Everquest II Introducing A Prison Server For Cheaters

One of the last long-running MMORPGs to survive Blizzard’s near monopolization of the industry via World of Warcraft is Daybreak studios’ Everquest II .

Everquest II Introducing A Prison Server For Cheaters

. Daybreak recently announced on the official Everquest II forumstheir intention to implement what can be called a “prison” server.

According to the forum post, “players who are caught breaking our rules and disrupting EQ2 live server gameplay will be flagged for this server, and no others — ever. Characters on these accounts will be copied to Drunder (the ‘prison server’) and can never leave or transfer to another server.” And while Drunder is specifically for the rule-breakers and ne’er-do-wells, other players will be allowed to request a transfer into this special server.

Players interested in transferring over voluntarily should take heed, however. As stated in the forum post, “You won’t be able to move individual characters to this server, while maintaining characters from the same account on another server. This is a ONE-WAY trip for an entire account forever.”