Capcom Producer Says He’s Seen Nothing for ‘Tekken X Street Fighter’

Amidst questions of on-disc DLC , online problems, and the intricacies disc-locked content all Street Fighter X Tekken fans really wanted to know was when the other part of the Capcom/Namco Bandai crossover, Tekken X Street Fighter , would release.

, would release. It’s been nearly two years since the publishing duo announced the projects, and since then we’ve seen almost nothing about Tekken X Street Fighter.

Most of the information we do know has come from Capcomdevelopers in regards to the project as a crossover, but nothing concrete has been revealed about Tekken X Street Fighter except that it’s coming. But developers tend to deal in secrecy when talking about their projects, so fans shouldn’t have anything to worry about right? Actually, there might be cause for concern.

According to an interview with Capcom’s Yoshinori Ono, Capcom hasn’t even seen a thing about the game — no screenshots or gameplay. There was an unspoken agreement between the two developers that after an initial meeting they would stay out of each other’s ways, but you’d have to figure there would be some sharing of concepts.

Ono even takes it a step further by saying that, based on Katsuhiro Harada’s track record, he wouldn’t be surprised if the game didn’t release until 2018. Namco’s Harada is definitely a developer who likes to take his time withprojects, almost the complete opposite of Capcom recently, but clearly Ono’s comments were meant as a joke.

Unfortunately, having not seen anything about the game is a cause for concern. One would think that Namcowould want to piggyback off the release of Street Fighter X Tekken and reveal some promotional materials to remind fighting game fans that another title is on the way.

Namco also has Tekken Tag Tournament 2 slated for this holiday, making the release of any news regarding Tekken X Street Fighter before year’s end pretty unlikely. Still, we hope the negative backlash over SFxT hasn’t discouraged Namco, or resulted in the project getting put on the backburner.

Do you think we will see Tekken X Street Fighter before 2018? Does it worry you that Namco hasn’t shown much for the game?

Source: The Guardian