ARK: Survival Evolved Lawsuit Could Pull Game from Sale

ARK: Survival Evolved Lawsuit Could Pull Game from Sale

ARK: Survival Evolved developer Studio Wildcard is hit with a lawsuit from Trendy Entertainment that could halt the game’s development and pull it from Steam.

The popular early access title ARK: Survival Evolved could be in major legal trouble. As it turns out, Trendy Entertainment, the studio behind Dungeon Defenders , filed a lawsuit againstdeveloper Studio Wildcard in December, alleging that Trendy’s former creative director Jeremy Stieglitz has violated the no-compete clause in his contract by secretly working on ARK in a major capacity.

Stieglitz was one of the founders of Trendy, but wanted to depart from the studio after a scandal made headlines in June 2013. Employees from Trendy complained of a poor work environment, citing excessive overtime and sexism. Shortly after this news broke, Stieglitz was removed from the development of.

Stieglitz, unhappy with where he stood with Trendy, asked that he be released from his contract or that the company fire several individuals that made him uncomfortable. Eventually, an arrangement was made that saw Stieglitz’s three-year no compete clause reduced to one, and Stieglitz departed from Trendy.

Ark: Survival Evolved is Coming to Xbox One Next Week - T-Rex hunting

Ark: Survival Evolved is Coming to Xbox One Next Week - T-Rex hunting

However, according to Trendy’s lawsuit, Stieglitz actively attempted to recruit talent from Trendy to work at the new Studio Wildcard to work on online multiplayer dinosaur survival game ARK: Survival Evolved . Trendy’s lawsuit also accuses Stieglitz of working on ARK in a major creative capacity in secret, therefore violating the no-compete clause in his contract.

Studio Wildcard has not filed briefs in its own defense just yet, but the company’s lawyers have moved that the case be dismissed on the following grounds:

“Trendy’s Complaint reads more like a salacious tabloid story than a short and plain statement of the ultimate facts allegedly showing Trendy’s entitlement to relief, as required by the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. Many of the allegations are disparaging and included simply to be provocative. They are irrelevant, immaterial, impertinent, and scandalous. As such, these allegations should be stricken.”

Having said that, if the case isn’t dismissed by April 27th, ARK: Survival Evolved could be in serious trouble. It is on that day that the court will hear arguments regarding Trendy’s injunction to have development on ARK temporarily halted and the game pulled from Steam until the conflict is resolved. It is unknown at this point if the more popular Xbox One version of ARK will also be pulled from sale.

ARK: Survival Evolved Trailer Reveals Giant Beaver - ARK giant beavers

ARK: Survival Evolved Trailer Reveals Giant Beaver - ARK giant beavers

The lawsuit also doesn’t seem to specify whether or not those that already have the game would be able to continue playing it. However, one has to imagine that the servers would be taken down as well while the lawsuit continues, and especially if Trendy’s lawyers are able to prove that Stieglitz has indeed been working secretly on ARK . How this will impact player progress and ARK ‘s PvP spinoff gameremains to be seen.

ARK: Survival Evolved has proven to be one of the most popular early access titles to date, with ARK selling over 1 million copies on Steamalone. To have the game’s progress stalled at this stage in development would be devastating for Studio Wildcard, and would make it very unlikely that ARK: Survival Evolved would meet its planned full release date this June.

In the meantime, fans of ARK: Survival Evolved should keep their fingers crossed that the lawsuit isn’t dragged out. The longer it takes for it to be resolved, the longer that the game could potentially be pulled from sale. Unless the case is dismissed by next month, expect Trendy’s suggested injunction to be decided on April 27th.

ARK: Survival Evolved is expected to have its full release this June for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Source: Kotaku

Destiny April Update: Crucible, Iron Banner, Exotic Weapon Changes

Destiny April Update: Crucible, Iron Banner, Exotic Weapon Changes

In Bungie’s last reveal stream of the upcoming April Update, the developer details the weapon and subclass balancing coming to Destiny and making PvP more rewarding.

In less than a week, a lot of changes will be coming to Destiny . In the April Update, and what Bungie is calling the biggest update to Destiny since The Taken King , players will have a new Light level capto reach and new PvE contentto complete.

Today, Bungie discussed changes coming to the Crucible and the game’s “sandbox,” or the balance of weapons, subclasses, and how certain mechanics of the the gameplay work. Here’s a list of the major changes coming in the April Update:

Increasing Crucible Rewards

Fans have noticed a lack of loot drops post-match in the Crucible, especially since the launch of The Taken King . In the April Update, Bungie will increasing the drop rate for Legendary loot after a PvP match. In addition, the weekly Crucible bounty that players can pick up from Shaxx and complete will drop up to 335 Light items. The new Sterling Treasure boxesthat contain new gear will also be earned for completing one match in the weekly Crucible playlist.

Destiny Crucible Titan Shotgun

Destiny Crucible Titan Shotgun

Bungie is also looking to make its special PvP events Trials of Osiris and Iron Banner more rewarding as well. Completing Trials of Osiris bounties will now award up to 330 Light gear with the Lighthouse chest (for those who can go Flawless) dropping up to 335 Light gear.

As for Iron Banner, Rank 3 and 5 packages will contain up to 320 Light items. In addition, players should see an increase in Iron Bannergear drops post-match as random Legendary engrams will be removed from the loot table and replaced with a drop of Iron Banner items.


Revives in PvP modes like Trials of Osiris and Skirmish are also getting a tweak that should make them longer and harder to complete. The change is also set to curb “sprinting revives,” where players with fast-revive armor (i.e. Crest of Alpha Lupi) were able to run past a fallen teammate and get the revive quickly.

Post-April Update, revives will take longer (even with fast-revive armor), players will have to be closer to an orb to be able to revive, the shield gained by completing a res will be weaker, and revive timers will be increased to intervals of 7 seconds instead of 5 seconds.

Special and Heavy Ammo

Bungie reversed the previous Special Ammo nerfand will add Special Ammo back to players at spawn; however, Special Ammo won’t spawn in until three minutes into the match, doubling the previous spawn timer.

Destiny Sniper

Destiny Sniper

Heavy Ammo will also be more precious, now only spawning once per match at the five minute mark.

In addition, players have been able to get around the previous Special Ammo nerf using an exploit with Icebreaker and sidearms. That will be patched in the April Update, making it so players will not get full magazines when switching from those weapons.

Weapon Balancing

The April Update will be tweaking some, but not all, classes of weapons:

Slight damage nerf on High Rate of Fire Auto Rifles Slight damage buff on Low Rate of Fire Auto Rifles Fusion Rifles will get increased Stability and shots will be grouped tighter Hand Cannons will get an increased ammo reserve Sniper Rifles are getting a Stability nerf, the three short range scopes will have increased zoom, and ADS speed will be slower

Some exotics are also getting some attention: The Last Word’s hip fire damage will be nerfed Icebreaker will get decreased Handling and slower ADS speed (it remains a Year 1 weapon) Hawkmoon’s Range will be increased, also resulting in increased Accuracy MIDA Multi-Tool will no longer have High-Caliber Rounds and the Flinch experienced by players being hit by it will be reduced Dreg’s Promise’s rounds will now track enemies when ADS Telesto is being fixed in that projectiles can stick to friendly players but will no longer damage them SUROS Regime – Focused Fire now also increases range and the Spinning Up perk takes longer to take effect Thorn’s Damage Over Time poison will be decreased by one hit point per tick and the green effect that obstructs hit players’ view will be reduced


The last class to go under the design knife was the Titan class. This time, Warlocks are getting adjusted.

Destiny Stormcaller Warlock Pose

Destiny Stormcaller Warlock Pose

Fans expected a major nerf to Sunsingers, but those expectations were slightly unmet. The most common complaint is the powerful nature of the Sunsinger’s Firebolt grenade paired with Viking Funeral, which can obliterate enemies in the Crucible. That combo will remain untouched. Instead, Flame Shield will take longer to charge and the length of Radiance during Fireborn (self-res) will be reduced.

Stormcallers Landfall ability will no longer destroy Titan Defender bubbles and its blinding effect will be reduced. The subclass’s super, Stormtrance, will also drain more quickly.

Voidwalkers are actually getting a buff – Energy Drain will be more efficient, allowing it to charge the Voidwalker’s abilities faster.

Bungie says everything revealed these past three weeks are the highlights, but there will be more revealed in the Patch Notes that will come out the day of the April Update, April 12.

