Make mo’ money: Using mobile app analytics to drive revenue (webinar)

Insightful app analytics are the only way to truly capitalize on users.


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Insightful app analytics are the only way to truly capitalize on users. Join us as we break down the most effective analytics platforms in market, and how best to apply them.

Every developer knows that creating a brand new app is only step one in the mobile money-making business. Nor is establishing a user base for your app the final step. To truly reap the rewards of your hard work, you need to know exactly what users are doing with your app, in order to capitalize on it. The best way to do just that is by using mobile app analytics to gather behavioral intelligence from your app, so you can lay the groundwork for successful monetization.

The good news is that there is no shortage of mobile analytic platforms to choose from. The bad news? The massive selection of mobile analytic platforms may leave you more than a bit overwhelmed in determining which one suits your business.

That’s where our VentureBeat Insight reportcomes in. Based on our extensive survey of 230 app developers with 250 million users under their belt, our report covers everything you need to know about mobile app analytics and how to choose the right solution.

It may not surprise you that Google Analytics is the champion on Google Play, leading to a monopoly on Android devices. Our sample size of 1.6 million apps on Google Play showed 1.5 million using Google Analytics. When questioned about its performance, 65 percent of developers said Google is either Very Good or Excellent at pure mobile analytics.

However, only 30 percent of developers use Google as their prime analytic choice.With Google Analytics scoring lower in building user engagement, helping publishers monetize, and enabling marketing integrations for user acquisition, the default choice isn’t always the best choice for developers.

For iOS users, Flurry’s analytic platform isn’t as dominant as Google’s, but reigns supreme regardless. But is it the best?

Using multiple analytic tools isn’t out of the ordinary. In fact, the most successful developers use multiple tools, with 3-5 analytic tools being the norm for developers with 2 million active users. More doesn’t always equal better, however, as unsuccessful publishers juggle 8-12 analytic tools in the hopes of scoring big. So one mustn’t aim too high or too low.

There’s a lot to consider when choosing a mobile app analytic platform for your business, but by signing up for this webinar you’ll get the rundown on the essentials needed to make the right decision.

Don’t miss out.

What you’ll learn: The top app analytics solutions The most important features in an analytics platform The KPIs that matter to the most successful developers The most overlooked app analytics methods

Jon Cifuentes , Research Analyst, VB Insight

Wendy Schuchart , Moderator, VentureBeat

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