Email personalization: How to stay out of the spam folder, lower unsubscribes, and increase revenue (webinar)

50 percent of people unsubscribe to email because the content is irrelevant, too frequent, or both.


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50 percent of people unsubscribe to email because the content is irrelevant, too frequent, or both. Join us as VB Director of Marketing Technology Stewart Rogers shares how personalization can ensure your emails live up to their massive potential — a potential too many are squandering.

The Chinese calendar may say 2016 is the year of the monkey, but for marketers 2016 is the year of personalization.

As one email service provider told VentureBeat, 2016 is the year where everything is about targeting, hyper-targeting, personalization, and relevancy. Now that may sound self-serving from a vendor, but when it comes to personalized emails, 257 of the email marketers we surveyed for our VentureBeat Insight reportshowed increased open rates and click-through rates by employing some form of personalization.

In fact, we learned that in some cases, average customer email click-through rate is 2.5 times higher using personalization, when compared with non-personalized emails. Not only that, revenue is an average 5.7 times higher!

With email personalization showing tremendous ROI value, it’s no wonder why 80 percent of marketers are now personalizing their emails. However, less than half use any other media such as social networks, web landing or home pages, display or search advertising, or in-app mobile messaging for personalization.

As well, even though the basic use of email personalization can have meaningful results — such as using a consumer’s name to increase the open rates by 26 percent — not utilizing personalization to its full potential is leaving serious money on the table. Just imagine how much higher the email open rates would be if the entire content was personalized and not just the name.

It’s important to deploy everything email personalization has to offer when email is experiencing declining click rates, and Silverpop reports users are unsubscribing from email lists because content is irrelevant, too frequent, or both. But for 89 percent of marketers polled in the 2015 Digital Marketer survey by Experian Marketing Services, mastering personalization is easier said than done with problems in internal resources, technology, and data quality.

Join us and discover the powerful benefits of email personalization — and how to execute it in the most effective way possible.

Don’t miss out.

In this webinar, you’ll learn how to: Narrow down customer interests and respond with content that is actionable and useful Target the right data to appeal to customers’ needs and desires Manage email frequency the right way Identify warning signs that you may have gotten a little too personal

Stewart Rogers , Director of Marketing Technology, VentureBeat


Wendy Schuchart , Analyst, VentureBeat

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