What do you think of the changes coming to Destiny ‘s gameplay in the April Update?

Source: GameInformer

Destiny’s April Update Adds Gear and Weapon Effects, Taken Armor Set

Destiny’s April Update Adds Gear and Weapon Effects, Taken Armor Set

Bungie reveals the new loot Destiny players can earn in the upcoming April Update, which includes new armor sets, armor and weapon effects, and a new Taken armor set.

Today, in the second of three Twitch revealsfor Destiny ‘s April Update, Bungie showed off the new gear fans will be grinding for when the new update drops.

When the April Update is pushed to Destiny on April 12, players will have new Faction gear to earn, however it won’t be available directly from the Faction vendors in the Tower. Instead the only way to earn the new armor will be through Faction packagesthat players earn at each new level of reputation with each Faction.

Sometimes those packages can be few and far between depending on how much a player grinds, but Bungie said mid-stream that players will notice an increase in the frequency of those drops. The developer didn’t go into full detail, but it appears players will be leveling up much quicker with the Factions come April 12.

Destiny Dead Orbit Chroma

Destiny Dead Orbit Chroma

With those new Faction sets of armor comes a new visual effect that adds a bit of customization to player’s gear. Bungie is calling it Chroma, which adds a colored glow to armor. Each piece of armor has its own Chroma color so players can mix, match, and enable it on whichever individual armor pieces they choose. Chroma also applies to new weapons coming in the update.

Chroma comes in red, blue, white, and yellow. The color is randomly decided like the rest of an armor piece’s stats; however, it’s possible to reroll which Chroma color a piece of armor has for 100 Glimmer.

Bungie also showed off a set of Taken armor. When the developer teased the image of the armor, many thought it would be a Taken shaderthat could be applied to any gear; however it is instead a collectible armor set. The path to getting that gear has to do with a new item called Sterling Treasure. Players will earn Sterling Treasure in the April Update in a few ways: the Postmaster will give one out every week, the new Level 41 Prison of Elders, and from completing one match in the Weekly Crucible Playlist.

Destiny Taken Ship

Destiny Taken Ship

The Taken armor and another set called Spektar, as well as a new Taken ship, will drop from opening Sterling Treasure. Sterling Treasure can also be purchased from Eververse via microtransactions.

Furthermore, completing the weekly scorecard in the new Challenge of the Elders mode will net players new maxed Light gear from Variks, while other unique weapons and armor — like a new Taken sword heavy weapon — will drop inside of the new Strikes coming in the April Update.

There are a lot of new things to earn in the April Update, which should keep Destiny fans busy for a little while as they wait for the promised large expansion coming this fall.

The April Update is free for anyone with The Taken King expansion, and will hit Destiny April 12th.

What do you think of the new gear coming to Destiny ? Will the April Update get you back on the loot grind?

Source: Bungie

Destiny April Update Brings a PlayStation-Exclusive Quest and Reward

Destiny April Update Brings a PlayStation-Exclusive Quest and Reward

Destiny fans playing on PlayStation consoles will receive an exclusive quest and reward in Destiny ‘s April Update, continuing the history of Destiny exclusives on PlayStation.

Since the launch of Destiny in September of 2014, those playing on PlayStation consoles have always gotten in-game exclusives. Activision and Bungie have been in partnership with Sony even before Destiny ‘s release, and it looks as though that isn’t going to stop anytime soon.

Bungie has revealed that in the free April Update—which is bringing a revamped Prison of Eldersmode, a new Light level cap, as well as a new Strikeand mission—players can visit Petra Venj in the Reef to collect a new exclusive Quest which will end in a “unique reward.”

April Update PS Exclusive Quest

April Update PS Exclusive Quest

There’s no way to know the entirety of the new Quest, but the first step was shown on screen during Bungie’s April Update reveal stream. The first step will send players to the Court of Oryxaboard the Dreadnaught on a collection quest.

Kill Champions (aka bosses) in the Court of Oryx to gather Essence with higher level Champions dropping more Essence. Once that’s done, players will move on to the Quest’s next step. But to know what that is, fans will have to wait until April 12th, when the April Update is pushed to Destiny .

Bungie’s community manager, David Dague (also known as DeeJ) said that Petra’s Quest will be a PlayStation exclusive “for the time being.” It appears that like many of the exclusives that PlayStation players have received in the past in Destiny , this one will also be timed.

There’s no word on when it will be available to Destiny players on Xbox consoles. In the past, PlayStation exclusives have remained so for a year.

However, there was a Quest in The Taken King that was unlocked by purchasing a can of Destiny promotional Red Bull, and that unlocked for all users about three months after The Taken King launched. So there’s the possibility that Xbox players could get it sooner than a year.

Destiny ‘s PlayStation exclusives started back before the game even came out with the First Look Alpha, which was only on PlayStation 4. In its first year, content like the weapon Hawkmoon, the Exodus Blue Crucible map, and the Psion Flayer Strike were exclusive. Xbox players didn’t get their hands on those items until The Taken King was released. That has continued into 2016 with Iron Banner gear only availableon Sony’s consoles.

We’ll know more about this Quest when the free April Update hits all consoles April 12.

What do you think about PlayStation players receiving more exclusive content in Destiny ‘s April Update? Let us know in the comments!

Source: Bungie

Some Destiny Year 1 Exotics and Legendary Weapons Are Returning in Year 2

Some Destiny Year 1 Exotics and Legendary Weapons Are Returning in Year 2

Bungie reveals that a number of fan-favorite Exotics and Legendary weapons in Destiny are making a comeback in the April Update at the new Year 2 power levels.

Destiny fans who have some favorite weapons from the first year ofmay be happy to hear that a number of the popular Exotics and Legendary weapons from Destiny ‘s Year 1 will be updated to new Year 2 power levels. Once the April Update hits on April 12, players will be able to earn this updated gear.

During Bungie’s reveal stream today showing off the new armor and weapons coming in the April Update, the developer showed off a newly expanded Vault which contained some old favorite Legendary weapons.

This is a bit unique for Bungie to do, because (while the House of Wolves expansion offered a way to bring any old favoriteLegendaries from the past up to the new level cap) the developer drew a hard line in the sand when The Taken King was released. In fact, the developer stated that, aside of refreshed Exotics, Year 1 weapons would be left behind.

Destiny Year 1 Weapons April Update

Destiny Year 1 Weapons April Update

So it was a bit of a surprise when the reveal came today that some Legendary weapons would be making the jump. However, unlike what happened with House of Wolves , Bungie is very much controlling which new updated Legendaries get into the loot pool. Undoubtedly, Bungie doesn’t want to throw the doors wide open again and have every person running around with a max-Light Fatebringer again.

Bungie is revealing a number of the exotics coming with the April Update via the official Destiny Instagram. We will continue to update the list as more are posted. fusion rifle Purifier Robes Warlock chest armor Patience and Time sniper rifle Lucky Raspberry Hunter chest armor Hunter helmet Lord of Wolves shotgun ACD/0 Feedback Fence Titan gauntlets Khepri’s Sting Hunter gauntlets Sunbreakers Warlock gauntlets The Glasshouse Titan helmet Dreg’s Promise sidearm

As for the Legendary weapons, the ones that have been confirmed are: Shadow Price auto rifle Lord High Fixer hand cannon Badger CCL scout rifle The Devil You Know hand cannon LDR-5001 sniper rifle Y-09 Longbow Synthesis sniper rifle The Comedian shotgun The Swarm heavy machine gun Zombie Apocalypse WF47 heavy machine gun

Both the Exotics and the Legendaries will only be obtainable from loot drops and by decrypting engrams. All of them will also have the ability to be Infused up to the new 335 Light level cap.

The April Update is free for anyone with The Taken King expansion, and will be released April 12.

Tell us which one of your favorite Exotics or Legendaries is returning to Destiny with the April Update in the comments below!

Source: Bungie

Destiny’s New PlayStation Exclusive Weapon Revealed

Destiny’s New PlayStation Exclusive Weapon Revealed

Developers for Bungie’s action-MMO Destiny reveal an exclusive weapon for the sci-fi shooter that will only be available to fans on PlayStation platforms.

According to a tweet from the official PlayStation Twitter account, fans who play Destiny on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 soon be receiving a new Exotic gun called the Zen Meteor sniper rifle. As it happens, the weapon will be available for Guardians in less than two weeks on April 12, 2016, which coincides with the month’s major update for the game, labelled as Patch 2.2.0.

