3DS Focused Nintendo Direct Announced For Japan

Nintendo of Japan today announced a new Nintendo Direct for the Japanese market.

Nintendo of Japan today announced a new Nintendo Direct for the Japanese market. This new broadcast is scheduled to be streamed on Friday 29th August at 7:ooam ET and 13:00pm CT. Nintendo have yet to reveal what will be shown, except that the event will focus solely on the Nintendo 3DS. Nintendo have previously revealed small amounts of Wii U information during a supposedly 3DS only direct so watch this space.

[任天堂]明日8月29日(金)20:00から「Nintendo 3DS Direct 2014.8.29」を録画放送します。 #NintendoDirectJP http://t.co/0hf2lZhZnw

— 任天堂株式会社 (@Nintendo) August 28, 2014

Nintendo Directs have been a continuous occurrence for the last few years, but have been in short supply over recent months. Nintendo\’s last Direct was the Hyrule Warriors focussed event which took place on August 5th. Before this there was a Japan-only 3DS event on July 11th, a week after another Japan-only Direct focused on Yokai Watch 2. It is possible that this new Nintendo Direct may also be a Japanese only affair, as word about European or North American versions would usually be confirmed by now.

Written by Alex Balderas

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