Time Is Almost Out to Grab Free Minecraft: Story Mode Skins

Minecraft fans have little time left to grab the Minecraft: Story Mode skin pack for free before Mojang returns the pack to its usual price point of $2.99.
Now that Minecraft: Story Mode ‘s first season has come to a dramatic conclusion , gamers have little time left to take advantage of Mojang’s post-season celebration: the studio has made the Story Mode skin pack for Minecraft a free item for the past week, but the promotion ends tomorrow.

a free item for the past week, but the promotion ends tomorrow. Gamers logging in to the Windows 10, console, or mobile editions of Minecraft should be able to see the skin pack as a free download, with some limitations for gamers on Android or PlayStation users based in Japan.

The skin pack offers the skins of popularcharacters such as Jesse, Olivia, Axel, Petra, and many more. With 27 skins in all, it’s certainly one of the larger Minecraft skin packs, and it’s hard to say no to gaming content when it’s being offered for free. Whether players wish to annoy their friends as the bearded Ivar or simply blow up the surrounding landscape as an in-character Magnus, the currently-free pack has ample room for choice.

The pack will only remain free until April 12, after which it will switch to a permanent $2.99 price point. That being said, six of the available Jesse skins from the pack will remain free forever, though the rest of the skins will be locked behind a paygate for those who don’t snatch it up today or tomorrow.

Due to ‘peculiar reasons’, Mojang employee Marsh Davies has stated that the company was not able to offer the pack for free for Android users and PlayStation users based in Japan. Instead, the studio opted to put forth the skin pack for the minimal price they were allowed to on each platform, which will then rise to $2.99 after Tuesday.

Mojang has also put forth a Minecraft: Story Mode -inspired adventure map for intrepid PC gamers, which challenges players to form a group and attempt to survive Soren’s gear-filled mob grinder. Interested gamers can grab that adventure mode map by clicking here. Unlike the skin pack, this link will be free for the foreseeable future.

Gamers looking to add some Minecraft skins to their collection have ample selection to choose from, with recent releases ranging from Star Wars charactersall the way to skins based on Greek Mythology. There’s no telling what intellectual property Mojang will collude with next, though we can only hope it won’t appear as creepy as their foray into The Simpsons.

Will you be picking up the Minecraft: Story Mode skins while they’re still free, Ranters?

Source: Mojang

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