Although not much is known about the actual specs of‘s Zen Meteor sniper rifle, its description definitely makes it sound like a formidable piece of equipment. Regarding the weapon, developers for the action-MMO have written, “Complete awareness, complete focus. A mind sharpened by diligence to a single deadly point” to give it an air of mystique and to reflect a sense of tranquility that can only come from years of discipline.

With Destiny ‘s Zen Meteor sniper rifle only being experienced by fans playing on Sony’s systems upon its release, they will also be privy to a PlayStation-exclusive quest. Naturally, gamers on other platforms might feel a bit left out, but the April update is also set to bring about a smorgasbord of new gear, weapon effects, and Taken armor sets, which will be available for all consoles, including Xbox 360 and Xbox One. Furthermore, developers have made sure that fans will stay busy by also including a newly revamped Strike that features Taken enemies.

Guardians, meet Zen Meteor, a new PlayStation-exclusive Exotic sniper rifle coming to @DestinyTheGameon April 12.

— PlayStation (@PlayStation) April 1, 2016

Perhaps most importantly, though, Bungie also revealed that Destiny ‘s April update will increase the Light Level cap to 335, giving Guardians a little bit more room to grind their way out of the current ceiling of 320. Not to mention, for those fans of the title who wish to add an additional challenge to their gameplay while also making screenshots and recorded video streams look more appealing, Destiny ‘s community manager David “DeeJ” Dague recently revealed it will be receiving a no HUD mode.

Circling back to the root of the matter, even though Destiny ‘s Zen Meteor sniper rifle won’t be available to Xbox fans at first, it doesn’t mean that this will always be the case. After all, some of the game’s earlier PS4-exclusive content came to Xbox One, albeit with a sizable waiting period. At any rate, we will just have to exercise patience and see if Bungie goes on to offer up the new Exotic weapon to all platforms in the future.

What do you think about Bungie only offering the Zen Meteor Sniper Rifle to Destiny ‘s PlayStation players? Do you believe developers might eventually make it available for Xbox consoles as well? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Destiny is out now and is available for PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Source: PlayStation – Twitter(via GameSpot)

Destiny April Update Includes Revamped Prison of Elders

Destiny April Update Includes Revamped Prison of Elders

Bungie reveals new PvE content coming to Destiny in the April Update arriving April 12, which includes a entirely revamped Prison of Elders endgame activity.

Today, Bungie previewed Destiny ‘s April Update, which will bring new activities to do, new gear to earn, and a new level cap to reach. There was a lot of speculationabout what could be coming to Destiny next month, but at least some of the new PvE content players will get their hands on April 12 has been revealed.

Bungie traveled back to The Reef, the new public space that debuted in the House of Wolves expansion, but which hasn’t served much of a purpose since the Tower and its vendors got an overhaulin The Taken King . Coming in the April Update are n ew Bounties, Questlines, one new mission, one new Strike, and the Prison of Elders has been brought to endgame levels with a new challenge mode.

Variks will be the main quest giver in the April Update. The Prison of Elders will now have a mode that is at Level 41 and recommended . For those worried about whether they will be able to compete, the new Light level has been raised to Light 335. In order to get to the new cap, however, players will be required to play the new Challenge of the Elders variant of Prison of Elders.

Winter's Run April Update

Winter's Run April Update

For those who have yet to hit the current 320 level cap, the Level 41 Prison of Elders will award gear to take players up to 320. At that point, players can jump into the 320 Challenge of the Elders mode, which is a 3-round mode. Each round is a boss round, which introduces bosses fans will recognize from the old Prison of Elders, some of whom appear in Taken form with new abilities.

To reach the new 335 level cap, players will need to pick up a new item from Variks called the Elders’ Sigil. The Elders’ Sigil is like a scorecard from Trials of Osiris that keeps track of a players high score and cumulative score, with a new modifier attached each week. During each of the rounds, the team will work towards that high score, preferably by focusing on the modifier (the example shown was a precision modifier). Fill up that scorecard and Variks will award guaranteed 335 armor (for reaching the cumulative score goal) and weapons (for reaching the high schore goal).

A scorecard can only be filled up once per week, so players will have to play weekly for a while to get every piece of gear at 335. However, players can continue to play Prison of Eldersas much as they want during the week and higher-level loot has a chance of dropping.

Variks also has new bounties to pick up, which will rotate weekly and are completed by playing Prison of Elders. Also, the Prison of Elders now features checkpoints, so teams can stop at any round and pick back up where they left off.

What do you think of Prison of Elders coming back in the April Update? Will it get you on the weekly Destiny grind again?

Destiny: PlayStation Players Get Exclusive Events, Gear, & More in 2016

Destiny: PlayStation Players Get Exclusive Events, Gear, & More in 2016

Destiny developer Bungie is doubling down on its partnership with Sony by announcing PlayStation exclusive content fo r Year 2.

Year 2. While the recently announced Sparrow Racing League will be platform agnostic, Sony today revealed that PS gamers will gain access to exclusive events, gear, and other rewards throughout 2016.

Obviously, PlayStation exclusives are nothing new to Destiny players, but those typically manifested in the form of a few exotic weapons, a new Strike, and a couple multiplayer maps. For The Taken King, however, it sounds as if PS4 gamers will have exclusive access to even more new story content, which will, in turn, unlock new rewards.

News of the PlayStation exclusive Destiny content comes by way of the PlayStation Experience, where Sony’s Adam Boyes revealed that even the monthly Iron Banner PvP eventwould feature PlayStation exclusive items. It was hard to get a clear look at it, but it appears PS users will gain access to their own sets of Iron Banner gear at some point next year. How they will be able to earn it – either through regular progression or simply all at once – was not revealed.

Without a clear idea as to the scope of the PlayStation content, it’s hard to say what Xbox owners might be missing out on. After all, these announcements were made at a Sony press conference, and therefore it’s in the company’s best interest to tout their exclusive content. That being said, Xbox players have every right to feel a little shunned, especially if these exclusive rewards carry better perks or if the events are not slated to hit Microsoft’s platform at some point.

Destiny Iron Banner Clash Mode

Destiny Iron Banner Clash Mode

But while the promise of a Sparrow Racing League and new PlayStation exclusive events is sure to get the Destiny fan base excited, there still feels like something is missing. Bungie has yet to detail future plans for Destiny , mainly those that pertain to DLC expansions. The hope was that the PlayStation Experience might be the time and place to make such announcements, but clearly that was not the case. DLC will have to wait for another day.

However, with a Golgoroth Challengeslated to hit next week and the Oryx Challenge following in two weeks, there’s still plenty for Destiny players to engross themselves in. And hopefully by the time January rolls around, we will have a better idea as to what Destiny ’s future looks like in 2016.

How do you feel about the PlayStation exclusive content for Destiny ? What do you hope to see?

Destiny: The Taken King is out now for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Gears of War 4 Developer Calls Sequel ‘Graphical Showcase’ for Xbox One

Gears of War 4 Developer Calls Sequel ‘Graphical Showcase’ for Xbox One

The Coalition studio head Rod Fergusson says Gears of War 4 will be a ‘graphical showcase’ for the Xbox One much like the original was a showcase for the 360.

While most Xbox and Microsoft fans are surely looking forward to the release of Gears of War 4 , few know what to expect from the fourth numbered entryin the series. There are the obvious assumptions – tight cover shooter, Locust enemy types, strong heroes – but thus far developer The Coalition(formerly Black Tusk) hasn’t influenced those expectations too much. Until now.

While speaking with Official Xbox Magazine , Coalition studio head Rod Fergusson left Xbox One fans with an exciting tease. Granted, he didn’t reveal anything about the gameplay, story, or scope of Gears of War 4 , but he did say that the game will be a “graphical showcase for the Xbox One.”

Fergusson points to the original Gears of War as being a visual showpiece for the Xbox 360 back when it released in 2006 and believes this fourth game will be the same on its new platform nearly 10 years later. Few can deny that Gears of War impressed when it burst onto the scene, setting a new benchmark for cover shooters wrapped in a very violent aesthetic. No matter how players shake it, the game looked good at the time.

“Like how the original Gears of War was a visual showcase for the Xbox 360, Gears of War 4 will be a graphical showcase for the Xbox One.”

Obviously, any time a developer mentions graphics, especially in a manner that suggests “cream of the crop” visuals, gamers are bound to pay attention. At the end of the day, video games are a visual medium, and every gamer hopes that their favorite experiences look good, in addition to playing well.

