on the other hand, is perfectly capable, and in some cases even better than the real life player.

Although our time with the beta was only about 3 hours in total it was enough to have us convinced that Titanfall is a unique multiplayer experience that will be well worth checking out next month. The game is easy to pick up, fast-paced, and, most importantly, a lot of fun. Whether it’s the next great multiplayer game is yet to be seen, but we certainly want to see more.

What are your hopes for Titanfall ? Do you plan on participating in the beta? Let us know in the comments below.

More: Details on Titanfall’s ‘Burn Cards’ Feature

Titanfall releases March 11, 2014 for the PC and Xbox One, followed by an Xbox 360 release on March 25th.

Follow Anthony on Twitter @ANTaormina

Monolith Soft Shows Off New Wii U Game, ‘Shin-Megami Tensai X Fire Emblem’ Revealed

Monolith Soft Shows Off New Wii U Game, ‘Shin-Megami Tensai X Fire Emblem’ Revealed

It’s been an incredibly busy day for Nintendo fans.

It’s been an incredibly busy day for Nintendo fans. Not only were several big name franchises such as The Legend of Zelda announced for the Wii U, but a pair of new games were also shown off for the system. Monolith Soft‘s new game was highlighted in an absolutely terrific looking trailer, while the Big N revealed a crossover game being developed in partnership with Atlus that’ll blend the Shin-Megami Tensai and Fire Emblem franchises together — appropriately titled Shin-Megami Tensai X Fire Emblem .

Monolith Soft is known for its work on Xenoblade Chronicles , a game that struggled to reach North American shores, and gamers have been eagerly anticipating the arrival of any information on the developer’s next game. Fortunately it arrived during this morning’s Nintendo Directin the form of a trailer, albeit with no official title and a giant ‘X’ that links it to the Xeno series.

The teaser didn’t reveal much about Monolith Soft’s new title, but the gorgeous visuals, massive worlds, and gigantic monsters helped paint a wonderful picture of what fans could expect from the finished product. Thanks largely in part to the mechs that the main protagonist can be seen utilizing, the game itself even seemed initially reminiscent of thefranchise.

Atlus‘ Wii U game, Shin-Megami Tensai X Fire Emblem , was also revealed, although the teaser trailer doesn’t indicate that the game has progressed that far along in its development cycle. It’s hard to say what the crossover will play like — especially when taking into account the different styles that each series has — but the end result should be something that appeals to fans of both games.

Both Monolith Soft and Atlus should reach their intended audiences on the Wii U, but it’ll be interesting to see how both games pan out. They appear as if they’ll do quite well in Japan, anyway, so at least the Big N can bank on their performances on native soil. Whether or not it’ll mimic that success across the global marketplace is still to be determined, but Nintendo has presented itself as keen to appeal to a variety of different niches with the Wii U.

You can follow Riley on Twitter TheRileyLittle.

Killzone’ Developer Guerrilla Games Grabs Domains for Next Project

Killzone’ Developer Guerrilla Games Grabs Domains for Next Project

‘Killzone’ Developer Guerrilla Games Grabs Domains for Next Project
On the cusp of E3 2015, Sony has surprisingly been able to keep virtually all of its secrets under wraps, something that can’t be said for most of the other presenters scheduled for E3 week appearances.

On the cusp of E3 2015, Sony has surprisingly been able to keep virtually all of its secrets under wraps, something that can’t be said for most of the other presenters scheduled for E3 week appearances. With the exception of rumors that Mark Cerny is helping to finish The Last Guardian , only already confirmed games such as Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End are known factors for Sony’s press conference.

However, recent domain name registrations for something called Horizon by Sony studio anddeveloper Guerrilla Games opens the door for the possibility of an exciting brand new IP reveal to take place during the event. Overall, three domain names were registered: HorizonTheGame.com, HorizonTheGame.net, and HorizonTheGame.org. This registration took place in March, so Guerrilla has been preparing to reveal this project for some time now.

This isn’t the first information about the next mysterious new project from Guerrilla Games, however. Last year, a number of leaked concept art images surfaced online for the game known as Horizon , showcasing brightly colored characters decked out with a variety of unique armor and weapons, traveling through a strange world of floating rock formations, robotic dinosaurs, and more.

