Call of Duty: Ghosts’ Trailer; Tech & Behind-The-Scenes Videos [Updated]

‘Call of Duty: Ghosts’ Trailer; Tech & Behind-The-Scenes Videos [Updated]
This year’s Call of Duty isn’t that far off and Activision is taking advantage of the launch of next-gen gaming consoles later this year to lift any creative restrictions Infinity Ward may have had if their next game were titled Modern Warfare 4 .

. Instead, Infinity Ward aims to lead the genre and build off of the advanced next-gen tech specs with a new game engine to launch a new series within a series with

During Microsoft’s long-awaited unveiling of the Xbox Onemoments ago, they closed the event with the reveal trailer for Call of Duty: Ghosts while also sharing details of the behind-the-scenes work going into this year’s installment.

Along with a partnership with the NFL that promises to “change the game” with Xbox One innovations ranging from interactive viewing of live events and integrated fantasy pools, Microsoft confirmed the continued partnership with game publisher Activision for timed exclusive DLC content for future Call of Duty titles. If timed DLC mattered on any game, it would be the best-selling, eSports savvy Call of Duty franchise and Microsoft is smart to take advantage and to highlight the title and agreement during their presentation which was otherwise, lacking on the video game side.

From the behind-the-scenes look at Call of Duty: Ghosts , we know the new story featuring a new set of charactersbegins with some catastrophic event where the government is now in disarray, overwhelmed by a “superiror force” and the super elite “Ghosts” are the compared to SEAL Team 6 and Spartans, but in this story are the underdogs.

Much like Battlefield 4 , a major focus on the game’s campaign will be to enhance the personal connection and emotions that players feel towards the characters and to help with that, Infinity Ward brought in Oscar winning writer Stephen Gaghan ( Traffic, Syrianna ) to help with the game’s story.

The single coolest feature however, stems from the unexpected details about the new companion character, a full-fledged four-legged member of the squad: a dog – A dog that’s motion-captured who fans will feel for and care about. As for the other gameplay features, they’re a mix between cool and much-needed when it comes to the AI and visual details from the new game engine, to totally unimpressive when it comes to dynamic maps and characters being able to leap over objects – features that we’ve literally seen for years in other games.

The dog should be on the Call of Duty: Ghosts cover, front and center. The dog saved the unveil. Update: Here’s the tech comparison video between Call of Duty: Ghosts and Modern Warfare 3.

Character customization in multiplayer is a much welcome feature, assuming it doesn’t rely on microtransactions. The focus for Infinity Ward however, rightfully remains on gameplay – but little FPS gameplay was displayed, so look forward to E3 where we will get a legitimate look at the 60 FPS trademark action up close and personal.

Call of Duty: Ghosts releases November 5, 2013 for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

Let me on Twitter @ rob_keyesif you think the dog should be on the game cover!