Xbox One's 5 Most Exciting Upcoming Exclusives - Gears of War 4 Kait and JD

Xbox One's 5 Most Exciting Upcoming Exclusives - Gears of War 4 Kait and JD

As far as Gears of War 4 goes, the expectation is that the game will be the premiere Xbox One experience in every sense of the word. Much like Halo 5: Guardians , fans hope that the console exclusive third person shooter will show off the Xbox’s power in a way multiplatform games simply can’t.

As far as how Coalition plans to do that is yet to be determined. What we’ve seen of the game thus far is only a small demo at E3 2015that, while visually solid, didn’t necessarily blow anyone away. It was a better looking version of Gears of War, but without spending more time with the sequel it’s hard to evaluate the finer details.

Nevertheless, there’s no doubt 2016 will feature plenty of exciting Gears of War 4 reveals, including an E3 2016 presentation packed full of new content. The only way the game can truly live up to claims of it being a graphical showcase is if Microsoft actively shows it off.

Gears of War 4 is slated to release in 2016 for Xbox One.

Source: OXM (via Nerd Leaks)

Microsoft Exec: Gears of War 4 is ‘Mind-Blowing’

Microsoft Exec: Gears of War 4 is ‘Mind-Blowing’

The Coalition producer Rod Fergusson shows off some Gears of War 4 gameplay for Xbox marketing exec Aaron Greenberg, and the response was very positive.

When Xbox boss Phil Spencer was shown some new Gears of War 4 footagelast week, he was reportedly blown away and stated that developers The Coalition were making “stunning progress” on the game. This week saw The Coalition studio head Rod Fergusson show off some moregameplay to Xbox marketing executive Aaron Greenberg, and the response was also incredibly positive.

Fergusson tweeted he had shown Greenberg some new Gears of War 4 footage, to which Greenberg replied, saying that his “mind was blown” and that the game is in “very good hands” at The Coalition. With Fergusson having recently commented that will be a “graphical showcase”, it appears that his words are holding strong for the moment, at least to the important executives at Xbox. The Twitter exchange between Fergusson and Greenberg can be seen below:

This time @aarongreenbergfinally got to see the latest Gears 4 gameplay.— Rod Fergusson (@GearsViking) March 5, 2016

Yes my mind was blown today thanks to @GearsVikingtrust me @GearsofWar4 in VERY good hands. #BETAUPNEXT— Aaron Greenberg (@aarongreenberg) March 5, 2016

Based on the positive comments so far, it appears that Gears of War 4 is living up to the hype and anticipation. Not only is Gears of War 4 looking to set a new graphical benchmark again for games everywhere, but the upcoming game will return to its roots by allowing gamers to play 2-player co-op once again, something which is bound to please long-time Gears fans. In fact, the progress made on Gears of War 4 has impressed Cliff Bleszinskiso much that the lead designer of the original Gears of War trilogy recently took to Twitter to share his positive thoughts.

While not much new gameplay footage has some out since that stunning Gears of War 4 E3 2015 trailer, it is almost certain that gamers will see some new Gears of War 4 material very soon, especially with the game’s scheduled 2016 launch date looming on the horizon. Having promised more Gears of War 4 news soon, perhaps some new light will soon be shed on the new protagonist JD, that awesome unnamed female protagonist, and those mysterious new enemies who have replaced the Locasts as humanity’s latest threat.

It’s little surprise that Gears of War 4 is one of 2016’s most anticipated titles, and with the likes of Gears, Quantum Break , Cobalt , and Halo Wars 2 on list of 2016 Xbox One exclusive games, it looks like this year is shaping up to be a big one for Gears of War and Xbox fans.

Gears of War 4 is scheduled for launch in 2016 for Xbox One.

Source: GameSpot

New ‘DOOM’ Is A Full Reboot; First Details From QuakeCon

New ‘DOOM’ Is A Full Reboot; First Details From QuakeCon

It’s no longer a headline to say that the DOOM series has lost much of its footing or perceived legendary status in the eyes of gamers.

series has lost much of its footing or perceived legendary status in the eyes of gamers. Groundbreaking, innovative, or unbelievably ambitious shooters have continued to stun and delight fans year after year, leaving id Software‘s signature demonic shooting spree in the dust. The developer is looking to change all that, having unveiled the game for QuakeCon attendees, promising a complete “reimagining” of the original games.

Essentially positioning the new DOOM as a reboot or “origin game” – hence the title DOOM , as opposed to DOOM 4 – speaks volumes to just how much id and Bethesda feel that the franchise must once again prove why it deserves to surviveamong fiercer competition than ever before. The company is clearly not straying too far from the source material, as the teaser trailer for the upcoming “reimagining” showed that it would still be set on the surface of Mars, and would once again hinge on the fusion of demonic flesh and futuristic machinery.

As details leak out from QuakeCon attendees who were privy to the unveiling, it’s clear that Bethesda sees success in emphasizing the series’ continued dedication to blood, guts, gore, and grotesque enemies that seem more at home in a nightmare than a space station or Mars facility. And reboot or not, DOOM is still not a shooter aimed at the squeamish.

New Doom Game Reboot QuakeCon

New Doom Game Reboot QuakeCon

Focusing on early gameplay footage (with the developers claiming it will run at 1080p and at 60 fps on next-gen systems), the demo featured melee weapons, chainsaws, shotguns, and plasma rifles. The threshold for brutality is still not an issue, as one segment of gameplay required the player tear off a facility guard’s arm in order to use his palm to unlock a section of the base.

Again, the first showing is anything but a surprise: players can expect to traverse a space facility, dispatching demons of all shapes and sizes, and being granted an arsenal to allow them to do it in myriad ways. Skeptics will need to wait until id or Bethesda release assets to the public, but for now, it seems that the developers know that more than blood or guts, what they most need to succeed is an angle .

Last year, the same critics saying that DOOM had run its course were saying the same about Wolfenstein , another holdover from the earliest days of PC shooters. Wolfenstein: The New Order changed all that (read our review), and it didn’t do it by either abandoning its bullet-frenzy roots or returning to them. The New Order simply charted a new course and kept to it, with its personality turning heads, and already shifting conversation towards a sequelfor the revitalized brand.

Wolfenstein New Order Launch Trailer

Wolfenstein New Order Launch Trailer

Will DOOM be able to pull off the same feat? Only time will tell. But if id Software intends to make it a next-gen showpiece from a technical angle (developed using the new idTech 6 Engine), they will certainly be helping their chances.

We’ll keep you updated as more details are released, but what are your hopes for a reimagined DOOM ? Do you think the franchise could still attract an audience, or is it too anchored in the past to return to its former glory? Sound off in the comments.

DOOM is currently in development for the PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Source: vg24/7

Destiny April Update Increases Light Level Cap to 335

Destiny April Update Increases Light Level Cap to 335

As part of their first of three livestreams, Destiny developer Bungie reveals that the April update will raise the light level cap from the current cap of 320 to 335.

As promised, Bungie had more to say about theirfor Destiny in the first of three Twitch streams. The first, titled Things to Do, covered the new activities and missions that will be available with the update, including a revamped version of the Prison of Elders.

In addition to new activities, which will include the Blighted Chalice quest line, Bungie will raise Destiny ’s light level cap from 320 to 335. Players will be able to hit the new level cap by completing the Challenge of the Elders and earning both new armor and new weapons.

It’s worth mentioning, though, that like any of Destiny ’s major endgame content, there is a weekly lockout on top tier drops. Only once per week will players be able to fill out their Prison of Elders scorecard, called an Elder’s Sigil, in both the ‘High Score’ and ‘Cumulative Score’ categories. Hitting the High Score will unlock a random light level 335 weapon, while hitting the Cumulative Score will unlock an armor piece.

As far as how that light level 335 gear will differ from past gear, Bungie wouldn’t say too much, but they did tease a new set of nodes in the weapon upgrade path. Based on what we could glean, it seems as though weapons may carry a visual modifier that slightly alters their look. In the case of the sniper rifle shown during the livestream, there was a ‘Red Chroma’ option briefly on-screen.

However, while Bungie has raised the light level cap to 335, there doesn’t appear to be a clear path to that cap just yet. While Destiny players can unlock 335 armor and weapons, there was no mention made of either Ghosts or Class Items, meaning most players will likely hover around the 330 mark in a few weeks. Hopefully, Bungie introduces a method for earning Ghosts and Class Items shortly after the April update, like they did with Sparrow Racing Leagueand Crimson Days.

