Star Wars Battlefront Teases Upcoming Paid and Free Content

EA teases Star Wars Battlefront fans with the kind of free and paid content that is coming to the game in the next few months, including something to celebrate May the Fourth.

The current calendar year has been a busy one for EA and DICE, as each month has seen new content arrive for their online shooter. Last month, the first major expansion pack called Outer Rim arrived, adding a number of new features, maps, and characters to the game. With the next expansion set to arrive a few months from now, the developer wants to ensure that players have a good sense as to what’s coming in the meantime to keep the game going strong.

To keep the fanbase going strong through the wait between expansion packs, EA is planning a number of free pieces of content which include new in-game events such as double score weekends, community missions, and login events to help players earn more experience, credits, and items. In addition to new Hutt contractsand Star Cards, Star Wars Battlefront is going to be getting new content designed specifically for players who enjoying playing the game offline. Perhaps The Force Awakens actor, John Boyega, helped set this in motion after all.

Star Wars Battlefront Jabba DLC

Star Wars Battlefront Jabba DLC

EA also has a few plans to help celebrate the Star Wars specific holiday, May 4, though nothing was detailed specifically. According to the post, expect news soon.

Outside of these free additions, the next expansion pack known as Bespin is scheduled to arrive sometime in June. The pack brings four additional maps centered in Cloud City and landmarks like the carbonate chamber, as made famous by the classic Star Wars trilogy. While the Bespin expansion is also bringing new star cards and a new yet to be revealed game mode as well, EA revealed that the bounty hunter Dengar and the smooth talking, cape wearing smuggler Lando Calrissian are also joining the game. Four additional heroes will be added to the game with the remaining expansion packs, putting the total number of DLC characters at 8.

For Battlefront fans looking for something a little different, EA, DICE, and Lucasfilm announced a Star Wars Battlefront virtual reality experiencecoming exclusively to PlayStation VR. However, details during the GDC presentation were scarce so it is not known if this title is going to simple add a VR element to the existing experience or be completely reworked for the platform. Expect more details in the months ahead.

Are you still playing Star Wars Battlefront and is this surge of content enough to keep you playing through the spring time months? What else would you like to see EA and DICE do with the game going forward? Let us know in the comments below.

Star Wars Battlefront is available now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

Source: Star Wars Battlefront website