Wii 100 Wraps up with Top 10 Party & Puzzle Wii Games

Over a year ago we launched The Wii 100, a series of 10 top 10 lists meant to capture 100 of some of the best games found on the Wii and playable on your Wii U.

Over a year ago we launched The Wii 100, a series of 10 top 10 lists meant to capture 100 of some of the best games found on the Wii and playable on your Wii U.  Today we’re happy to finalize the series with the final two entries: Top 10 Party games and Top 10 puzzle games.  Be sure to check out the other eight videos for the full list.  Did we miss any of your favorites? Let us know in the comments!

Written by Jason Lepine

Jason Lepine

Jason’s professional and cool-headed style masks what’s really going on inside. His ridiculous work intensity will drive him to spend 12 hours perfecting a video if need be.

This guy’s probably a notch away from exploding.

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