Destiny Prison of Elders - Taken Fallen

Destiny Prison of Elders - Taken Fallen

Ultimately, raising the light level cap in Destiny is a small carrot on a stick for players who have been craving new content. The return of Prison of Eldershas drawn a mixed response from fans, especially since the mode was never quite as popular as Bungie hoped it would be the first time around.

Nevertheless, new content is new content and it will likely bring the players back in droves regardless. A new light level cap is always an incentive to play more, and the challenges will help facilitate that. The only question is whether or not getting to light level 335 will feel as satisfying as hitting 320 did in The Taken King.

Destiny ’s April Update releases April 12, 2016 for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Forza Motorsport 6 Review

Forza Motorsport 6 Review

As the series celebrates its tenth anniversary, Forza Motorsport 6 demonstrates that Turn 10 has found the ideal balance of sim gameplay and accessibility.

Ever since the first installment of Forza Motorsport launched in 2005, it was clear that the franchise was a very particular effort on the part of Microsoft to compete with Sony’s Gran Turismo . As of Forza Motorsport 6 , however, the premier racing experience on Xbox consoles has managed to establish its own identity.

The difficulty in developing a sim racer comes from the fact that, by definition, this sort of game isn’t going to be as immediately satisfying as its arcade counterpart. These games are frequently more technical than the lighter racing games out there, which can be off-putting for the novice player. However, while the intricacies of a game like Gran Turismo can overwhelm a driver just starting out,smartly gives the player a massive amount of control over their experience. Everything from steering assists to ABS can be enabled or disabled to make sure that the sim experience is tailored to the abilities of the individual.

Forza Motorsport 6 Rio Forza Motorsport 6 RioVivid locations make every track in Forza Motorsport 6 feel distinct.

This means that players can tweak things to be a bit more forgiving if they are new to the series or the genre, then gradually alter settings as they become more confident in their abilities. Difficulty options are directly tied to the credits players receive while completing races, which ties their progress to tangible rewards.

That’s all par for the course for the Forza series, but the latest installment adds a new wrinkle to proceedings with the introduction of mods. Earned through a timely booster pack system — one that’s completely viable without the use of real-world money — these mods leverage the game’s massive set of difficulty options to produce new challenges. For instance, one mod might offer the player a 10% increase in their winnings so long as they commit to ‘immersive’ settings, where the cockpit camera is the default and the racing line display is turned off. Many players might dodge these options in normal circumstances, so offering them as a one-off test of skill makes a lot of sense.

Mods give players a reason to try out different difficulty options, as well as offering other tweaks on the game’s driving mechanics — both benefits like increased grip and impediments like increased weight. They might seem like a small addition to the game, but the mechanic offers up plenty of potential for replayability. However, that’s not to say that there’s any shortage of content in Forza Motorsport 6 . With more than 450 cars to take for a spinaround some 25 tracks, there’s plenty of driving on offer, with a hefty campaign mode spanning five different types of motorsport acting as the centerpiece.

Forza Motorsport 6 E3 Forza Motorsport 6 E3Wet conditions make for a graphical showcase in-game, with impressive raindrop effects and well implemented puddles.

That being said, the game’s Showcase Events deserve special attention. In the franchise’s sister series Forza Horizon , these challenges often seemed like more of a graphical showcase than a compelling bit of gameplay — players were typically challenged with racing an unusual rival, like a hot air balloon or a train. But here, things are a lot more engaging. One Showcase Event might put you behind the wheel of a super high-end race car and challenge you to compete at high speeds, whereas another might find you in a hatchback navigating a more technical cone course. There’s plenty of variety, and some really gripping challenges to be found.

These events also feature some Top Gear branding and use of The Stig from the popular BBC show. Earlier this year, the company had a well-publicized split with the program’s hosts, so their appearances in this game are divorced from any references to Top Gear as well as possible. It’s rather awkward, but it’s understandable given the context. In fact, the hosts’ spoken blurbs on the various different types of car available add a great deal to the impressive presentation that permeates Forza Motorsport 6 . From a very modern opening sequence that puts the player straight into the action, to the well-designed and easily navigable menu system, this is a very polished game throughout.

Forza Motorsport 6 rain effect Forza Motorsport 6 rain effectThe immersive cockpit camera option is well worth trying out, but it’s not for everyone.

That visual appeal carries over to the title’s gorgeous graphics. A game like this is always expected to be a showcase for the console it’s being played on, but the fidelity on offer here is more than just ego-stroking for the Xbox One. The realism it contributes helps produce a wholly engrossing driving experience. Seeing raindrops hit the car’s windshield as it speeds around a track offers great immersion, and the feeling of hitting a deep puddle reflects that on the gameplay side of the equation. Forza Motorsport 6 looks terrific, but that’s backed up by driving that’s just as impressive.

This is a game that’s sure to satisfy longtime fans of the series — but it also has the potential to grow its audience considerably. If players have never been able to get into a sim racing game before, Forza Motorsport 6 is a great place to start, but there’s plenty here to test an expert as well.


Forza Motorsport 6 releases September 15, 2015 for Xbox One. Game Rant was provided an Xbox One code for this review.

Nintendo Refutes Claims It Will Stop Manufacturing Wii U in 2016

Nintendo Refutes Claims It Will Stop Manufacturing Wii U in 2016

Nintendo refutes earlier reports that the company plans to discontinue production on its struggling Wii U console by the end of 2016 in favor of their upcoming NX hardware.

Rumors began swirling yesterday in regards to Nintendo halting production on the struggling Wii Uby the end of 2016, a console that launched just a shade over three years ago. While the news may be disappointing to Nintendo fans, with rumors pointing to a potential 2016 release for its next consolecodenamed NX and the continued struggling Wii U sales numbers, the move isn’t terribly surprising. Apparently, Nintendo isn’t as ready to call it quits with the Wii U as initially reported.

“This isn’t an announcement from our company. From the next quarter and thereafter as well, production is scheduled to continue.”

Speaking with the Japanese magazine Famitsu, a spokesman for Nintendo openly denied these reports and asserted that no such announcement has been made by the company. Nintendo also went on to confirm that the company is planning on manufacturing the Wii Uwell into the next term and beyond. This line of thinking isn’t surprising considering that Nintendo has also stated publicly that it plans to support both the Wii U and NXat the same time.

Wii U Console

Wii U Console

The original reports indicated that the lack of software, struggling sales, and a belief that the console wouldn’t be able to recover are the driving forces behind cutting production entirely. It is worth noting that recent titles like Super Mario Maker and Splatoon have driven new hardware sales, even causing shortages in some places. That’s not to say that the console will smash sales predictions going forward, but it does show that quality games can drive sales for just about any piece of hardware.

Even if Nintendo does intend on continuing production for the Wii U console well into the future, the biggest problem facing the system at this point is the lack of software. When compared to both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, the currently known release line upis quite slim with only a few major first party offerings like Star Fox Zero and the mysterious Legend of Zelda Wii U revealed to be arriving in 2016. Without meaningful software to purchase or something to look forward to, Nintendo may have an even tougher time justifying the console price to consumers, especially with people being aware that Nintendo is in the process of introducing a brand new piece of hardware with the NX.

There’s no denying that the Wii U hasn’t lived up to expectations, even if trying to live up to the massively successfully Wii was somewhat unrealistic. The system just recently broke 12.6 million units solda few months ago, which sounds great on paper, but it falls well short of the current numbers posted by the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, which also launched essentially a year after the Wii U. Complicating the matter further is that Nintendo originally predicted the console to sell at least 25 million unitsin its lifetime, a number which appears to be unreachable at this point. It’ll be interesting to see how Nintendo plans to try and reinvigorate the fanbase before the launch of the Nintendo NX console.

Are you a current Wii U owner and are you planning on supporting the NX? What would it take for you to pick up a Nintendo console again? Let us know your feelings on the subject below in the comments.

Source: IGN(via Famitsu)

Nintendo Refutes Claims It Will Stop Manufacturing Wii U in 2016

Nintendo Refutes Claims It Will Stop Manufacturing Wii U in 2016

Nintendo refutes earlier reports that the company plans to discontinue production on its struggling Wii U console by the end of 2016 in favor of their upcoming NX hardware.