Horizon - Concept art, soldiers walking in desert

Horizon - Concept art, soldiers walking in desert

Sony has admitted that they have a sparse lineup for the PS4 in 2015, and while it’s unlikely that Horizon (or whatever it ends up being called) would end up releasing by the end of the year, it would at least show PS4 users that Sony still has plenty of first-party content on the way for 2016 and beyond. That being said, Guerrilla has consistently put out a new game every two years since 2009 when Killzone 2 launched on the PS3, so it’s certainly not impossible.

For those unfamiliar, Guerrilla Games has worked on the Killzone franchise since 2004 when the series debuted on PS2. Since then, they have put out a spinoff and three sequels, including Killzone: Shadow Fall , which was Sony’s premiere PS4 launch title. Guerrilla continued to support Killzone: Shadow Fall long after its launch, even adding 4-player co-op  functionalityto the game.

Considering Guerrilla’s past with Killzone and E3, unfortunately, if Horizon does indeed debut at this year’s E3 event, viewers may want to take any footage seen with a grain of salt. The original trailer for Killzone 2 showed off astonishingly good graphics, but the final product, while still extremely good looking, didn’t even come close to what was shown at E3. More recently, Killzone: Shadow Fall was said to support 1080p resolution at E3, but the final version of the game didn’t, in a technical sense. This resulted in a lawsuit that was later dismissed, but it stands as another example where Guerrilla wasn’t completely honest about the graphical power of one of their games.

The game currently known as Horizon has no known release date or concrete information, but there’s a decent chance that it could enjoy its official unveiling tomorrow during Sony’s E3 2015 press conference.

Source: Twitter

Top 5 New Features in ‘Assassin’s Creed Syndicate’

Top 5 New Features in ‘Assassin’s Creed Syndicate’

Now that the next entry in the longstanding Assassin’s Creed franchise has been revealed, fans have a medley of reasons to be excited for the new game.

franchise has been revealed, fans have a medley of reasons to be excited for the new game. Being fortunate enough to get a sneak peek at the title before its official unveiling, however, we were quick to nail down five new aspects of Assassin’s Creed Syndicate that make us excited for the game’s inevitable arrival.

The next entry in the beloved series has a number of new features for gamers to anticipate, but we’ve selected a handful that best showcase what hopeful players have to look forward to later this year. With all of that said, here are five reasons why we’re excited for the newly announced Assassin’s Creed Syndicate .


With each new installment in the franchise, a new setting is almost a given. Outside of the initial Ezio-based trilogy, Assassin’s Creed has done a good job at mixing up the locales of each entry and the same holds true with Assassin’s Creed Syndicate . Taking place in London, England during 1868, wannabe assassins are thrown into a revolution that ushered in the modern world as we know it – more specifically, the Industrial Revolution.

During this era, inventions such as the train, steam boat, and telegraph brought with them the beginning of many of the modern conveniences that we utilize every day. There was a lot happening during this time frame, and it’s going to be interesting to see how historical figures like Charles Dickens and Charles Darwin interact with the narrative this time around.

Page 2: The Streets of London
Sony Lawsuit Over ‘Killzone: Shadow Fall’ 1080p Graphics is Dismissed

Sony Lawsuit Over ‘Killzone: Shadow Fall’ 1080p Graphics is Dismissed

Most gamers may have already forgotten about Killzone: Shadow Fall , the PS4 exclusive launch title that debuted to middling reviews, but one fan still has the game fresh in his mind.

, the PS4 exclusive launch title that debuted to middling reviews, but one fan still has the game fresh in his mind. However, that fan’s focus on Killzone has been less than positive to say the least.

Douglas Ladore filed a lawsuit against Killzone: Shadow Fall last year claiming that the game deceived gamers with claims it would run at a native 1080p resolution. Ladore alleges that he took those assertions at face value, and was disappointed to find out that Killzone: Shadow Fall ’s multiplayer actually mimicked 1080p resolution, but did not actually produce the high caliber visuals.

Killzone developer Guerilla Gameswas able to do so thanks to a technique called “temporal reprojection.” Essentially, temporal reprojection is supposed to deliver an image that’s indistinguishable from 1080p, but it’s still not “technically” 1080p.

