Playstation VR Could Become Compatible With PC

Just yesterday, Nikkei got to speak with Sony Computer Entertainment Executive Vice President Masayasu Ito.

Playstation VR Could Become Compatible With PC

got to speak with Sony Computer Entertainment Executive Vice President Masayasu Ito. Ito said that the VR is very similar to a computer. So, it could be possible that in the future Sony makes the VR compatible with the PC since they are so similar. At this time, Sony is not ready to make any announcements about this topic, but in the future this is what we might be treated to. However Ito did say “there will be an expansion into various fields.” So we can expect the VR to spread to multiple platforms.

The Playstation VR has already been selling very well. They expect to sell 1-2 million units by the end of the year. Playstation VR so far is the best deal on a VR on the market since it is at a reasonable price of $399. The Playstation VR is going to be released in October. Playstation made the games for their VR aimed towards a more western style gamer, so it is expected to not do too well in Eastern countries, but to do extremely well in Europe and the United States.

If Playstation is able to make their VR system compatible with PC, the demand for this already affordable VR will significantly increase over the competing ones since it is already reasonably priced and would be have multiple uses.