Rumors began swirling yesterday in regards to Nintendo halting production on the struggling Wii Uby the end of 2016, a console that launched just a shade over three years ago. While the news may be disappointing to Nintendo fans, with rumors pointing to a potential 2016 release for its next consolecodenamed NX and the continued struggling Wii U sales numbers, the move isn’t terribly surprising. Apparently, Nintendo isn’t as ready to call it quits with the Wii U as initially reported.

“This isn’t an announcement from our company. From the next quarter and thereafter as well, production is scheduled to continue.”

Speaking with the Japanese magazine Famitsu, a spokesman for Nintendo openly denied these reports and asserted that no such announcement has been made by the company. Nintendo also went on to confirm that the company is planning on manufacturing the Wii Uwell into the next term and beyond. This line of thinking isn’t surprising considering that Nintendo has also stated publicly that it plans to support both the Wii U and NXat the same time.

Wii U Console

Wii U Console

The original reports indicated that the lack of software, struggling sales, and a belief that the console wouldn’t be able to recover are the driving forces behind cutting production entirely. It is worth noting that recent titles like Super Mario Maker and Splatoon have driven new hardware sales, even causing shortages in some places. That’s not to say that the console will smash sales predictions going forward, but it does show that quality games can drive sales for just about any piece of hardware.

Even if Nintendo does intend on continuing production for the Wii U console well into the future, the biggest problem facing the system at this point is the lack of software. When compared to both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, the currently known release line upis quite slim with only a few major first party offerings like Star Fox Zero and the mysterious Legend of Zelda Wii U revealed to be arriving in 2016. Without meaningful software to purchase or something to look forward to, Nintendo may have an even tougher time justifying the console price to consumers, especially with people being aware that Nintendo is in the process of introducing a brand new piece of hardware with the NX.

There’s no denying that the Wii U hasn’t lived up to expectations, even if trying to live up to the massively successfully Wii was somewhat unrealistic. The system just recently broke 12.6 million units solda few months ago, which sounds great on paper, but it falls well short of the current numbers posted by the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, which also launched essentially a year after the Wii U. Complicating the matter further is that Nintendo originally predicted the console to sell at least 25 million unitsin its lifetime, a number which appears to be unreachable at this point. It’ll be interesting to see how Nintendo plans to try and reinvigorate the fanbase before the launch of the Nintendo NX console.

Are you a current Wii U owner and are you planning on supporting the NX? What would it take for you to pick up a Nintendo console again? Let us know your feelings on the subject below in the comments.

Source: IGN(via Famitsu)

Free Fallout 4 Themed Cars Added to Forza 6 as DLC

Free Fallout 4 Themed Cars Added to Forza 6 as DLC

Starting today, Forza Motorsport 6 allows players to download 2 vehicles themed around Fallout 4 , beginning with a Vault-Tec inspired 1956 Ford F100 truck.

Turn 10 Studios has announced that they are planning to release two Fallout 4 themed cars for its racing simulation game, Forza Motorsport 6 . Releasing today November 4th, 6 days before the release of Bethesda’s latest post-apocalyptic role-playing game, Forza Motorsport players will have access to a 1956 Ford F100, styled after the Fallout franchise.

The truck’s design consists of a rusted version of Vault-Tec’s iconic blue and yellow color scheme and features the company’s mascot Vault Boy on the doors. According to developers Turn 10, the “retro-futuristic Vault-Tec themed Fallout 4 F100 will be sent to all Forza 6 players in celebration of the game’s launch.”

Xbox released the following trailer for the F100 today, suggesting that players take it for a spin to celebrate the release of Fallout 4 next week. The trailer contains footage of the car in-game as well as a still image of the game’s second Fallout themed car at the end.

A Chrysler Rocket coupe – described as “the future of speed” – will also be available to players soon but more information on the second car is yet to be released. The two cars will add to the game’s already impressive roster of vehicles. Forza Motorsport 6 is not the first in its series to contain a vehicle that is based on a video game as Motorsport 4 contained a non-drivable Warthogfrom the Halo franchise in an effort to advertise Halo 4 .

Todd Howard, Game Director at Bethesda Game Studios commented:

“Everyone asks us if you can drive the cars in Fallout 4 , and now we can say yes – in Forza , our favorite racing game”

This is not the first example of Bethesda’s intuitive marketingfor Fallout 4 and over the last few weeks we’ve seen many attempts at advertising the upcoming role-playing game, including yesterday’s release of the Fallout C.H.A.T. appwhich adds a range of Fallout emoji and GIFs to Android and iOS mobile devices.

Fallout 4 , which set to release on November 10th, has been drawing a lot of attention online as some crafty fans have managed to get their hands on early copies, leading to a significant amount of footage and details leakingall over the internet. To further add to the excitement, Bethesda have just released a number of screenshots, highlighting the post-apocalyptic RPG’s lighting, environment and weather effectsin the Boston wasteland.

The Vault-Tec themed 1956 Ford F100 is available today, November 4th for Forza Motorsport 6 . See our review of the racing game here.

New Leak Suggests Nintendo NX Will Launch in 2016 with Zelda

New Leak Suggests Nintendo NX Will Launch in 2016 with Zelda

The same leak that outed Pokemon Sun and Moon points to the Nintendo NX launching in 2016, along with the new Legend of Zelda game in development for Wii U.

Earlier this week, a leak on NeoGAF prematurely revealed Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon , the next two rumored games in Nintendo’s mega popular Pokemon franchise, and many paid attention but were cautiously optimistic. However, now that Pokemon Sun and Moon are real, the leak is starting look a lot more legitimate, and its talk of Nintendo NX is being looked at more closely.

Besides the leaks of Pokemon Sun and Moon , the post by NeoGAF user Trevelyan9999 – itself apparently based on Nintendo’s US marketing budget for 2016 – also claims that the Nintendo NXwill release by the end of the year. While that may seem early to some considering the Wii U just released in 2012, this isn’t the first time that we’ve heard of the NX possibly releasing this year. In fact, a previous rumor pointed to the Nintendo NX releasing as early as July.

The leak also suggests that the NX will have a killer launch title in the form of The Legend of Zelda for Wii U, provided the game doesn’t release any earlier than fall. Ever since Nintendo delayed The Legend of Zelda for Wii U to 2016, many have speculated that the game’s development may jump ship to the NX in order to give the new console an especially strong launch title, and this leak corroborates those theories. However, the post by Trevelyan9999 indicates that the new Zelda will release on both the Wii U and NX in 2016, so Wii U owners shouldn’t feel slighted.

link new legend of zelda wii u

link new legend of zelda wii u

Since the official announcement of Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon earlier today, Trevelyan9999 has removed articles about this report from his website, along with videos from his YouTube channel. Trevelyan9999 has not stated why he decided to do this, but it is a possibility that Nintendo has cracked down with its lawyers in an attempt to suppress the leaked information.

Even though this leaked information is given new legitimacy thanks to the announcement of Pokemon Sun and Moon , it should still be taken with a grain of salt. Plans change all the time, and until Nintendo confirms the information from the report, it should all be considered as rumors.

In the meantime, unless Nintendo uses a future Nintendo Directto unveil the NX, it seems like a safe bet that gamers will get a look at the console when E3 rolls around, regardless of if it releases in 2016 or not.

Do you think that Nintendo will launch the NX in 2016? Would you buy the system if it launched with the new Zelda game? Let us know your thoughts on Nintendo and the Nintendo NX console in the comments below.

The Nintendo NX currently lacks an official release date.

Source: Kotaku

How Nintendo Should Handle Super Smash Bros. on NX

How Nintendo Should Handle Super Smash Bros. on NX

In the wake of news pertaining to the final DLC for the ever-popular Super Smash Bros.

In the wake of news pertaining to the final DLC for the ever-popular Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS, one editor gives his take on the next core installment.

As one of the biggest franchises at Nintendo’s disposal, Super Smash Bros. has set itself up as the de facto video game for the biggest crossovers in the industry. With what has undeniably become the most diverse roster of gaming icons in history, it comes as no surprise that fans were eagerly talking about and playing the games well after their respective launch dates. Now, with DLC coming to an endand a brand new console on the horizon, I’ve started wondering just how Nintendo will go about topping the latest iteration.

The reality is, with a roster wrapping up at a whopping 58 fighters, there is nowhere for a new entry to go but down. Given the standard development time allotted for the game, with development usually kicking off at about 2 years out from launch, there simply isn’t enough time to completely rebuild the fighting game with all of the currently included characters. Instead, with mass production for the NXallegedly set to kick off at the end of Q1 2016, the only logical thing to do would be portto the forthcoming platform.

