Call of Duty Surpasses $3 Billion in Revenue

In a recent press release from Activision Blizzard, the Call of Duty franchise was touted as having earned more than $3 billion in retail sales worldwide.

call of duty movie

call of duty movie

franchise was touted as having earned more than $3 billion in retail sales worldwide. This milestone was made recently possible by the huge success of Modern Warfare 2 which brought in $550 million in the first five days. This just beat out the previous record holder Grand Theft Auto IV’s 5-day $500 million record.  The Call of Duty franchise as a whole has sold more than 55 million copies of its various titles worldwide.

Bobby Kotick, CEO of Activision Blizzard, acknowledged the success of the franchise saying:

“Call Of Duty has become one of the greatest entertainment franchises of all time. If you consider the number of hours our audiences are engaged in playing Call of Duty games, it is likely to be one of the most viewed of all entertainment experiences in modern history.”

Of all time . Now I’m sure Call of Duty is establishing itself as one of the greatest franchises, but I don’t think its recent success brings it up to the level of franchises like The Legend of Zelda or Final Fantasy just yet. Nevermind the success of Activision Blizzard’s own Blizzard franchises: Warcraft, Starcraft, and Diablo. That being said, with new DLC possibly coming out soon, the MW2 train isn’t going to be stopping anytime soon and we’ll continue to see new franchise installments on an annual basis.

How have you been enjoying the game so far, and do you think Bobby’s right about Call of Duty being one of the greatest?

Expect Call of Duty: World at War 2 next Fall.

Source: Activision