So, of course, someone had to file a lawsuit, and Ladore was that guy. Some thought that the suit was frivolous and wouldn’t make it very far in court, however Judge Edward M. Chen ruled that it could go on back in December.

It didn’t take Chen long to realize that Douglas Ladore had no case, though, as he recently dismissed the suit “with prejudice.” According to Polygon , a dismissal with prejudice means that a plaintiff cannot file a new suit involving the same issue.

Sony Killzone Tease

Sony Killzone Tease

And so, Douglas Ladore’s claims that Sonyand Guerilla Games deceived the gaming public are now put to rest. 1080p can be a tricky subject, especially when it comes to current-gen games, but not all developers are able to deliver the resolution natively. Some have to use a few tricks to get there, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the game looks any worse as a result. Killzone: Shadow Fall , for our part, is an impressive game visually, it’s just a shame that the PS4 launch title’s campaign and multiplayer left a lot to be desired. Read our Killzone: Shadow Fall reviewfor more on that.

Interestingly enough, this dismissal should close the door on future lawsuits involving 1080p resolution claims, at least where they pertain to developmental work-arounds. Sure there will always be someone who comes forward with a case claiming they were deceivedout of $60 and ask for a whole lot more (Ladore wanted $5 million in damages!), but Judge Chen’s ruling could set a precedent for how to handle such cases. 1080p is still a point of contention so we will have to wait and see.

Do you think the Killzone: Shadow Fall lawsuit had any grounds? How important is 1080p resolution to you?

Source: Polygon

Top 5 New Features in ‘Assassin’s Creed Syndicate’

Top 5 New Features in ‘Assassin’s Creed Syndicate’

Now that the next entry in the longstanding Assassin’s Creed franchise has been revealed, fans have a medley of reasons to be excited for the new game.

franchise has been revealed, fans have a medley of reasons to be excited for the new game. Being fortunate enough to get a sneak peek at the title before its official unveiling, however, we were quick to nail down five new aspects of Assassin’s Creed Syndicate that make us excited for the game’s inevitable arrival.

The next entry in the beloved series has a number of new features for gamers to anticipate, but we’ve selected a handful that best showcase what hopeful players have to look forward to later this year. With all of that said, here are five reasons why we’re excited for the newly announced Assassin’s Creed Syndicate .


With each new installment in the franchise, a new setting is almost a given. Outside of the initial Ezio-based trilogy, Assassin’s Creed has done a good job at mixing up the locales of each entry and the same holds true with Assassin’s Creed Syndicate . Taking place in London, England during 1868, wannabe assassins are thrown into a revolution that ushered in the modern world as we know it – more specifically, the Industrial Revolution.

During this era, inventions such as the train, steam boat, and telegraph brought with them the beginning of many of the modern conveniences that we utilize every day. There was a lot happening during this time frame, and it’s going to be interesting to see how historical figures like Charles Dickens and Charles Darwin interact with the narrative this time around.

Page 2: The Streets of London
Fable 3’ Developer Walkthrough Shows Property Customization

Fable 3’ Developer Walkthrough Shows Property Customization

‘Fable 3’ Developer Walkthrough Shows Property Customization
Fable has long been the game that touts itself as the forerunner for customization.

has long been the game that touts itself as the forerunner for customization. In certain areas that claim has been proven true, while in others it just didn’t hit the mark. With, Lionhead Studiosis taking the house customization seen in its predecessor a step further by allowing gamers to let their inner interior decorator run wild.

Contained within the trailer is our first look at how gamers will be able to differentiate each of their properties from the next using everything from furniture to wallpaper. While it might not impact your storyline in any reasonable way, it certainly adds to the “Role-playing” elementof the game.

For those who wish to have a more action packed adventure rather than sitting at home getting their Feng Shui right, Fable 3’s new butler, voiced by Monty Python’s John Cleese, is there to do the work for you. But even if you decide to leave the decorating to someone else, make sure to repair your houses and monitor the rent in order to receive the maximum income.


Peter Molyneux, the head of the lion so to speak, prides himself on his design choices. As a role playing experience, Fable 3 has the potential to get a lot right. Some new features might lean a tad towards the silly side, while others should improve on flaws in combat.If you are interested in reading more about how Fable 3 plays, make sure to check out our hands-on from E3.