It’s evident that Nintendo is far from done with the franchise given how well the titles sold across both the 3DS and Wii U platforms. Despite claims of uncertainty regarding future iterations from the series’ creator, Masahiro Sakurai, more games will inevitably happen. That said, the existing installment has garnered so much excitement over the years that it’s safe to say that fans aren’t willing to say their goodbyes to it just yet. It’s for this reason that a port seems the most likely, especially considering that the aforementioned Wii U looks as if it won’t be afforded a full life cycle as a result of its less-than-stellar sales.

So, how would the house of Mario handle repurposing and reselling a port of the latest Smash ? It’s quite simple, actually. Including all of the followup DLC is understandably a given, making the final package’s rights issues for late additions like Cloud Strifeand Bayonettaa much easier task in and of itself when it comes time to sit down at the bargaining table. Plus, the loyal followers that have been grabbing every minute offering of content won’t be met with a third platform to buy the current set of additional add-ons on – giving them a definitive edition of the fan-favorite fighter in the process.

While having all of the content in one, convenient package is sure to appeal to any diehard fans, there has to be a real reason for passive consumers to upgrade as well. The thought of buying into the same game for the third time isn’t all that enthralling, but adding in a handful of additional incentives makes it a much more alluring piece of software. The immediately obvious thing: bring back the Ice Climbers. It’s well-documented that the fan-favorite duo were up and running on the Wii U version before being axedas a result of their inability to operate properly on the underpowered 3DS. With the NX, presumably, being a more powerful piece of hardware, bringing them back will be an immediate draw for dedicate Smashers.

Having one or two veterans return in the port will immediately get the fan base talking (with Ice Climbers being a clear-cut favorite that have already had some work put into them), and throwing in a few new and previously 3DS-exclusive stages certainly wouldn’t be a poor choice either. Of course, a newcomer is always something that turns heads, and in the wake of the now shuttered Smash Ballot there’s little doubt that the Big N knows exactly which mascots are the most desired amongst the most dedicated of fans. We have a few ideas of who we’d like to see, but the likes of Corrin have been enough to keep us on our toes when it comes down to speculation.

What’s going to keep gamers engaged, however, is post-launch support in a very similar fashion to what’s been made available thus far. Continuously releasing a string of additional fighters over the weeks and months following the port’s release mimics a similar strategy toor, and it’ll keep fans spending money for as long as Ninty is willing to crank out content. It’s an easy way to continue making moolah and it requires minimal staffing to keep afloat, making it an ideal situation for an excitable audience that’s keen on seeing as many crossovers as possible.

Competitive fans hoping for GameCube controller support won’t be left hanging either, as the adapter that allows just that compatibility on the Wii U plugs directly into a USB port – something that the Nintendo NX is very likely to have. Add in some way to scan the currently available amiibo for the fighting game, and players will be able to import their sparring partners with relative ease. Better yet, it makes room for additional amiibo releases through every newcomer/scrapped veteran that joins the fray down the line.

Finally, it can help stack the launch lineup of the new platform. If Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo NX is one of even a handful of other titles, one of which could possibly be Pikmin 4 , then gamers will understandably be more enticed to grab the new platform on day one. With development on DLC fighters wrapping up this February with both Bayonetta and Corrin, it’s far from out of the question that a version would be up and running on the hardware in time for the NX’s launch window. All that would be left following that are the window dressings in the form of any additional combatants and battlegrounds.

It’s inevitable that Smash Bros. will continue, but waiting years to see a New Challenger Approaching video doesn’t benefit anyone. Instead, the system in place appears to have been lucrative from the perspectives of both the ever-present fan base and Nintendo, and this seems like the best route to take for those willing to build on the existing experience rather than lose some fighters and content in the transition to new hardware.

Paper Mario: Color Splash Revealed for Wii U

Paper Mario: Color Splash Revealed for Wii U

Nintendo reveals a brand new Paper Mario title, with the paint and color-themed Paper Mario: Color Splash expected to be released for Wii U this year.

Theseries has become one of the most loved spin-offs of the iconic Super Mario franchise. Originally acting as a follow-up to SNES classic Super Mario RPG , the series has since become a staple for Nintendo consoles. Now, the publisher has revealed that another Paper Mario game is set for release, in the form of Paper Mario: Color Splash .

The news of the upcoming title was announced during the recent Nintendo Direct broadcast, with Nintendo explaining a little about the game in question. According to the broadcast,will take Mario to a place called Prism Island, which is being mysteriously drained of its color. Thankfully, the heroic plumber is able to restore color to the island through the use of his paint hammer.

By using the hammer, Mario can bring color back to the world, hitting objects in the environment that have been turned a ghostly white. What’s more, the paint hammer can also be used on characters, and is able to revive toads that have been drained of their color by the nefarious goings on over on Prism Island. The game’s battle system, meanwhile, revolves around Mario painting cards, and flipping them to start the battle.

Paper Mario Wii U

Paper Mario Wii U

The reveal of Paper Mario: Color Splash by Nintendo confirms previous rumorsthat another Paper Mario game was on the cards. Last month, several reliable sources within the gaming industry suggested that Nintendo was working on the localization of another game in the franchise, and it’s now clear that those rumors were correct. Even the release date proved to be accurate, with Paper Mario: Color Splash set to release at some point in 2016 for the Wii U.

The Paper Mario series has been busy of late. Earlier this year, the 2D Mario made his was on to the 3DS for the first time, crossing over into the world of Mario & Luigi to co-star in Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam . However, although the game continued the wacky and enjoyable funof the previous games in the series, it felt as though the opportunity to make interesting changes to the formula had been missed, in spite of the Paper Mario inclusion.

Hopefully, Paper Mario: Color Splash will have more luck at bringing some unique gaming moments to Nintendo fans. At the moment, the title certainly seems interesting, with both the design of the location and the idea of Mario returning an island to its former glory reminiscent of Gamecube release Super Mario Sunshine . Let’s hope that the game proves to be as fun as its initial premise.

Paper Mario: Color Splash is set for release for Wii U in 2016.

Source: IGN

Rumor: New Super Smash Bros. Set To Launch Alongside Nintendo NX

Rumor: New Super Smash Bros. Set To Launch Alongside Nintendo NX

A consultant for Katan Games Ltd.

A consultant for Katan Games Ltd. reports that Bandai Namco is allegedly hard at work on a new Super Smash Bros. title for Nintendo’s mysterious NX console.

As one of the largest properties at Nintendo’s disposal, Super Smash Bros. has cemented itself as a classic go-to game amongst casual players and critics alike. Following the success of the latest iterations of the franchise on both the Wii U and 3DS platforms, it comes as no surprise to hear that there are plans to have it continue on the Big N’s next platform, the Nintendo NX. What may be surprising to some though, is that it’s said to currently be in development at Bandai Namco and is being positioned as a launch game for the system.

According to recent tweets from Serkan Toto, the CEO of Japan-based game industry consultancy Katan Games, the nextgame is well into development for the NX. Toto claims that a reliable and anonymous source has confirmed these reports to him, and his stature within the gaming industry is the entire basis for this article’s creation in the first place. Still, it should be taken with a truckload of salt, as we can’t confirm the report ourselves.

While Toto seems adamant that his sources are spot on, he wasn’t able to determine if the next Smash game will be a brand new iteration of the series or if it will simply be a port of the recent Wii U installment that’s been reformatted for new hardware.

Bandai Namco is currently developing several NX titles. Smash Bros is planned to be a launch title. I am not sure about the date - yet ;).

— Dr. Serkan Toto (@serkantoto) January 28, 2016

To follow up on my last tweet: I haven't heard if it's a completely new (numbered) Smash Bros or not. Otherwise, source situation is solid.— Dr. Serkan Toto (@serkantoto) January 28, 2016

If reports are to be believed, the handheld portion of NX will launch by the end of this year, which means that a tried and true home console version of Smash Bros. may not be in the cards until 2017. Regardless, it was always evident that the series would continue, but what form the next entry will take still remains to be seen. The quick turnaround for the rumored project seems to suggest that a remaster of sorts is in the cards – something that we suggested Nintendo should do for Smash on NX– but it’s all just speculation at this point in time.

Nintendo plans on revealing a great deal of information on the NX in the coming months, which should hold many interesting tidbits for fans of the company (i.e. new software, specs, controller design, etc.). Whether or not that near future holds specific details on the next Super Smash Bros. game remains to be seen, but fans still have the final batch of DLC (Bayonetta and Corrin)to look forward to in just a few weeks.

