Rumor: Beyond Good and Evil Sequel to be NX Exclusive

If sources close to Destructoid are to be believed, the sequel to Beyond Good and Evil will be coming to the NX as an exclusive title in 2017.

are to be believed, the sequel to Beyond Good and Evil will be coming to the NX as an exclusive title in 2017. The title, which has been confirmed in development but barely discussed by Ubisoft, is reportedly being funded by Nintendo. This sort of funding mechanism is similar to how Bayonetta 2 was funded. Both franchises enjoy critical success, but not necessarily commercial success.

Currently, the sequel is reportedly titled: “Beyond good and Evil: The Prejudices of Philosophers,” but no information other than the working title is known at this time.

Do you believe this rumor to be true? Do you think that this is a good exclusive for Nintendo to snag? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Written by Elia Pales

Elia Pales owns pretty much every single product Nintendo puts out, and due to his impulsive tendencies, he also tends to purchase every gaming product put out in general. When not gaming, he’s probably running cross country or writing. He makes sure to take regular gaming breaks, though.

You can follow Elia on Twitter: @Paleselan

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