Destiny Raises King’s Fall Raid Drops to 330 Light Level

Destiny community manager DeeJ reveals that the King’s Fall raid and Court of Oryx will also drop better loot geared towards the higher light level in the April Update.

Fans of Destiny finally got some answers this week as Bungie used its new Twitch streaming session to pull the curtain back a bit about the big April content release. Entitled New Things To Do, the developer revealed that Prison of Elders is getting revamped with a higher level version and a new challenge mode to overcome. In addition, a new strike known as the Blighted Chalice and a retooled one with Winter’s Run will give Destiny fans even more to do. For many however, the raised light level to 335may be the most exciting aspect as this means players will need to go out and get all new gear.

Even though the RNG system in Destiny may not always work in the players favor, Bungie is adding some sure fire ways to score new gear with higher light levels. In the weekly newletter to fans, community manager David “DeeJ” Dague revealed that the studio forgot to mention a couple of items during their live stream earlier this week. The first big detail is that the King’s Fall raid will also be affected by the light level increase, potentially dropping items with light level 330 once the update hits. In addition, the long forgotten Court of Oryx areain The Dreadnaught will be a good spot for players to find artifacts with light levels up to 335.

Destiny blighted guardians

Destiny blighted guardians

Two additional streamsare planned prior to the April 12 update, each hitting on a Wednesday and detailing a new aspect to the update. While fans have already seen some of the new things they will be able to do, next week the focus will shift to new gear and items players can earn, followed by the last stream detailing all of the Crucible and sandbox changes and updates.

Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your preferred platform, the April update also comes with a PlayStation exclusive quest and rewardfrom Petra Venj. While the full quest was not shared during the stream, the first step was shown off live and tasked players with collecting essences from Court of Oryx champions eventually leading to new PlayStation exclusive gear. Like previous exclusives, the content is timed, so Xbox fans will get their hands on everything after a certain amount of time has passed.

Are you excited for this added content coming to the game next month or have you moved on from Destiny for good? We’re curious to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

Destiny ’s April Update releases on April 12, 2016 for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Source: Bungie

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