Capcom: DLC And Disc-Locked Content Are The Same

BioWare isn’t the only developer who have experienced a backlash over locking content onto discs .

. As was the case with, Capcom utilized the same formula of instilling on-disc DLC with Street Fighter X Tekken . This prompted immediate scrutiny, including disgruntled consumers lodging complaints to the Better Business Bureau.

Capcomhas responded to the complaints filed with the BBB by stating that, to them, there is no distinction between downloadable content and disc-locked content.

The firm’s response to the implementation of downloadable content present on‘s disc is that offering add-on content is best carried out by integrating it within the game’s disc. Numerous complaints by consumers pressed Capcom to, according to, deliver the following statement:

“At Capcom, we value our customers and make every effort to resolve customer complaints. We are sorry to hear that [censored] was so disappointed with the Street Fighter x Tekken game (”SFxT”), and would like to respond to his complaints.

While Capcom is sorry that some of its fans are not happy about the chosen method of delivery for the DLC, we believe that this method will provide more flexible and efficient gameplay throughout the game’s lifecycle.

There is effectively no distinction between the DLC being ”locked” behind the disc and available for unlocking at a later date, or being available through a full download at a later date, other than delivery mechanism.”

A day before Street Fighter X Tekken ‘s release earlier in March, Capcom admitted that an accumulative of 12 characters, who were intended to be released as DLC, are indeed present on the Xbox 360 and PS3 discs. These characters were planned to be released as PlayStation Vita exclusives. However, the publisher/developer will release the downloadable content pack on consoles after the fighter’s Vita version launches with a price tag of $20.

Capcom were likely expecting a backlash as shown by the complaints sent to the BBB, but probably didn’t foresee the DLC characters locked on the disc being unlocked by hackerswho then used them on the online multiplayer component over Xbox Live.

Ranters, what are your thoughts on Capcom’s statement regarding there being no distinction between DLC and disc-locked content?

Street Fighter X Tekken is available now for the PS3 and Xbox 360. For more on the game, check out Game Rant’s review.

Source: Cinema Blend