Despite how you may feel about the games, you can’t argue that Molyneux and his team work hard to deliver a new experience with each iteration. Kinect support or not, Fable 3 is going to let Xbox gamers, and eventually PC gamers, give it their best go at being a king.

Which type of hero will you be? The one who decorates every property they own, or the one who lets the butler do all the work?

Fable 3 is set for an October 26 release on the Xbox 360 with a PC release to be revealed some time later.

Source: Kotaku

I Am Bread’ Review

I Am Bread’ Review

‘I Am Bread’ Review
I Am Bread arrived on Steam Early Access months ago by way of the producers of the floppy-armed cult-hit called Surgeon Simulator , meaning the controls are hilariously awkward, and performing seemingly simple tasks quickly becomes an adventure.

, meaning the controls are hilariously awkward, and performing seemingly simple tasks quickly becomes an adventure. The early-release edition of I Am Bread has seen its fair share of testing from fans, and the full version finalizes plenty of content for users to enjoy. While there’s no denying it’s YouTube comedy gold, read on to find out if the toast can match the boast.

Players control their glorious slice of bread by pressing one of 4 buttons – each designated to a corner of the slice – which, when pressed, glues that piece of bread down to a surface. From there, players can swing their mouse to flop the unattached corners in a particular direction, resulting in the bread making movement and potentially even climbing surfaces. The Bread has limited grip before it must rest, so scaling objects is no easy task, even without the awkward movements.

Thankfully, the different maps in I Am Bread provide a unique experience during each level, and players will be forced to find resourceful ways to reach the toaster, or even find an alternative way to toast themselves to perfection. Whether it’s using a skateboard to cross the germ-infested floor in the first level, or breaking a television to fry the bread to perfection, the game will provide plenty of hidden gems and ‘a-ha’ moments for those who dare to explore. That’s the whole point of the game – turn your bread into toast, and it’s harder than you think.

I Am Bread Levels

I Am Bread Levels

Much like Katamari Damacy , any objects the bread rolls over become attached to the slice, whether they be wriggling ants, shards of glass, or delicious jam. Some of these items improve the overall deliciousness score, while the majority of other items will detract from it. Too much negative item buildup or time on the floor, and it’s game over – a concept that ends up being ridiculously challenging as players navigate around increasing challenging maps.

In addition to the story mode, there’s also a Rampage mode where players control a large baguette, which they can use to reap destruction on plenty of objects. Zero-G puts the toaster in a floating environment with thrusters, asking gamers to navigate a minefield of floating objects and toast themselves without gravity, and proves to be quite an entertaining mode. There’s also things like the obstacle-course Bagel Race and peaceful Free Roam, which give gamers plenty of game modes to loaf around in.

I Am Bread Gameplay

I Am Bread Gameplay

Despite going through a long early access period, the game still boasts some physics glitches. Some of them send the bread spiraling high into the air, while others might force gamers to restart the level, which can be a frustrating process. Overall, though, the game provides plenty of laughs for gamers who keep plugging away at increasingly difficult levels, and even after a few hours players will likely find themselves struggling to cope with the controls of the game.

The game is very much a ‘what you see is what you get’ package, and gamers who like the idea of sentient bread are likely to enjoy killing a few hours completing the main storyline. I Am Bread packs a surprising amount of entertainment into a title that’s available for $14, and those who find themselves curious about the game won’t be disappointed with its value if they take the plunge.

I Am Bread is currently available on Steam for both PC and OS X, and has a 25% sale on right now to boot! Game Rant was provided a PC code for this review.

Dragon Age Inquisition’ Strategy Guide: All The Romance Options

Dragon Age Inquisition’ Strategy Guide: All The Romance Options

‘Dragon Age Inquisition’ Strategy Guide: All The Romance Options
When BioWare and EA began to roll out the marketing for their next-gen RPG behemoth Dragon Age Inquisition , plenty of the game’s features got their time in the spotlight.

, plenty of the game’s features got their time in the spotlight. The combat, the overarching story of Templar/Mage conflict, the world itself, and the colorful characters set to join the playeron their journey. One aspect less advertised – but just as important to seasoned BioWare fans – was the studio’s approach to more personal relationships; particularly of the romantic variety.

