No Man’s Sky’ is a Journey to the Center of the Galaxy

‘No Man’s Sky’ is a Journey to the Center of the Galaxy
Video games have evolved hugely in the scant few decades since they were invented, and in that time we’ve seen some truly amazing things from them.

Video games have evolved hugely in the scant few decades since they were invented, and in that time we’ve seen some truly amazing things from them. Just when gamers were starting to think they’d seen everything, however, indie studio Hello Games showed up at Spike VGXand humbly presented No Man’s Sky , possibly one of the most ambitious and creative upcoming titles that we’ve ever seen.

Perhaps the closest we’ve come to experiencing something like No Man’s Sky before now is the Mass Effect series, which allowed players to explore the Milky Way and land on a select number of planets in each solar system. In Mass Effect , however, the number of available planets was limited and players had to navigate the galaxy through what was effectively a menu system, whereas No Man’s Sky will put players behind the wheel of their own spaceship and allow them to explore procedurally generated worldsfreely, in real time, with no loading screen to mark the transition between planets and outer space.

Creating No Man’s Sky hasn’t been an easy road for Hello Games, however. Shortly after the first reveal at VGX, the studio’s offices were floodedduring a period of heavy rainfall, and due to the high-risk locale they did not receive any compensation. In a interview with PlayStation Blog, Hello Games’ Sean Murray discusses the origins of No Man’s Sky , the ups and downs of the project, and his vision for what the game will eventually be.

No Man's Sky dinosaur

No Man's Sky dinosaur

Players will start out No Man’s Sky in the fringes of the galaxy, and one of the loose goals of the game is to travel to the center of the galaxy to find out what’s there. Along the way it will be possible to discover never-before-seen planets and systems, which contain the necessary resources to build the kind of ship required to complete the journey.

Since No Man’s Sky ‘s universe is shared by all of the players, it’s also possible to run into other people and either co-operate with them or fight them. If you’re worried that over-crowding might mean that all the planets will be explored before too long, keep in mind that the Milky Way galaxy alone contains somewhere in the region of 200-400 billion stars, plus at least 100 billion planets. Murray has also said previously that certain mechanismswithin the game will help to keep the galaxy in flux.

For a game that was originally conceived by a team of just five people, No Man’s Sky is easily one of the most exciting titles showcased at E3 this year. Add the fact that the Hello Games team has been experimenting with Oculus VRinto the mix, and the wait until we’ll finally get to play No Man’s Sky becomes almost too much to bear.

No Man’s Sky is coming to PS4, but no release date has been set.

Source: PlayStation Blog

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