Rumor: New Super Smash Bros. Set To Launch Alongside Nintendo NX

A consultant for Katan Games Ltd.

A consultant for Katan Games Ltd. reports that Bandai Namco is allegedly hard at work on a new Super Smash Bros. title for Nintendo’s mysterious NX console.

As one of the largest properties at Nintendo’s disposal, Super Smash Bros. has cemented itself as a classic go-to game amongst casual players and critics alike. Following the success of the latest iterations of the franchise on both the Wii U and 3DS platforms, it comes as no surprise to hear that there are plans to have it continue on the Big N’s next platform, the Nintendo NX. What may be surprising to some though, is that it’s said to currently be in development at Bandai Namco and is being positioned as a launch game for the system.

According to recent tweets from Serkan Toto, the CEO of Japan-based game industry consultancy Katan Games, the nextgame is well into development for the NX. Toto claims that a reliable and anonymous source has confirmed these reports to him, and his stature within the gaming industry is the entire basis for this article’s creation in the first place. Still, it should be taken with a truckload of salt, as we can’t confirm the report ourselves.

While Toto seems adamant that his sources are spot on, he wasn’t able to determine if the next Smash game will be a brand new iteration of the series or if it will simply be a port of the recent Wii U installment that’s been reformatted for new hardware.

Bandai Namco is currently developing several NX titles. Smash Bros is planned to be a launch title. I am not sure about the date - yet ;).

— Dr. Serkan Toto (@serkantoto) January 28, 2016

To follow up on my last tweet: I haven't heard if it's a completely new (numbered) Smash Bros or not. Otherwise, source situation is solid.— Dr. Serkan Toto (@serkantoto) January 28, 2016

If reports are to be believed, the handheld portion of NX will launch by the end of this year, which means that a tried and true home console version of Smash Bros. may not be in the cards until 2017. Regardless, it was always evident that the series would continue, but what form the next entry will take still remains to be seen. The quick turnaround for the rumored project seems to suggest that a remaster of sorts is in the cards – something that we suggested Nintendo should do for Smash on NX– but it’s all just speculation at this point in time.

Nintendo plans on revealing a great deal of information on the NX in the coming months, which should hold many interesting tidbits for fans of the company (i.e. new software, specs, controller design, etc.). Whether or not that near future holds specific details on the next Super Smash Bros. game remains to be seen, but fans still have the final batch of DLC (Bayonetta and Corrin)to look forward to in just a few weeks.

Source: Serkan Toto – Twitter (1),