It’s easy for the uninitiated to dismiss BioWare’s signature brand of romance as serving no purpose beyond titillation or wish fulfilment, but it’s no overstating the case to say that growing to care about the story’s main playersin a Dragon Age title is a legitimate facet of the overall experience. And with Inquisition , the developers outdid themselves.

With characters more complicated than ever before seen, taking a variety of appearances and arcs over the course of the game’s lengthy campaign, some advice will come in handy. The writers have gone out of their way to make the heart of every Follower available to the player– even if their romantic interests lie elsewhere – meaning those characters may not state just what kind of relationships are likely in the long run. So, allow us to take care of it.

Cullen – Human/Elf Female Inquisitor

Dragon Age Inquisition Romance Guide Cullen

Dragon Age Inquisition Romance Guide Cullen

It isn’t just Followers that can be romanced in Inquisition , but the Inquisitor’s advisors as well (a possible conflict of interest, we’ll admit). The former Templar Cullen Rutherford is one such example, overseeing the military forces and planning of the player’s army – when not being awkwardly drawn into more romantic conversation (by either a human or elf female).

Since it’s Cullen’s business to know what the player is up to, a romance is only possible if the player is not engaged in any other romance. It’s clear from the outset that Cullen’s morals aren’t really in question – no matter how heated the conflict between Mages and Templars has become – but it will take plenty of time before he drops his guard. One more tip: don’t discuss ingesting Lyrium, and you’re good to go.

Blackwall – Female Inquisitor

Dragon Age Inquisition Romance Guide Blackwall

Dragon Age Inquisition Romance Guide Blackwall

If Cullen is a devoted soldier, then Blackwall makes him look like a rent-a-cop. When word of a Grey Warden in the Hinterlands first arrives, seeking out the source of the rumors will lead the player straight to the Warrior – and bring up memories of Dragon Age: Origins ‘ Duncan almost immediately. The Grey Wardens’ ongoing battle against the Darkspawn is pushed to the background in Inquisition ‘s story, but Duncan’s resolute commitment to recruiting men and women to the cause does the order proud.

Given the isolation of his life, a flirty female Inquisitor will convince Blackwall to join the cause rather quickly, though his inexperience with women becomes clear before long. Nuance or double entendre is lost on him, so the more blatant the romantic sentiment, the better. He may not be versed in the ways of love, but Blackwall’s life of service means he’ll warm up much faster to an Inquisitor who honors a dutiful soldier’s sacrifice above all else.

Solas – Elf Female Inquisitor

Dragon Age Inquisition Romance Guide Solas

Dragon Age Inquisition Romance Guide Solas

The supremely…’serious’ nature of Solas, an elven Mage is obvious upon his introduction, having spent his life separated from both the Dalish and city Elves, and mastering his magical abilities without formal training. Despite his lone wolf nature, the ages-old conflicts between the races of Thedas persist in his preference for romance, only opening up to the idea if romanced by a female Elf.

If your Inquisitor fits the bill, then the way to Solas’ heart (like anyone) is to show an interest in his interests; having acquired wisdom about the Fade and the true nature of ‘demons,’ being open-minded to Solas’ opinions (particularly about elf culture) and insights will grab his attention. Try to see the world from his point of view – and avoid killing when he explicitly requests – and he’ll thaw out soon enough.

Dorian – Male Inquisitor

Dragon Age Inquisition Romance Guide Dorian

Dragon Age Inquisition Romance Guide Dorian

Easily the best (and most clever) flirt found within Inquisition , Dorian has proven a popular romance option for both male and female players – but only male Inquisitors, as this Mage is the first homosexual character in the series to date. His personal armor of scathing wit and sarcasm will keep a male Inquisitor at bay, until his personal quest “Last Resort of Good Men,” at which point players can make their romantic intentions known.

From then on out, the time spent getting to know Dorian makes romance straightforward. As a former nobleman who cast off his family’s future and the Tevinter Imperium because of its hypocrisy and prejudice, a policy of freedom and respect is the way to go. Be direct, be honest, and be yourself, and Dorian will take notice.

