EA Details E3 Plans: Titanfall 2 Will Make an Appearance

Electronic Arts releases the schedule for its E3 2016 event, called EA Play, which will include a press conference as well as playable demos open to the public.

E3 2016is just a couple of months away, so companies have been announcing exact plans for what is usually one of the craziest weeks on the gaming calendar. Electronic Arts is the latest company to divulge its E3 2016 schedule, revealing events that will take place in both Los Angeles and London.

EA will help kick off the E3 2016 festivities on June 12th with a series of events it is referring to as EA Play. EA Play will begin in Los Angeles at 1:00pm Pacific, with EA’s traditional E3 2016 press conference. From 2:00pm to 4:00pm that same day, EA will have playable game demos available for the media, and those same demos will then be made open to the public from 4:00pm to 10:00pm.

London gamers will be able to watch EA’s E3 2016 press conference from 9:00pm to 10:00pm, British Summer Time. EA itself will be in London, and will allow gamers there to play some E3 demos from 10:00pm to 12:00am. That will conclude EA’s presence in London during E3 week.

Back in Los Angeles, EA will spend Monday, June 13th showcasing demos that will be open to both the press and the public. EA Play on June 14th will be a little more exclusive, as only industry insiders and those actually in attendance at E3 itself will have access to the demos.

E3 2016 teaser trailer released

E3 2016 teaser trailer released

Of course, EA will be streaming its press conference live, as will a number of other outlets. Those that would rather attend the EA Play event live during E3 week will be able to reserve tickets for free, but it’s not yet known when tickets will be available. Expect more information on that front to come in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, EA has announced at least one game fans can look forward to seeing during E3 week this year, and that game is none other than. The followup to the critically-acclaimed Titanfall , the Titanfall 2 teaser trailerthat was recently released has fans buzzing, and it looks like a full reveal will be coming on June 12th during EA’s press conference. Whether or not Titanfall 2 will be be at E3 in playable form remains to be seen, however.

Those that attend the EA Play event can probably expect EA’s various sports titles to make an appearance as well. Besides sports games and the aforementioned Titanfall 2 , there’s also a distinct possibility thatwill also make an appearance during the event.

Even if Mass Effect Andromeda is absent at E3 2016, it is clear that EA has a lot of big things planned for the occasion. The company is going all-out this year, and will be one of the first companies to kick off the E3 week festivities, which will set the tone for the press conferences to follow.

Source: EA Play

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