Destiny: Details on Xur’s New Three of Coins Item

In a little over 24 hours Destiny players the world over will jump head first into The Taken King, the first major expansion for Bungie’s hugely successful 2014 release .

. However, with so much to do when Destiny: The Taken King launches, many might not be sure where to start. There’s obviously a bulk of new story mission to complete, but where exactly fans dedicate their time, and what goals they set their sights on, might differ from player to player.

That being said, one thing seems pretty clear among the Destiny fan base: getting new gear and weapons is very important. The loot drops in the game have improved significantly since Destiny launched in September of last year, but there’s still a lot of randomness at play. Whether a rare item drops at the end of a mission or strike, or if something more valuable, like an exotic, drops can make all the difference.

Hoping to turn the tide in players’ favor, Bungie is introducing a new item for Destiny: The Taken King that many players might not know about. The consumable, dubbed the ‘Three of Coins’ hasn’t received as much attention as the Court of Oryx, the new exotic weapons, or the King’s Fall raid, but it’s no doubt going to be a useful asset in the hunt for new gear.

For those who might not be familiar, the Three of Coins is a new item sold by Xur, the weekly exotic vendor, and it can also be found during a Nightfall Strike. It’s unclear how much Xur will sell the Three of Coins for, but we doubt it will be cheap, especially considering how high demand for the item will be.

Destiny Three of Coins

Destiny Three of Coins

Essentially, the Three of Coins increases the chances that the next Ultra (that is, a named and armored enemy) will drop an exotic engram. It’s also stackable, meaning the use of additional Three of Coins will further increase the exotic drop rate potential.

There’s no doubt the Three of Coins will come in plenty handy when The Taken King launches on Tuesday. Players have maligned the randomness of Destiny ’s drop rates for a long time, but finally they will have an item to stack the deck in their favor. Moreover, the Three of Coins could potentially increase the odds of getting an exotic off a Strike boss without the Strike actually being a Weekly Heroic Playlist strikeor Nightfall.

While it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the amount of options at players’ fingertips when they first boot up Destiny: The Taken King , chances are things will revert to their usual routines quickly. Players will sink back into their weekly quest for new loot, only this time they will have a few consumables on their side. Look for more details on the Three of Coins when Xur first appears next Friday.

Destiny: The Taken King releases September 15, 2015 for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Source: Bungie DB (Image via Ammnra Creations)

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