Iron Bull – Male/Female Inquisitor

Dragon Age Inquisition Romance Guide Iron Bull

Dragon Age Inquisition Romance Guide Iron Bull

Even those who haven’t played Inquisition just yet have seen the one-of-a-kind sex scene an Iron Bull romance eventually builds towards. The immense, scarred, horned and calloused Qunari may not be what most will immediately define as “handsome,” but his magnetic personality is hard to resist. And the fact that Iron Bull is best known for his effectiveness as a spy , not just a Warrior, shows there’s more to him than first appears.

However, the Qunari notion of “romance” isn’t in line with the typical Thedosian: relationships can be incredibly deep without a physical expression, meaning a romance with Iron Bull means a heartfelt bond, first and foremost. Keep at the flirting, and he will eventually show a softer side – before the physical side of the relationship takes hold, bringing as much laughter as it does comfort.

Cassandra – Male Inquisitor

Dragon Age Inquisition Romance Guide Cassandra

Dragon Age Inquisition Romance Guide Cassandra

Those who played through Dragon Age 2 know that Cassandra Pentaghast – Seeker of Truth, and right hand of the Divine – is a force to be reckoned with. So it’s not surprising to see that the Warrior remains even more determined and resolute once her superiors are killed alongside countless mages. But as much as Cassandra may claim that there is no place for love in the midst of an Inquisition, determined suitors will discover otherwise.

Benath Cassandra’s rough exterior is a sentimental optimist; the Seekers of Truth have parted ways with The Chantry, but the soldier remains hopeful that all can be put right. Though she may outright state that a romance is simply never going to happen, thoughtful gestures – like having Varric scribe another of her favorite stories – will break through her defenses. It should go without saying, however, that to love Cassandra is to love no other.

Sera – Female Inquisitor

Dragon Age Inquisition Romance Guide Sera

Dragon Age Inquisition Romance Guide Sera

Assuming that players haven’t missed recruiting Sera altogether by ignoring the “Friends of Red Jenny” quest line in Val Royeaux, it’s an understatement to say that this Mage is a bit of a handful. If a female Inquisitor looks to start a romance, the ensuing scenes and conversations are just as unexpected and ridiculous. But if Sera is a player’s type, then they’ll likely eat every line of dialogue and absurd twist up.

In conversation, Sera’s approval can be won by making sure not to overlook the average person in the larger conflict surrounding the Fade Rifts. Since Sera has no taste (or time) for serious pontificating, living in the moment, and bringing levity to any situation will help a romance blossom. If that’s how you choose to play Inquisition in the first place, then this is a perfect match.

Josephine – Male/Female Inquisitor

Dragon Age Inquisition Romance Guide Josephine

Dragon Age Inquisition Romance Guide Josephine

As the face of the Inquisition’s diplomatic resources, players might expect Josephine to be less than modest. But it’s clearly this advisor’s tact and light touch that has made her the diplomatic powerhouse she currently is, able to defuse explosive situations, or acquire clandestine information with words alone. Pair that strategy with her humble personality, and a path to romance should be fairly clear.

Obviously, players who prefer to settle situations with brute force or threats aren’t Josephine’s idea of a perfect mate (and the player is likely to reciprocate). Inquire about her past, and begin flirting once Skyhold is unlocked, and Leliana will ask what intentions the Inquisitor has. Make your feelings known, and the courtship can continue.

Not Romanceable

Dragon Age Inquisition Cant Romance

Dragon Age Inquisition Cant Romance

Unfortunately, not every character players encounter will be open to a love connection. Varric is a lover of words, first and foremost; Cole isn’t really the… romantic type; Morrigan may still be dealing with the fallout from her previous romance; Vivienne is, frankly, out of the Inquisitor’s league; and Leliana has more pressing matters to concern herself with than flowery flirtation.

Players can still flirt and compliment until they’re red in the face, but most of these non-romanceable characters will make it clear that they’re not interested almost immediately.

Whether these details are heartening, or devastating to some players (particularly those who had previously romanced the likes of Leliana or Morrigan), we trust that entering the hardship of combat without wondering how many ‘secret admirers’ are hiding in plain sight is likely a good thing. In the end, nearly every relationship offers something special to the players willing to find it; that may not mean finding love in the time of Fade Rifts, but BioWare’s emphasis on bonding and characters goes well beyond romance.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is available now for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

Follow Andrew on Twitter @ andrew_dyce.