Source: Serkan Toto – Twitter (1),

The Division Players Find New Raid DLC Area?

The Division Players Find New Raid DLC Area?

Following in the example of those who glitched into Tom Clancy’s The Division ‘s Last Stronghold Operation raid area, one player discovers what may be another raid location.

Now that Tom Clancy’s The Division has been out for a few weeks, players have had more than enough time to explore every inch of the game’s New York City map. But it appears that‘s huge map isn’t enough for some players, and a number of players have started using glitches and tricks to explore beyond the game’s normal confines. This has lead to some interesting discoveries and some not-so-interesting discoveries, such as the dead-end tunnel in the Last Stronghold area. However, the latest glitch-assisted discovery from one player has proven to be one of most intriguing yet.

YouTuber King Gothalionspent some time exploring the north-western edges of the map near the Dante’s Run safe-house, and he managed to glitch himself into a new area using the mobile cover skill. Rather than discovering something akin to the Last Stronghold’s underwhelming dead-end tunnel, this north-western dock area is essentially-completed, and completely available for exploration.

More intriguingly, this newly discovered dock area contains a massive battleship in the background. Given that multi-group raidsare expected to be introduced into The Division soon, there has been some speculation over where these future Operations are going to take place. Based on the amount of completed assets present in this sizable walled-off area, there is potential for some exciting PvE shenanigans, and Ubisoft probably would rather use this battleship location for a future raid rather than let it sit untouched.

For those wanting to know how to glitch themselves into what may be the next Operation raid area, check out King Gothalion’s video right here.

It’s not just this battleship area that has been discovered in a near-complete state. Just a few weeks ago, some players have managed to find a fully explorable secret Central Park area, indicating that Ubisoft definitely has something up its sleeve regarding The Division ‘s post-launch DLC content. With large chunks of The Division ‘s map locked off and yet in a playable state of completion, it’s definitely not outside the realm of possibility that currently inaccessibly areas – like Brooklyn– are being saved for future Operation raids or DLC expansions.

While we can speculate all we want as to what’s in store for The Division ‘s endgame raid content, we’ll just have to wait until next week for Ubisoft’s raid “Special Report” broadcast.

Tom Clancy’s The Division is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Source: YouTube

The Division Update 1.1 Patch is Deleting Players’ Agents

The Division Update 1.1 Patch is Deleting Players’ Agents

The Division ‘s Update 1.1 patch releases, but instead of accessing the new Incursions content, some gamers are reporting that their Agents have been deleted.

The Division has seen its share of bugs since its launch, but the latest one is leaving many gamers extremely upset. The latest patch is apparently having an unintended consequence, deleting gamers’ agents entirely from the game.

subreddit, one player of The Division on Xbox One complained that his character, with 150 hours of play time, simply vanished after installing The Division ‘s Update 1.1 patchand restarting the game. Since then, dozens of players on the Xbox One have chimed in, also having lost their characters entirely. The Division ‘s developer, Massive Entertainment, is aware of the problem, and is taking reports on the subreddit to try and narrow down what’s causing the problem.

Unfortunately for Xbox One players, there’s no specific information at this time to help gamers to avoid this problem. Some Redditors have said that they encountered a Delta or Mike error message prior to restarting the game or shutting down their Xbox One, and that when they next started up The Division their character was gone. However, other players have stated that they’ve received these error messages on shutdown from day one of the game’s release, so it remains unclear if this error message has any ties to the problem.

the division team standoff

the division team standoff

While bugs that inconvenience gamers like The Division ‘s daily missions being brokenare pretty typical for a game of this size and scope, some of The Division ‘s problems are unforgiveable. Massive Entertainment only just recently discovered the cause of some players being entirely locked out of The Division , nearly a whole month after the game launched. While Massive has promised to heavily penalize or even ban gamers who are found cheatingor employing glitches to progress in The Division , so far they’ve had a lackluster performance in fixing problems that prevent players from playing the game entirely, or from losing their hard-earned progress in the game.

With any luck, this problem will be fixed quickly and Xbox One gamers will be able to access the game again. It’s reasonable to presume that there are regular backups made on the game’s servers, so hopefully the Agents these gamers have lost are intact, just inaccessible for the moment. However, as with most backups, there’s no guarantee that every minute of the player’s progress has been saved; some may have to roll back to a slightly earlier iteration of their character.

The Division has received rave reviews from gamers and reviewers alike, but due to its online-only gameplay, many gamers have been left completely unable to play The Division due to the login bugor this latest mishap. Massive Entertainment and Ubisoft created a game that is fun to play and rivals games like Destiny , but blunders like these are tarnishing The Division ‘s reputation.

Have you lost your Agent in The Division ? Tell us what you’re thinking in the comments.

The Division is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: Reddit

Division Guide: How to Beat the Falcon Lost Incursion

Division Guide: How to Beat the Falcon Lost Incursion

With The Division’s first Incursion now available to gamers, Game Rant provides players with a handy guide on how to beat the already-notorious Falcon Lost.

Since its release last month, Ubisoft’s MMO shooter The Division has drawn in a huge number of gamers with the promise of exciting combat in the shell of an infection-riddenMidtown Manhattan. Although the game launched with a fairly impressive amount of content, plenty of players have been waiting for one specific feature to arrive. Now that April’s 1.1 update is now available, gamers can now make use of the game’s first Incursion.

Dubbed Falcon Lost,players will no doubt be familiar with the Incursion already. After all, Ubisoft has released an extensive preview trailer, showcasing exactly what gamers might expect from the Incursion. However, with the feature now available, some may feel a little overwhelmed with what’s on offer. Thankfully, this guide will hopefully provide any players with a run-through of exactly what is needed.

After all, The Division’s players have already been warned that Falcon Lost is tough. Even the developers themselves have found it a struggle to beat, with the game’s lead designer admitting last week that no-one had managed to beat itby that point. Because of this, it’s recommended that users don’t go in to Falcon Lost expecting for it to be a cakewalk with weak gear, and a gear score of at least 140 is recommended.

The Division Falcon Lost

The Division Falcon Lost

Equally, the player’s build could also be a factor in success in this debut Incursion. Falcon Lost is primarily made up of a fairly large arena, meaning that users may want to avoid skills focusing on close-range combat. Falcon Lost revolves around defeating waves of enemies, and with 15 rounds to get through, it’s definitely worth bringing along some allies with medical skills – dying is pretty likely, so being able to quickly revive squad members is a massive bonus.

When it comes to the gameplay itself, however, it pays to be smart. Although the end goal is to destroy the enemy APC, it’s not just the occasional barrage that players need to dodge; in fact, there are plenty of other enemies to take out. Avoid the large open areas of the map, and rather than keeping a squad constantly moving, it’s much better to find a solid vantage point to tactically take out the waves. heading upstairs is a good bet, with the upper right canopy offering up a strong, defendable position.

The Division Incursions Gear Set Bonuses

The Division Incursions Gear Set Bonuses

The APC itself cannot be defeated with the player’s conventional weapons. Instead, the team needs to pick up explosives dropped by certain NPCs among enemy waves. These then need to be planted on the APC itself to deal damage – but watch out for turrets and drones. The turrets either side of the APC will need to be turned off, with switches on the walls in the small rooms both sides of the APC itself. Make sure to provide supporting fire for whoever is taking the explosives to the drop, too, and when the explosive has been planted, head back in to cover very quickly, as the APC will start launching deadly explosive rounds.

As previously mentioned, the explosives will not drop in each and every wave of enemies. Instead, the explosives will start dropping in wave 4, with more explosives coming in wave 8, wave 11, and wave 15. Keep an eye out for amber lights above doorways – these will help players predict where the next way will come from. Given that there are a full 15 waves to defeat, keeping an eye on ammunition is also key. There are drops available down below the ramp, but since this may prove to be a dangerous move, it might be worth taking the ammo cache support modification skill.

The final round is certainly the most dangerous of the lot, as enemies will keep spawning until the explosive has been planted. However, once the final explosive has been set, the APC will be destroyed. Then, all that’s left is for the players to pick up the sweet, sweet gearthat will drop with this Incursion.

And that’s it. This guide will hopefully have proved useful for those looking for a helping hand in just how to beat Falcon Lost. Be warned, though: this Incursion is certainly a challenge. Then again, it’s surely a better alternative to those who lost their agents through a bug in the 1.1 patch.

The Division is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

