Fallout 4 Mod Gives Dogmeat an Okami Skin

Modder Ammyeh releases a mod for the PC version of Fallout 4 that makes Dogmeat resemble the white wolf Amaterasu from Capcom’s critically acclaimed Okami series.

Months after the game’s release, the support for Fallout 4 shows no signs of slowing down. While Bethesda is offering an upcoming official update that will add “ destructible environments” to the PC version of, the modding community has also done its part in providing a steady stream of content for the game, with the latest mod making Dogmeat resemble Amaterasu from Okami .

In the world of Okami , Amaterasu is a white wolf with incredible powers, and is notable for her distinctive red markings. Modder Ammyeh must be a fan of Capcom’s Legend of Zelda -inspired franchise, as their Amaterasu skin for Dogmeat looks incredible, and is very accurate to the source material. Those that wish to download the mod can do so by visiting Ammyeh’s Nexusmods page.

As fans of Okami know, there’s a lot more to Amaterasu than just her unique look. Unfortunately, none of her special abilities or attacks are added to Fallout 4 in the mod. Of course, that would have been a monumental undertaking, and what Ammyeh has accomplished with the Okami mod is still very impressive by itself.

Fallout 4 Mod Gives Dogmeat an Okami Skin - Amaterasu Dogmeat with Vault Dweller

Fallout 4 Mod Gives Dogmeat an Okami Skin - Amaterasu Dogmeat with Vault Dweller

In the meantime, it would be interesting to see this Okami mod combined with the Fallout 4 cel-shaded graphics mod. After all, the original Okami game was praised for its cel-shaded art style, and combining the two mods could result in an even more true-to-form version of Amaterasu in Fallout 4 .

Regardless, hardcore fans of Okami that own Fallout 4 on PC may find it hard to pass up the opportunity to have more Okami in their lives. Capcom has largely ignored the franchise since the release of Okami HD on PS3four years ago, and this mod could represent the only chance players have to hang out with Amaterasu on new-gen consoles

While we wait for news on another game in the Okami series, players will have to tide themselves over by exploring the Commonwealth with the franchise’s hero. In the meantime, expect plenty more mods to release for Fallout 4 in the coming months, especially when Bethesda finally spills the beans on when fans can expect to see Fallout 4 mods on consoles.

Are you impressed by the Amaterasu Dogmeat skin mod for Fallout 4 ? Would you like to see more Okami -themed content added to the game later on? Would you love a chance to play a new Okami on current gen consoles? Drop a comment below and leave us your thoughts on the Okami mod that is now available for Fallout 4 .

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